How much revenue does paternity fraud generate each year? 

Here is an approximate estimate:

There are about 270 million people in the United States

Approximately 49% of those are men.  That leaves around 130 million men

How many of the 130 million men have an order to pay child support?

Consider that a child support order can start when a male is 15 years old, and not end until he is well past retirement let’s assume that 25 million men have an order to pay child support. (These figures are approximate, as none of the state would give me that information).

Let’s assume that the average monthly child support payment is $400.00 a month or $400.00 x 12 months, which equals $4800.00 in child support paid per man each year.

Next we multiply the amount of men ordered to pay child support, 25 million X the collected yearly amount of $4800.00, which for the sake of argument, low.

OK math whizzes, how much is 25 million X $4800?

The answer is not blowing in the wind, it is $120 billion per year.

Now, according to figures from the National Association of Blood Banks, and other studies, about 33% of men who are ordered to pay child support are not the biological fathers of the children they are ordered to support.

What is 33% of $120 billion dollars a year?  It comes out to
$40 billion dollars a year!

$40 billion dollars a year in legalized fraud and questionable accounting procedures by your government. 

An amount that at the very least equals the fraud committed by Enron and World Com.

An amount that grows every year, as more men get caught in the paternity fraud trap. 

Why are the local and federal governments not investigating fraud among their own ranks?  Why is the government aiding and abetting fraud?

Every year at least $40 billion a year in money is collected by the perpetrators of fraud, the bio-mother, plus all the other costs involved, such as legal fees, court costs, and the surrounding industries that cater to Paternity Fraud. 

The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Branches of Government are decrying Enron, which only had about $1.5 billion  in faulty accounting spread out over several years; WorldCom, which defrauded its investors to the tune of $3.8 billion over 4 years; Xerox; who did about $1 billion in fraudulent accounting procedures over 4 years.

The revenue generated by fraudulent child support collections is increasing as more and more men enter the child support system and have no way out, even if they can prove with clear and convincing evidence that they are not the bio-dad of the children they are paying for.

President Bush is hot under the collar about fraud in business, and wants to strengthen the laws on accounting procedures, and hold the executives responsible.

Paternity Fraud Mothers continue to ask and receive increases in child support, courtesy of the judicial system, from the non-biological “father”.  Who do we hold accountable?

Do the math;

25 billion men times $400.00 per month times 12 months a year =
$120 billion per year.

$120 billion divided by 33% ( the number of men who are not the biodad) = $40 billion per year

Fraudulent Child Support Paid

Enron’s Fraud

WorldCom Fraud

Xerox Fraud

$40 billion per


$1.5 billion over

several years

$3.8 billion over

1.5 years

$1 billion over

4 years


The Department of Revenue for each state gets a bounty from the federal government for each dollar in child support collected.

WorldCom showed their operating expenses, a deficit, as capitol expenses, a profit. so that investors would think the company is making money. This is financial fraud.

With at least $40 billion dollars in child support revenue falsely collected each year why would the Government Agencies responsible for child support collections want to show a deficit?  After all, that would mean that the each state would receive that much less revenue and bounties from the Federal Government.

Who is the Fraud Winner? Who is “cooking the books?”

Yes ladies and gentleman, your very own local, state, and federal governments, and all 3 branches of the government rare in collusion with Paternity Fraud.

Will the 3 branches of government look to themselves for a proper accounting?

Wanna bet on it?

© 2002 Nadine G. Mendelsohn-Ziskind