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A little bit about Us...

Who We Are...

Editor`s Blab

ThE HoOk Up

Reality Check

Beauty Tips 411


What`s Up?

The Prayer Wall

Speak Out

Teens speak about September 11

A Time To Reflect

A Few More Things...

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Good news!!!
After some time, this site has been down. Good news though! I will start working on this site again! I have many plans for it including new articles and a possible new layout. I want this site to be for you, and in no way do I want you to feel like you aren`t a part of it. If there is anyway possible for this site to be more "You", please let me know on the message boards or contact me by e-mail at Thank you and God bless.


Let`s talk about the real world in Reality Check. This weeks article: Drugs:The Hard Knock Life.
How do you feel about Pop music? Check out ~>POP WARS<~ and tell us what you think.
Check out our Beauty Tips 411 and find out about The Pimply Truth.
Ah! Finally, light at the end of the tunnel! Check out our awesome homework help links and ideas in our What`s Up? section and click away!

Got a prayer request? Click Here and post it on the message boards.

This Week`s Check It Out...

Funny name, but has a ton of "JUNK" for all sorts of teens. Wether poetry is your thing or reading music reviews is, this is the place for both guys and chics to enjoy. Our criticts give it an 8 for loads of Flash 5.0 stuff. It is kinda dark and a lil bit "much", but check it out!

For the birds...
The most interesting site for this week is This site is a virtual ice cream shop where you can build your an ice cream sunday. Sorry guys, it virtual so it`s not edible. Awwwww.....

Say What?
Dress Code Controversy.
In January, a judge ruled that a high school in Woodbury, Minnesota, violated a student's constitutional rights for ordering him to not wear a sweatshirt that had the words "Straight Pride" printed on it.
In another case, the courts ruled that a school had the right to prohibit a student from wearing Marilyn Manson T-shirts because they were offensive. Hmmmmmm....

Are you a JeSuS fReAk? If you are, then check this out!

Copyright © 2001-2002 under SpankyPublishing for all written materials.


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