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Foogle - The CC Search Engine

Submit your Site

If you want us to add your site to Foogle, just get these four things :

Your sites name :

Your sites web address (URL) :

Some keywords that describe your site :
(when people are searching the engine, these are the words they type in. Include such things as the versions of Creatures your site supports, whether you have COBs for download etc.)

A short description of your site :
(this will appear on your sites entry when people search for it)

Your e-mail address so we can tell you your site has been entered :

Remember, your site must be related to the Creatures series of games to be included on this engine. See the What is Foogle? page for more.
You can also send us a picture, like a banner or logo from your site, to include with your sites details, if you want. Send them to .
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