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Womens Rights

My mum can't stand it. She really can't. I don't blame here, either. She grew up in the bra burning seventies, and she thinks I'm a chauvanist. That couldn't be much further from the truth. I just don't believe in womens rights the way they were constructed. I don't believe that men and women are equal. I believe men and women are different in every aspect short of being humans, therefore there isn't a way to make them equal. It's like trying to make a lemon as equal as a lime. They are from the same tree, but they are still with different flavour. Both lemon and lime are usefull, but for different dishes. Just like a man and a woman. A man is useful for certain things, a woman is useful for others, and neither could live without the other.

For thousands of years men had a role and women had a role. The roles were chose simply, since humans (probably) weren't so intelligent at those times; hence the whole world being flat thing. The roles were chosen thus: The woman had breasts to feed the infants and the infants were delicate and had to stay near the cave. In turn, the woman stayed near the cave with the baby to feed it. The man went out, killed the prey and brought it home for the family to eat. As the children grew the woman stayed at the cave, still, to teach the children about all the child would need to know before either going out to hunt as an adult male or birthing a child as an adult female.

These days things are different, of course. But, the same rule of thumb was carried on for thousands of years. Why? Because it was convenient. The woman can take care of the child and the house while the man worked to make sure the woman had all the supplies to do so. However, this was changed some years back by the Womens Right Movement. Which, was a good idea, in principal, but didn't fall through exactly as expected.

Women wanted equal rights so that they could vote, and work the same jobs as men, and be paid the same ammount as a man would. Today woman still get paid an average 16% less than a man doing the same job. So, millions of women joined the workforce. Times were desperate, women needed to work. They could no longer maintain a household on one income. Or may be they were living on their own. For the first time women were moving out on their own and becoming independant. Therefore they needed jobs to support themselves.

But, somehow the old rule of thumb has been abandoned! Women are now forced to work not only because two incomes is neccessary just to survive but also because it provides a certain social stature. Women are incouraged to be independant and venture away from the home whether there are children in it or not. Children come home to empty houses and since the time of the Womens Rights Movement juvenile crime rate has blown up over 500%! Not to mention there's no one to cook the dinners so entire families live off McDonalds and Taco Bell increasing the obesity rate dramatically.

I just believe that women are as important as men, no more, no less. But, at the same time, we all have roles to fill in life.
