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Poetry Corner.. curl up get the glass of wine and enjoy!!!


You're the first thing I think of

Each morning when I rise.

You're the last thing I think of

Each night when I close my eyes.

You're in each thought I have

And every breath I take.

My feelings are growing stronger

With every move I make.

I want to prove I love you

But that's the hardest part.

So, I'm giving all I have to give

To you... I give my heart.


How can you ache and crave for someone's touch

When you have never felt it?

I do this for yours, though,

And the yearning grows more each day

I have never wanted anything in my life

As much as I want you

When you whisper such sweet love

In my ear when we talk

You make me melt into a puddle

Of complete helplessness

You have become my every waking thought

And my every dream at night

I breathe in so hard

Trying to catch my breath when we can't talk

I close my eyes so tight

Hoping when I open them you will be there

But I know I have to wait

Until the time is right

It seems so far away

That I think I am losing my mind

I want to breathe in your scent

And keep it with me all day long

I want to taste your love for me

By kissing your sweet lips

I want to feel your body next to me

So when you leave for awhile I can hold on

I just want you to know

That I really do love you

When the day comes and we are together

You will always know and feel this

I will always hug, kiss and love you

Every moment of the day and night ...

You will never have another touch unfelt


I try to find the words

to express the feeling in my heart;

I try to show you that I care,

but I don't know where to start.

I guess I'll start right here

and I guess I'll start right now.

I'll tell you that I love you

and I'll tell you why and how.

You are the one I want to lay next to

when my time has passed.

You are the one I've given myself to

and you will be the last.

You are the one I want for life,

until the day I die.

You are the one fate sent for me,

to be with me, and that is no lie.

You are the one who brightens my day,

with your smile bright and glowing.

You are the one whom I wake up for

each and every day.


The moment I opened my heart and let you in

I saw this great love starting to begin.

I opened my eyes to a vision of you

I hope, I pray your feelings are true.

I have loved and I have paid the cost

And I have felt the pain of the love I lost.

But, now, I think I have truly found

An Angel who walks upon the ground.

You go beyond all limits for me

Just to show your love endlessly.

I could search my whole life through

And never find another 'you'.

You are so special that I wanted you to know

I truly, completely love you so.


We stood in the doorway

My hands on her waist

the clock tickling loudly

almost in haste

I moved in closer

her eyes locked in mine

I long for her kiss

For just a moment in time

her lips meet mine

and I feel the sensation

no longer must I wait

to give into the sweet temptation

my knees go weak

my palms become sweaty

I go back to that place

I have been so many times already

the world disappears

all that's left is her and I

and as we pull away

I feel as though I could fly


All evening she waited

anxiously eyeing the clock

retracing her steps

over and over

counting the minutes

until her arrival

kneeling before a crackling fire

adding another log

she rose to check again

her preparations for tonight

the thick sheepskin rug

lay lovingly spread before the flames

waiting for her

the book

the one she longed after

in that tiny shop downtown

rested on the warm stone hearth

waiting for her

the wine

that special bottle

from a few years ago

late fall harvest

sat open

and sweet

waiting for her

the glasses

her best crystal

sat sparkling in the firelight

waiting for her

her hand

stopped a moment

over her heart

and lovingly fingered

the prize there

hidden away in her pocket

where it lay

waiting for her

taking the ring

from its secret place

she gazed at it

mesmerized by its shine

by what it stood for

soon she smiled and

softly slipped it back

to its repose

where it lay

waiting for her

seating herself back on the chair

she resumed her vigil

over the fire

over the wine

over the clock

over herself

and she sat

quiet and lost in thought

waiting for her


I was cold and hurting

lost out in the night

wandering and searching

for heaven's light

I saw the night sky clearing

when you spread your rainbow wings

But little did I know

what joy you would bring

From that moment on

a friendship did start

you kissed away my tears

and sheltered my heart

I bless the day the Gods

sent you from above

But then I grew fearful

for I had fallen in love

I told you this feeling

and what did you say?

You said to me so softly,

you felt the same way.

I felt your warm, gentle hand.

You then whispered in my ear

that by my side you'll forever stand.


Is there such a thing as love at first sight?

That's the question I used to ask

Until I laid eyes on you.

How is it possible to feel so much for a

stranger, a passerby?

Love has no limits, no color, no time.

That's when I realized I had fallen in love -

Love at first sight.


Her skin, I love to touch,

I love to touch her skin.

Soft, succulent, delicious skin

on legs, belly, breasts, her folds.

I love to touch her skin.

Our mouths,

with gentle suction, pulling and drawing,

Our tongues,

entwined in rhythmical dance,

sliding, swirling, simulated movements when united.

Her skin,

I love to touch.


I heard your voice just the other day.

so sweet and sexy in every way.

I long to meet, to become one.

I long to feel your gentle kiss,

your body close to mine.

to feel the intensity, oh so strong.

Longing, wanting you to be mine.

Baby, I cant wait no more.

My body aches for yours.

You ask me if I'm ready -

I tell you that I am.

You touched my heart and soul

in such a special way.

I long for us to meet.

I know that we will bond -

it's apparent from how we speak.

You ask me if I'm ready,

I tell you that I'm yours.


There are many miles between us,

But our hearts see not the distance.

Drawing our love even closer,

On this my heart it is insistent.

When we talk my heart sings,

You'll never know the happiness it brings.

Just to hear a word from you,

Keeps my heart from being blue.

I love you truly, yes I do.

I forever want to be with you.

For now I'll settle for the phone,

But know it's in your dreams that I belong

Longing for the day we greet,

Two loving hearts will then get to meet.

Never more to be apart,

Knowing it was long distance we got our start.

I look upon her face lying on my pillow

Lit by the light of my bedroom window

Wrapped within my gently arms

Knowing she will come to no harm

I look upon her hair, soft and fair

Unable to find the words to compare

Answers she has given me in times of pain

That love and hope will visit again

I look upon her lips, moist and red

Giving me life when all was dead

She restored my heart when it was lost

Melting what was covered in frost

I look upon her breasts, firm and strong

Knowing that love could not be wrong

Slowly moving with every breath

Always knowing she was not like the rest

I look upon her hips, round and smooth

Gently touching not daring to move

I fix the sheets with delicate care

But a gentle kiss is all I dare

I look upon her face staring into mine

Filling my body as if it were wine

I close her eyes with gentle kisses

For she has answered all my wishes.

Missing You

My heart aches within from missing you,

My lips long for the feel of kissing you,

Right now all I need is to gently touch your skin,

To look into your eyes and see deep within,

Just one warm embrace,

Just to look upon your face,

Just one little touch,

From the one I love so much,

If I could gaze upon your smile,

For just a little while,

To know that you miss me too,

As I'm thinking of you,

To hear the sound of you breathe,

Knowing you'll never leave,

To see you walk up to me,

Then embrace you tenderly,

To just be with the one who's sent my heart reeling,

And brought about this downpour of emotion and feeling,

I sit here alone in my room tonight,

And pray that somehow this all turns out right,

I've never been one to do more taking than giving,

I'm not well off but I work hard for a living,

I've told you many thoughts that weren't borrowed or bought,

And in lifetime, who would have thought,

That I have found someone who was just meant for me,

I can't explain the magic or why this should be,

But there is one thing that I know for certain,

That this just ain't over till one of us draws the final curtain,

For I've seen an angel and I want you to know,

If it's my choice to make, I'll never let you go,

Don't know what life holds, maybe there's no reason or rhyme,

To think you may be mine in a matter of time,

And though I cannot touch you and we are now apart,

My Love, you do dwell, so deep within my heart.

Will add more when I feel the need....

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