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Male Dominance In Cereal

As in my previous cereal rant, WhiteWitch so cleary pointed out that Kellog's Rice Krispies have sugar in them already. Then pointed out the illogical name of Post's "Grape Nuts" Now, I can only come to one conclusion... All cereals have a little character, someone who promotes their flavoured cardboard. Be it, Captain Crunch, Count Chocula (WTF is he the count of?) Snap, Krackle, and Pop, Toucan Sam, Trix Rabbit(Poor guy, probably hit the bottle pretty hard), There is the Quaker man, and of course good ol' Lucky! From his freeze dried pieces of waste, that were passed off as marshmellows.

Now where does all this lead? They are all male! Name me on Female Cereal Mascot! I can't think of any popular ones! Now, what does this mean? Long long ago in a galaxy that is our own, in a time when everyone was a little dull. Men reigned supreme. I like women, most men do. Most men feel women to be capable of everything a man is. Some men are a little pig-headed though, and wish things would go back to the way they are. So by having male dominated cereals, we can only come to the conclusion that people will follow by example.

Or with the whole grape nuts... who has grape pussy? They want to turn us all gay, so the price of pink scarfs will sky rocket, and stores like will gain a tonne of profit.

-Whisky mystic