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Todays topic is near and dear to my heart. I left the justice system because I became disillusioned. Let me explain why.

The dictonary defines "Justice" as "the maintenance or administration of what is "just" by the "impartial" adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of "merited" rewards or punishments. (Webster's New Collegiant 1979) In other words.....punishment by what is fair.

Now, Follow this closley, this is where that concept gets interesting.

Some people are full of emotion and some have a serious lack of it. They bring that emotion, or lack of it, into a court of law to pass judgement on a person accused of wronging society.

Let's say, for simplification by using a glaring example, a person is arrested, charged and is on trial for the crime of Sexual Assault (rape). Does that person want what is "Just" if he is guilty? No....he wants "mercy", and you would too if you were in the same spot.

Do the fathers and mothers sitting in judgement want what is just? No....they want "revenge" for the victim and the family that has been wronged. They place themselves in the place of the victim and the family, imagine if it was your daughter.....and they want to hang him by his nuts. Thats human emotion and the world would be a sad place without that.


It has no place in what is "Just"

What we truly have, is not a system of "Justice" But a system of "Mercy" and "Revenge" and as long as there is human emotions involved in the admistration of "Justice" we will never have true "Justice"

What's the solution? We can never keep human emotion out of the courtroom, nor do I think we should, it's there....we have to deal with that. But....we should stop playing on it in a court of law, I've just shown where and why it doesn't belong. I have seen the Asst. District Attorneys show pictures of the poor victim in pony tails when she was a child, playing on the human emotions. Never mind she grew up to be a crack addict.

I've seen Defense Attorneys show pictures of the defendant playing catch with his loyal dog as a child....never mind he grew up to be a dope dealer. Both sets of Attorneys playing the emotions of a jury. It's that that I rant about today....the Lawyers...playing the emotions of the jury, the press and the public at the price of true "Justice" or as close as we can get to it. They....not the human emotion....has caused the erosion of the Justice System.

We have a good Justice system.....if we could convict all the Lawyers for circumventing the system and using it for their own means.

Ok......I feel better now....I had to get that off my chest...

I welcome comments to the little outburst that will be posted here from time to time....especially from the Lawyers on this one....if you can get your secretaries to type it out for you and you have the chance to tack the time you spend responding to it to some poor guys legal fees...*L* $250 an should be ashamed.....