Where is the Justice?




Where is the protection for the child.  Is it always big bad daddy?  Why is the women always right?


It is a travesty and a shame to all good mothers when women get away with false allegations, and prevent fathers from becoming involved in their child's life.  It is immoral when a women uses her own anger and unresolved feelings to destroy father and child.


DHS must fully investigate this case and hold those accountable for the lies and obstruction of justice.


The only people being served by the system as it stands are the mothers, the lawyers, the court system, the government agencies such as DHHS, and all the surrounding businesses that bottom feed off  the way things are.


The only people being hurt are the fathers and the children, and they have rationally been the throwaways in any society. If we get rid of the men first , and then the existing children, (or at least brainwash them to the conquerors way of thinking) the women will follow, because their new children will be made by the conquerors and victors.


In all wars, pogroms, and acts of genocide, the men were removed first, and then the children were threatened. The women were raped and impregnated by the conquerors to form a new society that will carry on the programs of the victors.


Is the American justice system behaving so differently?


Nadine G. Mendelsohn-Ziskind

Director, Florida Citizens Against Paternity Fraud

President, 2nd Wives, DADS of Florida

Legislative Co-chair, DADS of Florida


