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1. Women need to talk to you. Its a way of connecting to you emotionally. You dont have to do anything unless she asks you, just listen to her and give her your undivided attention. A man does not need to talk that much but a woman must speak at least 20,000 words a day to be happy.

2. Women want and need lots of romance and affection. Romance will keep her spirit open to you. Its all the little ways you can find daily to let her know you care about her. Romance and sex go hand-in-hand, so if you want lots of sex give her all the romance and affection she wants and she will give you lots of sex. Its like keeping a car maintained well so it runs smoothly and without any major problems. If you want to be a great lover, be romantic. When a man focuses on romance instead of sex, she will respond to you and feel that she is the luckiest woman on the earth to have you in her life.

3. Sex for a woman takes longer than for a man. The average man can get aroused in two minutes but the average woman takes 22 minutes to get aroused. Give her lots of long, kisses. Touch her body all over. Massage and caress her. Be seductive and gentle yet strong. Explore her entire body. Hold her in your strong arms and tell her how much you love her after sex, maybe falling asleep this way.

4. Women need to hear daily how much you care about her. You can never tell a woman too much how much you love her or care about her. Tell her how wonderful she is, how much you love and adore her, how much you want her, and how lucky you are to have her in your life. Look in her eyes when you tell her this and say it with meaning.

5. Women need to be told daily how attractive they are. Tell her she is beautiful, how desirable she is to you, how much she turns you on, how sexy you think she is. Pay her compliments when she dresses up for you. Tell her how nice she looks and how proud you are to be seen in public with her. The more beautiful you make her feel, the more sexier and beautiful she will actually become. This will keep women from letting themselves go and gaining weight because if she feels sexy and beautiful she will want to be sexy and take care of herself.

6. Women want to be pampered, petted, and spoiled by a man. Buy her personal luxuries like sexy lingerie, nightgowns, cologne or perfume.

7. Women will shut down their spirit to you when you fuss and argue. To reopen her spirit to you, simply say, "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you." Say it and mean it and she will forgive you and her spirit will open back up to you then.

8. Respect and validate her feelings. She needs to feel honored by you. Dont tell her what she can or should feel. Just ask her what she is feeling and then look at her and listen as she tells you. She does not need you to fix her feelings, just listen is all.

9. Women need your respect. Appreciate all that she does for you. Honor her as a person. Never take her for granted. Dont judge or criticize her. Dont treat her mean or try to control her. Dont try to manipulate her. Never ignore her. Dont put her down in front of others. Always treat her like a lady and she will give you the respect you want back.

10. Women need to feel secure in a relationship. Let her know you will take care of her and provide for her. Let her know you will always be there for her and protect her. Hold her in your arms several times a day and tell her how much you care about your life together. The more secure you make her feel, the happier she will be.

11. Women need some of your valuable time and attention. Make plans to just spend some time with her and give her your undivided attention. Make a date with her at least once a week to go out. Have some fun! Go out to eat or to a movie or do something you both enjoy. Go off for weekends together. Go on a vacation at least once a year together.

12. Women want a man who makes them feel like a woman. Be hungry for her. Be passionate for her. Cherish her. Nourish her. Open doors for her. Pull out her chair at a restaurant when she sits down. Take out the garbage for her. Carry heavy bags for her. Be considerate of her feelings always. Be thoughtful. Make her feel very special to you and more important to you than anyone else.


1. Learn how to use your feminine graces and intuition. Always act and be beautiful in all situations. If you act ugly you will feel ugly. Your personal power is in your feminine graces. This can work magic in your relationships and make them seem charmed. Men and women never will be equals. Realize this and just enjoy being a feminine woman full of grace. Hearts will open to you effortlessly. Love, harmony, and friendship will flow. Learn to trust your intuition to give you any warnings. Any man will be thrilled to have this kind of woman in their life.

2. Men need to feel understood and accepted for who they are. They have emotions and hearts the same as women. They are just guarded well. Most men are not jerks but are nice men. They just need to be understood and accepted by their mate.

3. You are his only source of intimacy. When he opens up to you as his best friend, dont share these secrets with anyone else. Be his true confidant.

4. Sex is the only way a man knows how to be intimate. Sex is the main way a man shows his interest, caring, and love. This is why sex is the major thing they think about. They want lots of sex with a beautiful, enthusiastic partner.

5. Men have high hopes for monogamy. They want a long term relationship with the woman they marry. They dont want you to change at all. Stay beautiful. Act beautiful. And be enthusiastic sexually.

6. A man needs to feel successful. To him, failure is death. Brag on his accomplishments, make him feel like hes a success in your eyes.

7. If you are not happy, he feels hes a failure. He wants to make you happy, so tell him things you would like him to do for you.

8. Men show their love thru their actions.

He will always be doing things to show you his love. So be appreciative of them when he does.

9. Men take risks in order to survive. Everything they do runs the risk of being rejected. Realize this and appreciate him more.

10. Men run risks of losing a lot when a commitment doesnt work out. They want a relationship to work. They live longer and happier lives when married.

11. Learn to speak a mans language. He responds to logical words not feeling words. Be concise when you speak to him. Never expect him to just read your mind. Spell things out for him that you want him to do.

12. Men want to be around a woman who makes them feel like they are a real man. A man needs to feel good about being a man, so appreciate him for all his good masculine qualities. Remember all the reasons you married him in the first place and remind him often about them.