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The Pensacola I.W.W. & The A.T.U. Local 1395 Strike

The following resolution was adopted by the Pensacola GMB of the Industrial Workers of the World on December 10th, 2005

Since November 1, 2005, the Pensacola Bay Community Transportation (PBCT) workers have been on strike protesting on the job harassment and their employer’s attacks on the workers union. PBCT has demanded massive cuts to the workers health care benefit package and, to add insult to injury, offered the striking workers a ten cent pay increase over the next three years.

Over the past six weeks, PBCT workers' struggle has been undercut by scabbing, as well as scabbery by local taxi cab companies, Yellow Cab and others, who are crossing the picket line to handle Pensacola Bay's workload while the PBCT workers are on strike. Workers in the Transportation and Health Care Industry, along with every other member of Pensacola’s working class, have a vested interest in standing up and fighting concessions demanded of them by their employers. Pensacola workers are suffering from declining wages and cuts to benefit packages along with workers all across the nation.

The workers of Pensacola must stand strong and support each other and never forget that an injury to one is an injury to all. This is the foundation upon which the labor movement must be rebuilt.

The Pensacola General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), urges members of the IWW transportation workers in Pensacola, in Florida and across the nation, along with branches and members of the IWW, to do what they can to assist the striking workers; reinforce the picket lines, contribute to the ATU 1395 strike fund, write letters to the editor of the Pensacola News Journal, the Pensacola Voice and IN Weekly on behalf of the strikers in their fight for a better life. More media means heavier pressure on PBCT to do what is right and more power to the workers in their fight to achieve fair wages and fair benefits.

We also urge all members of the Industrial Workers of the World and their supporters to avoid Yellow Cab and other Pensacola taxi companies that are scabbing on these strikers.

The Pensacola GMB of the IWW further directs the Branch Secretary-Treasurer of the I.W.W. to promptly convey to the Amalgamated Transit Union 1395 our solidarity in this struggle.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All

Related Links

IWW article on Pensacola ATU Stike by Lauren Anzaldo
ATU's official Website (hasn't been updated in sometime)
Initial article posted to IWW site about strike
I.W.W. Pensacola