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The Spooktacular received a major facelift, in fact it wasn't the same show at all.  You were no longer being guided on a tour, instead you were attending a franchise seminar.  A new 'Pre-show' area was built behind the main 'sit down show'.  Louis Tulley came out, amid a flurry of phone calls to the Ghostbusters, and offered you the 'opportunity of a lifetime'. What follows is just a general overview one of the many shows conducted daily, and each could be altered or ad-libbed in various ways by the performers.  


Louis started off with an introduction about himself, and the Ghostbusting buisness. He told you the four easy steps to owning a franchise: 1) You search for the ghost. 2) You catch the ghost 3) You store the ghost 4) You charge the customer a hefty fee, thereby making a lot of money. Still not convinced?? Well Louis had a funny promotional video for you to watch.

 "Want to race into battle and save the world?" ::shot of an old women with a walker in full GB garb crossing the street::  "Beeeee a Ghostbuster!" 


"Catch ghost" ::shot of a guy, covered in slime, with a smoking trap:: "Make money!"  ::a hand extends in front of the guy, with a huge stack of money in it::


After the short video ended, Louis took 3 volunteers from the audience to show them a particular aspect of being a GB.  The first volunteer tested the Mental Meter, the second tested the Proton Pack, and the third handled slime control.


The slime control contestant was taken to a high seat in the middle of the stage, and had slime poured into their hands.  Throughout the remainder of this pre-show, the volunteer had to keep the slime from hitting the ground.  (Take it from me, it was not an easy task) After dumping the slime into that person's hands, Louis moved to "Contestant number 1" who tried the Mental Meter, named that "because everyone who wears it looks mental".  This was a throwback to the device from Ghostbusters worn by Dana and later Louis, when questioned by the GB's.  Unlike the movie, this device output the person's face superimposed on a muscle body to the screen.

Back to the slime person, who has had to cope with gobs of slime constantly trying to go with gravity down to the ground.  Louis would drop some more slime onto the poor unsuspecting person just so it would fall to the ground.  "You know that part about not letting the slime touch the ground.......Which part weren't you clear on?"

Finally, the second volunteer got his/her shot at the limelight, and proton gun.   Louis took a nutrona wand from a proton pack lying on the back table and gave it to the volunteer. "Now let's just turn the power on....::cue cheap power-on sound:: Okay good, now you just press the safety lock okay?....OH WAIT NO!" Louis then grabbed the nutrona wand as it began to spray water and sound an alarm. Being sure to get everyone in the immediate area wet, Louis swayed the proton gun back and forth, acting as though the stream was too powerful to control. Once it stopped spraying fire, and Louis had the gun safely stored on the table again, he sarcastically thanked the third volunteer.

That pretty much wrapped up the pre-show, and so Louis then lead everyone into the Ecto-Containment Unit Room .