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Pensacola General Membership Branch of the IWW By-Laws

Constitution of General Membership Branch
1a) The Pensacola General Membership Branch constitutes a General Membership Branch with all the rights and responsibilities entitled by the IWW Constitution.
b) A copy of these bylaws shall be mailed on an annual basis to all Pensacola GMB members. New members shall receive copies of these bylaws within 60 days of their initiation and first month’s dues.
c) All members of the Pensacola GMB shall pay dues through branch delegates, and not directly to Headquarters.

2a) The Pensacola GMB shall meet on a monthly basis, determined at each membership meeting. The branch secretary shall notify all GMB members of the date and time of meetings by sending branch minutes by postal mail or e-mail when appropriate.
b) The branch secretary, if s/he has good reason, may coordinate the scheduling or cancellation of a branch meeting provided four additional members agree it is necessary.
c) Meetings shall be open to all Pensacola GMB members in good standing. Members of other branches or at-large members may attend with voice but no vote. Non-IWW members may sit in on the meeting, provided that their presence be announced in the beginning of the meeting, and GMB members vote to allow her or him to attend. Such persons may then attend with voice but no vote.
d) Consistent with the IWW constitution, all decisions shall be made by majority vote.

3a) The Pensacola GMB shall elect a GMB Secretary.
b) The Secretary shall be responsible for taking meeting minutes, coordinating the mailing of the minutes, and managing branch correspondence that has not been otherwise delegated to another member.
4) a) The Pensacola GMB shall elect a GMB Treasurer.
b) The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting delegate reports and turning them over to Headquarters, depositing branch funds, writing and mailing checks, making monthly financial reports to the branch, and reimbursing approved expenses.
5) a) The Pensacola GMB shall elect branch delegates at the February GMB meeting. Additional delegates may be elected at any GMB meeting, and job branches may appoint a delegate at any time.
6) a) All officers shall serve one-year terms to begin on March 1st.
b) Any officer may resign at any time, and resignations should be recorded in GMB minutes.
c) If any officer resigns or is recalled, nominations to replace that officer shall take place at the next meeting and a special election will take place at the following meeting. In the case of a special election, the newly elected officer's term shall begin immediately following their election. The branch may appoint a member to temporarily fill any vacant officer.

7 a) Nominations for officers shall take place in January, one business meeting before the February election. All members shall be notified of nominees by the GMB Secretary.
b) All elections will be by secret ballot at a GMB meeting. Each member in good standing has one vote. Members can also vote in absentia by submitting a ballot to a delegate or officer in a sealed envelope.

8. a) Whenever possible, expenses related to GMB work should be anticipated by those who will need use of funds and allocated in advance by the GMB.
b) No financial proposal allocating one-time grants exceeding $50 or involving ongoing expenditures of any amount shall be adopted by the Pensacola GMB unless it is submitted in writing.

9 a) The Pensacola GMB may establish committees, and these committees may establish their own bylaws provided that these do not contradict the GMB bylaws or the IWW Constitution.

Amending By-Laws
10 a) New bylaws may be added by making a written proposal to a meeting, putting notice of the proposal in the meeting minutes, and then taking a vote at the following meeting.

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Pensacola GMB