|\-/|Start Promo|\-/|

Nashville got the first Shockwave, the first ever nWa show but now Memphis gets the second! The World Title Tournament got underway, 11 people advanced, they all meet tonight! 4 matches will determine who moves on to the Fianl Four! The Womens Title Tournamet got underway also got underway. 4 Women advanced but due to injury, Lita can not compete! So now it is a Triple Threat match! We also see a few dark matches1 Check the show out because it will be a good one!! Plus who was that guy that attacked The Rock?! Will we find out?! TUNE IN! 3 Roleplay limit for everyone!

|\-/|End Promo|\-/|

|::{Event Location}::|
|::{Stars of the Night}::|
|::{Roleplay Number}::|
Memphis TN
Stacy Keibler & Vampiro



New Age Outlaws VS Lance Storm & Christian
Lance Storm And Christian Win Via Mapleleaf To Road-Dogg

Val Venis VS Edge
Val Venis Win Via Money Shot

Major Gunns VS The Kat
The Kat Wins Via PurrFect Plex

Miss Kara VS Lana Star
Lana Star Wins Via Face Lift

X-Pac VS Buff Bagwell
Xpac Wins Via X-Factor

The show begins as Jerry Jarrett s standing in the ring. We start off rollling!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) I know that alot of you are wondering just why I am out here. Well I am here to address the situation concerning The Game Triple H ((-The Fans Boo-)) I know that alot of you do not like him right now but he is damn good for buisness! And he is not back in the WWE like we reported during the week, he is HERE tongith in MEMPHIS! ((-The Fans Boo-)) Yeah we know you don't like him but he needs to be here. He has told the WWE he won't return but I'll address that in a few minutes. First off I'd like to address the Unified World Championship Tournament. Last week 11 men advanced and this week there are 4 matches! These 4 people will meet next week in 2 signles matches, the 2 winners go to the first nWa Pay Per View Event, entitled, MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and on this night we will crown the first ever Unified World Champion! Also we will crown the Number One Contender on this night by having a huge BATTLE ROYAL! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) And the winner becomes Number One Contender! So more on that next week. But the Television Championship will be crowned next week. We will be having a pre-Battle Royal of some kind. Some of the names in it will be Rob Van Dam! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) Randy Orton! ((-The Fans Boo-)) Scott Hall! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) Shawn Michaels! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) And a few others they will be named after tonight. But tonight we will crown a nWa Womens Champion as Sable, Stacy Keibler and Stephanie McMahon battle for that spot and in the end there will be the first ever nWa Womens Champion crowned and we will present it to the winner in a special celebration! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) Now I know alot of you are wondering just why we I deided to return the nWo to the nWa. Afterall the nWo is a WWE thing so to speak but we have the main elements here and we decided to use the nWo for you all! FOR THE FANS! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) But the yare here tonight! And I know that I spoke of the member of the nWo that is coming and oh yes he will be here! Midnight Express! The debut of the newest member of the nWo! ((-The Fans Cheer-)) But you know I couldn't help but last week see that The Rock...((-The Fans Cheer-))...I couldn't help but see that Rock got assualted by someone wearing all black. Now I have found that guy! Many of you know him from the WWE now I'm not certain but I think it's Hardcore Holly! ((-The Fans Boo-)) He will pay for these actions! And pay severe! He injured The Rock and now he is out fo action for several months! So Holly its time for you to pay the price! Now back to Triple H if I may...

Suddenly the lights go off and the nWa-Tron comes to life and we see START and then GAME appear on the Tron. The fans stand and boo loudly as THE GAME by MOTORHEAD plays and then Triple H appears!! The Game is standing under the Tron in the entrance way with a bottle of water. Triple H then takes a sip and pours some on his head. Then he begins to walk down the aisle to the ring. He looks out into the crowd as the fans boo. Triple H smirks and comes around the ring. He takes a sip of his water and throws the bottle into the crowd. Then Triple H pulls himself onto the apron. He looks around. He then spreads his arms out and leans back off the ropes and then sprays the water up into the air. The spotlight hit him as he did. He then looks out into the crowd and blows the water off his face. Triple H then gets into the ring. He goes over and grabs the mic from Jarrett as the fans boo

((-Triple H-)) Why don't you all just shut the hell up?! You know Jarrett that applies to you also! Why am I here? I am here because I CAN BE!! I do not apply by the rules of others, SCREW THE RULES! I am THE GAME! ((-The Fans Boo-)) I make the rules! and I damn sure wont follow no rules by you Jarrett. I will not go back to the WWE because they can kiss my ass! I told Vince McMahon if he stuck his nose in my business one more time I'd smash his face with a sledgehammer! And I damn sure will! Now Jarrett I know you probably want me gone but I am here and will not leave! I am after 1 thing, the nWa Unified World Title! If your not here for that then you need to get your ass outta here! I will become the first ever Champion and when I do Jarrett you cant tocuh me! I make my own rules and as Champion I will make sure that anyone who screws with me, gets their ass kicked! I do not play games but I came out here to set you straight Jarrett. Just because you own the nWa doesnt mean that you boss me around! NO ONE DOES! ((-The Fans Boo-)) I do not listen to you or anyone else. I do what I want when I want. Tonight, I will permanetly injure 2 of your so called 'star's, Guerrero and Jamie Noble. I don't know who in the hell Jamie Noble is but I'm sure he doesn't suck as bad as Guerrero goes. I will humiliate these guys tonight and move onto the Final Four! I will be the first Champ and thats the way it is! From this point on, the nWa plays......THE GAME!!

Triple H then kicks Jerry in the stomach and then hooks him and slams him down onto the mat with a PEDIGREE!! The fans boo as Tripel H gets up as his music begins to play and Triple H gets into the face of Jarrett and begins to taunt him as the camera heads to a break




The scene returns as Brock Lesnar is getting ready. He begins to stretch when suddenly someone from behind in an all black suit cracks him on the back of the head with some sort of pipe!! Brock goes down and the guy leaves the room as Brock is bleeding badly

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Someone just attacked Brock Lesnar!!!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) They sent a big time message by doing this! Brock may have it in for him now!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Brock went down like he was nothing! WHO COULD DO THIS?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) He just laid out Brock! What will happen to his match, NEXT!

The camera fades to a break

The camera returns backstage where we see Torrie Wilson!! The fans go wild as we see Torrie standing at the makeup area getting her face done when up walks THE KAT

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Oh hey Stacy!

((-The Kat-)) Hey Torrie umm why are you here?!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) I work here now is that a problem?

((-The Kat-)) Actually yes it is because your in my makeup chair!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Well I'm sorry but this is my NEW chair!

((-The Kat-)) If you dont get up I'll get you up skank!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) First off I'm not a skank! If I was I'd be like you anyways.

((-The Kat-)) I'm not a skank your just thinking of yourself mrs slut!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Look why don't you just go on and wrestle your little dark matches again and buzz off ok?

((-The Kat-)) First off, at least I got a match! And secondly, at least I have wrestling abailty and not just a plastic chest!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Well at least my nose isnt fake!

((-The Kat-)) OH MY GOD! HOW DO YOU KNOW?!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Its soooo obvious wo just go on now little woman and go home.

((-The Kat-)) How about I go get ready and we have ourselves a little match...NOW!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) I'd love to but I'm not cleared to wreslte yet.

((-The Kat-)) Well thats too bad I guess your afraid!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) BUT I will be next week and your ass IS MINE!

((-The Kat-)) Ok then we will see!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Get ready trash, I will rid the nWa of all the little sluts and I start with you!

((-The Kat-)) Well then lets just see! Great ready white trash your going down!

((-Torrie Wilson-)) Your white too!

((-The Kat-)) SHUT UP!

Torrie and Kat then go seperate ways as the camera fades




((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Ladies and gents, next up we have a match that has been awaited for a long time!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Thats right DDP, we have Kane going up against Justin Credible and Brock Lesnar in a triple threat match up!! I cant wait to see that match...

Just as King says that the lights dim and Kane's music plays throughout the arena. The fans cheer as Kane walks onto the top of the ramp. He walks down and climbs onto the apron. Kane then waits for a second and steps over the top rope. The music plays out a little as Kane raises his arms and BOOM! fire flies up from all four turnbuckles. Kane then walks to a corner as Credible's theme hits on the PA system. He walks out with a kendo stick in his hand and begins to stomp down the ramp. Kane is standing in the corner as Credible slides into the ring and goes onto the second rope as he raises his arm and the kendo stick in the air. He climbs down and walks to the opposite corner of the big red machine.

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Oh man, here we go, two guys are in the ring, and the next big thing is about to come out here!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) King, I am kind of scared of this guy... They say that Kane is a monster, but Brock Lesnar, he is just a machine...

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Yeah, an unstoppable machine!

Brock Lesnar's theme hits on the PA system as the fans get to their feet. The music plays out as Brock doesnt show. The music then stops and after a few moments starts off again. The music plays out again and then stops as Brock is nowhere to be seen.

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Where the heck is Brock?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I dont know and frankly, I dont really care because now I wont really have to worry about him!

The referee says something and the bell rings...

((-Jerry Lawler-)) I think he just signaled them to wrestle... one on one!!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Finally, this thing is actually gonna get started!

Kane and Credible tie up as Kane gets a shot in the stomach area. He gives a few more shots to Credible and then just chucks him into the corner. Kane then walks over and begins to pound away with kicks and punches. The crowd is cheering as Kane grabs Credible by the arm and throws him into the other corner. Credible runs over there and just bounces off onto the mat from the impact. Kane seems really pumped as he picks up Credible and grabs him by the neck. Credible is saying NO NO NO and then kicks Kane by the groin area. Kane lets go off the hold as Credible throws him off the ropes onto the other side. As Kane comes back, Credible misses a clothesline because Kane ducked it but when Kane runs back Credible connects with a knee to the stomach. Kane is down as Credible picks him up and throws him over the top rope. Kane is on the outside as the ref starts to count... 1....2....3....4....5....6, Suddenly Kane sits up as fans go wild. He climbs into the ring as Credible goes for a punch but Kane blocks it and connects with his own. Credible tries again, but Kane blocks it and Credible receives another punch. Credible is then hit with a few more punches as Kane picks him up in the air and body slams him. Credible is holding his back as Kane climbs the top rope. Credible gets up and turns to Kane who flies through the air and hits a clothesline. Credible is down as Kane goes for the pin...1...2...Credible puts his foot on the bottom rope and the ref stops the count. Kane is a bit pissed as he starts talking to the ref who explains what happened. By this time Credible gets up and as Kane turns around, Credible picks him up and has him hooked for the tombstone piledriver... Out of nowhere, Kane powers out and flips over as Credible is now held by Kane upside down and BOOM!! Kane connects with the tombstone piledriver!! Kane goes for the cover...1...2..3!! Kane pickes up the win!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Wow King, that was one heck of a power move by Kane!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) When was the last time we saw Kane use the tombstone piledriver?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I dont know but he might wanna use that move more often...

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Great match and great win for the big red machine!!




The camera returns as Vampiro is standing with Gene

((-Gene Okerlund-)) Vampiro, The Owner Jerry Jarrett Is On A Rampage...Can I Please Get An Interview With You So I Can Look Like I'm Actually Busy...Please?!?

((-Vampiro-)) Yeah sure hurry

((-Gene Okerlund-)) Good Evening Ladies And Gentlemen I Am Mean Gene Okerlund And I Am Standing Here With The Macabre Jester Vampiro Just A Few Hours Before His Match On Shockwave...And Final Words Before We Go On Air Live??

((-Vampiro-)) Yeah I Got A Few Words For You Mean Gene ..And That Is Tonight The Macabre Jester Vampiro Is Gonna Light Up Memphis Like Its Never Been Lit Up Before, Tonight In The Middle Of The Ring The Macabre Jester Is Coming To Town To Whoop Some As Memphis Style And The Asses That Are Gonna Be Kicked Belong To None Other Then Booker T And D'lo Brown, Two Men In One Night, Two Men That Will Come Down To That Very Ring And Step Into The World Of The Macabre Jester Vampiro Where I Make The Rule And The Game Is Played My Way And The Game Of Choice Tonight Is Gonna Be Pain, Slowly Intense Pain, The Kinda You Only Dream About In Nightmares, Well Tonight For Booker T And D'lo Brown Those Dreams ..Those Nightmares Become Reality, But You See This Time You Won't Just Wake Up And Have It All Disappear, This Pain Is Gonna Be Very Very Real! The Word Shockwave, has Many meanings. Some might think of it, as the electrical Current sent with a strike of Lightning. Others may think of it as some kind of eXtreme Impact. But Gene, If you asked me what I thought about, when I heard the word 'Shockwave'? .. My Answer would be Simple. What the word Shockwave means to me, is The Macabre Jester, Walking into the Ring Tonight, and Burning a Hole through the Heart of the Crowd, Through Booker T. What Shockwave means to me Gene, is walking down that ramp Tonight, and Telling D-Lo, that HE Better Recognise what this Game is all about! .. I was Held back in wCw.. For too damn Long. I was reffered to simply as ... 'The Guy with the Facepaint'. Do you know, what that was like for me?! I mean.. Do you have any Idea, Of what it's like to see a Guy, Like David Flair walking around as the U.S Champion, while People as Talented as Myself where Busting our Ass to get our Faces on Television. No, You Don't. Nobody Does. But Guess what.. That was in the Past.. Right Now though.. We're talking about the Future...Its Time To Get A Large Dose Of Reality...The Time Is Now...Destiny Has Arrived...Feel This Moment ...Feel It...And Live It For The Rest Of Your Lives...Cause They Won't Last Very Long After You Get Your Final Nail In The Coffin...Gotta Go Mean Gene Fate...Awaits Thee

The camera then fades out




The scene opens up at the back door of the arena as some gang against wrestling stands at the arena door trying to destroy the nWa. But up to them walks nWa wrestler, VAL VENIS!

((-Val Venis-)) Hellllloooo faaaaaggs!

((-The Leader-)) We are here to protest against the nWa!

((-Val Venis-)) Ummmmmm is that so?!

((-The Leader-)) Yes it is!

((-Val Venis-)) And who in the hell are you jackasses?

((-The Leader-)) We are The DRIPS!

((-Val Venis-)) And what the hell does that mean?!

((-The Leader-)) I dont know!

((-Val Venis-)) I bet it means, DUMBASSES RUNNIN IN PINK SKIRTS

((-The Leader-)) Maybe it does so what?!

((-Val Venis-)) Well why dont you pussies go on before you get the hell beat outta you by a real gang!

((-The Leader-)) You will see us again!

((-Val Venis-)) And when we do, you will die!

The camera fades



  All of the entrances has come to an end and now all 8 men are staring at each others opponents, with determined looks on their faces. It seems as if Hogan and HBK are going to start off the match and what greater two people could you start this match off with other than the Imortal Hollywood Hogan and The Icon Shawn Michaels. Everyone else steps outside the squared circle except HBK and Hogan. The ref signals for the bell and the match begins. HBK seems to be talking trash to Hogan and he gets up in his face. The two are now talking trash to each other and then all of a sudden, HBK hits Hogan with a hard right hand. Hogan counters with a hard left hand. The two are going at it with a series of hard punches until HBK begins to wobble backwards as Hogan keeps hitting HBK with hard left hands. HBK ends the slugfest by kicking Hogan in the midsection. Hogan grabs for his stomach in pain and HBK goes to work and hits Hogan with a knee to the face. Then HBK kicks him one more time to the midsection and then DDTs him. HBK spits on Hogan as the crown boos at HBK loudly. HBK begins to stomp on Hogan repeateadly and then looks over and Big Sexy who seems to want to get into the action. HBK picks up Hogan by the head and takes him to his corner. HBK tags in Nash and Nash hits Hogan with a knee to the stomach. He places Hogan in the corner and begins to choke him with his boot. The crowd boos as he continues to do this until the ref breaks it up. Nash then backs up and tries to clothesline him in the corner but Hogan kicks him in the mouth. Nash feels his mouth to see if any teeth are missing and then tries the clothesline again but is once again kicked in the mouth by Hogan. Hogan then hits Nash with a series of hard right hands and then bounces of the ropes and hits Nash with a hard clothesline. But it seems not to work as it only makes Nash wobble a little bit. Hogan bounces of the ropes once more but is hit in the head with a forearm from Scott Hall. Hogan turns around and hits Hall, who falls off the apron from the hard punch. Hogan turns around and is met with a big boot by Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash then picks up the hurting Hogan and takes him to his corner, then he tags in Sting. Sting lets out one of his famous "WOOOOS" as the crowd boos as Sting gets into the ring. Sting hits Hogan with a hard punch to the midsection as Nash was holding Hogan for that. Nash gets out of the ring and Sting goes to work on Hogan. Sting places Hogan in the NWO's corner and then starts to hit Hogan with flurries of punches! Then Sting backs up and hits Hogan with a Stinger Splash! Sting backs up once again and hits him with another one and Hogan falls face down on the mat. Sting then begins to stomp on Hogan as the crowd boos. All of a sudden, the crowd begins to chant "Hogan...Hogan...Hogan!!". Sting shruggs off the chant and picks up Hogan, Hogan hits Sting in the stomach a few times and it seems as if Hogan is gaining some strength. Hogan irish whips Sting to the ropes and goes for the clothesline but Sting was going for that too and both of the two men fall down to the mat. Hogan is just inches away from the tag and crawls over and Sting crawls to his corner. Sting tags in Scott Hall and just before Hall can stop Hogan from tagging, Hogan tags in Goldberg! Goldberg gets into the ring and knocks Hall down with a hard right hand! Nash gets in and is also hit with a hard right hand from Goldberg, which sends him down to the mat. HBK gets in and is met with the same thing! Benoit and Jericho are now on the outsider and they are taking it to Nash and HBK! Its a slugfest between HBK, Nash, Benoit, and Jericho! Sting is now up and hits Goldberg from behind but Goldberg wasn't hurt by that at all and gets hit with a hard right hand that knocks him to the ground and outside the ring. Hogan is up on his feet and is now outside the ring taking it to Sting! Its mayhem outside the ring as Goldberg and Hall are the only ones left in the ring. Goldberg awaits for Hall to get up to his feet and the hits him with the Spear! Goldberg goes for the pin but is pulled outside the ring by HBK and is hit with the Sweet Chin Music! Jericho is in the ring now and sees that Hall is still on the mat and Jericho goes for the Lionsault and hits it! Jericho then runs and dives over the top rope and hits HBK! Goldberg is slowly getting to his feet and slides under the ropes. He crawls over to pin Hall. The ref counts. 1...2...3! Goldberg and his team wins!




The scene opens up backstage as we see Hardcore Holly talking with John Cena after Cena walks by Hardcore

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Who in the hell are you?

((-John Cena-)) I'm John Cena!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Well I don't care who you are! All I know is that I'm Hardcore Holly and I'm from Alabama!

((-John Cena-)) So its true what they say.

((-Hardcore Holly-)) What do they say?

((-John Cena-)) That Bama people have a lower IQ than wild rats.

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Boy you better watch your mouth or I'll knock your crooked teeth down your throat! You don't know your messin with rookie!

((-John Cena-)) Oh I know who I'm messin with, some washed up hasbeen who has to attack Rock from behind to do something here!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Hey you better shut that mouth1 I'm tryin to be nice to you son! I did not attack Rock! It wasnt me!

((-John Cena-)) Oh man when he comes back you got hellll to pay! I feel sorry for you.

((-Hardcore Holly-)) I dont care...I will kick his ass!

((-John Cena-)) Do you know who your talking about?! THE ROCK! The Great One! No offense but he will destroy you!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Well..I'll tell him I didn't do it! I got proof! I wasnt even here last week I just signed!

((-John Cena-)) Then where were you?

((-Hardcore Holly-)) I was at a nascar event!

((-John Cena-)) What the hell?! You like Neckcar? Wait you are from Alabama so you are a redneck!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) I tell you what boy you keep on trying for this ass whoopin you gonna get it!

((-John Cena-)) You cant whoop my ass you better go train more little kids and I tell you 1 thing! I'm not a damn kid so you cant make me tougher! I will destroy you!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Well why dont we just see!

((-John Cena-)) Whenever you want I'll whoop your ass!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Well you wont be whoopin my ass its me whoopin yours and we are about to find out! Get ready because next week right here on ShockWave your rookie ass gets kicked!

((-John Cena-)) We will see but dont count on it! I'm pretty good!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Put up or nut up boy!

((-John Cena-)) See yo in the ring hardcore BITCH!

Cena stares into Holly's face as the camera fades out

The scene reopens backstage where Jonathan Coachman is standing… microphone in one hand and looking pretty nervous… all of a sudden Stacy walks through the shot… backing up she raises her eyebrow at Coach

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Dammit… what is up with you!? Been watching Pearl Harbor again?

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) No… but; well Stone Cold was supposed to meet me here for an interview an hour ago and he hasn’t came… I’m never gonna get to be on TV today!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Sure ya are! How about interviewing an all American girl!?

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Sure! Well; I guess my first question will have to be about your change of attitude… no offense but you’ve always been portrayed to be quite the bitch; and here you are being all nice to the fans… they like this side of you I think, what made you change!?

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Those guys! … all in all I’ve never been the worst person on any roster; but if I didn’t mesh well with other superstars, I kinda developed this attitude where; I’d talk a whole lot of crap to them… that’s still gonna be the same; I’ve only came to realize how much the fans mean to the welfare of the whole company… WWE betrayed it’s fans… I don’t want the nWa superstars to do the same!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Well a positive reaction from your fans before you confronted your opponents for shockwave too! Now a question you answered in Byte This; earlier this week… the relationship between Vampiro and yourself; you were ‘just friends’ he took you to a concert and out to dinner… and then his newly fangled manager Dawn-Marie… destroyed the night and drove you away; the two of them now have something going on… also; later in the week, things got hot and heavy between Vampiro and The Kat… you feel any of this has to do with you being not interested!?

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Vampiro can ruin his life if he wants… he’s a typical guy, no offence coach; it’s all about the bed performance, if Dawn-Marie’s a walking STD, yet he’ll lay her then fair enough… Dawn and I have never got along though; she’s way too big headed for what she’s actually worth… how many guys did she attempt to manage, and then fail to!? Has she ever been focused on anything but herself? Will she ever be a women’s champion!? The answers are all pretty obvious; she’s jealous because unlike her I have my priorities straight; and tonight I’ll have the one thing she couldn’t do anything more than dream of… and that is the women’s title… Kat on the other hand… is pretty much the same, Brock Lesnar… Vampiro, Triple H… it’s as if you need a guy to pump you up before a fight… it’s all about the sex… sex sells I guess; but I can be… pure and still have males attention… and pure talent to boot! I feel ashamed having this woman share the same first name as me… when you think Stacy; it’s obvious who you think of… Kat; can just go back to the littler where she rightfully belongs!!!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) It’s funny you mentioned the title in there, Stacy… because you seem pretty confident that tonight; you will be the nWa’s very first, not only women’s champion… but also… the very first champion in the federation… when talking to Stephanie… I know you mentioned her a lot in the ring; earlier… but to you have any anecdotes!? Will she possibly be able to beat you?

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Of course not! This match is mainly between Sable and I; Stephanie is no match for me; as much as she likes to think… of course there is the smidgen of a chance that possibly; she could pin Sable whilst I am pre-occupied… but my spider sense is hyped; I’m ready for it all… move countering… offensive maneuvers… and also the pin; can’t you just picture my hand being raised in victory… fans screaming… my first goal becoming complete!? It will happen tonight, Jonathan… I’d put my life on it!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Thanks Stacy and good luck!

The camera then fades out







((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Well the last matches have been great..and that is GREAT! But I have a feeling i will be enjoying this match

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Me too DDP, I cant wait to see this match!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Yeah! You see how all of this positive energy absorbs around?!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Um..Yeah..well here comes Vamprio!

(The fans are all booing when all of a sudden Vampiros theme hits the PA stystem and out comes the Vampiro..Vampiro is heading to the ring he then slides in and taunts to the fans..the fans all boo as Vampiro taunts..all of a sudden "YOUR LOOKING AT THE REAL DEAL NOW!" and here comes D'lo Brown..the fans start to cheer as D'lo makes his way to the ring..D'lo looks around and taunts then makes his way to the ring..he slides in and then goes to the turnbukle and taunts...all of a sudden "CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA?!" And here comes Booker T..the fans go nuts as Booker makes his way to the ring.

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Well, here comes Booker T! And what a win he had last week...in a triple threat match too...so this should be good.

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Yes King, and I have confidence that Booker T will win!

(Booker T then looks at his hand..he shakes his head and then taunts to the crowd as pryros go off in the back! Booker then looks around and then goes to the ring..he goes to the turnbuckle and does a tuant..he then gets off and all of a sudden the bell rings! Booker goes for D'lo and gives him a closeline! Down goes D'lo...D'lo comes back up and Booker nails a scoop slam! Booker T then gets up D'lo Brown and throws him outside of the ring...There goes D'lo Brown! Booker T then turns around and Vampiro comes running at him and nails a drop kick! Down goes Booker T as Vampiro starts to stomp on him! Booker T then gets up.)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) There goes Vamprio stomping away on Booker T!

(Booker T turns around and gets nailed with a punch! Booker T goes down as D'lo Brown slides back in the ring. D'lo then begins to stomp along with Vampiro..they both get up Booker T and throw him to the ropes...Booker T comes running back and they both go for a cloesline...but Booker T ducks and runs to the ropes and comes back. Booker T comes running back and all of a sudden Vampiro kicks him in the gut and both D'lo and Vampiro nail a double DDT! Booker T goes down as Vampiro goes for the pin...but D'lo pulls him off...D'lo then goes for the pin but Vampiro pulls him off. Both Vampiro and D'lo stare at eachother)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) It seems like the D'lo and Vampiro's alliance is over!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I think your right King!

(D'lo then punches Vampiro and down he goes! D'lo then gets him up and nails chops..D'lo throws Vampiro to the ropes...and nails a super kick! Vampiro goes down..D'lo then slaps Vampiro's chest and then taunts to the crowd..he then nails a drop kick D'lo Brown style! D'lo goes for the pin 1-2-NO! Booker T stomps and breaks it up! Booker T then gets D'lo up and throws him to the ropes..he then nails a high kick! And D'lo Brown goes down. Booker T then taunts to the crowd...when all of a sudden D'lo goes for a closeline..but Booker ducks and D'lo nails Vampiro. Vampiro goes down..D'lo then gets a smile on his face and tells Booker T to wait...Book waits as D'lo waits...D'lo then nails the skyhigh on Vampiro! Vampiro goes down and D'lo gets up and taunts to the crowd..D'lo then turns around and Booker T kicks him in the gut and nails his kick! Booker then gets on one knee and looks at his hand...Booker T then does the spinaroni! The fans go nuts as he taunts to the crowd. Vampiro starts to get up alittle...Booker T turns around and Vamprio trys to do the nail in the coffen..Vamp then lifts up Book AND PLANTS HIM! He makes the pin, 1.....2....3!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) VAMPIRO WINS! What an upset over The Booka Man!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) That isnt a good thing its a great thing! Now Vampiro can be the first ever nWa World Champion!

Vampiro gets up and poses as he is the winner




The scene opens up as Trish is stretching when she sees Coach watching her

((-Trish Stratus-)) Can I help you?!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Hello Trish Stratus, I would just like a few words with you concerning you match up tonight as you team with the "Rookie" Randy Orton to face off against Dawn Marie and Rob Van Dam…is that ok with you?

((-Trish Stratus-)) Sure but I'm busy so hurry..

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Well thank you Trish, Trish Stratus tonight as you already and know you face Dawn Marie and Rob van Dam which some may expect to be sort of an handicap match up seeing that no one is officially sure if Mr. Randy Orton is actually legally signed with the nWa…what do you think of this?

((-Trish Stratus-)) Jonathan Coachman, it doesn’t bother me…I mean at first I was hesitant of finishing this match with RVD and Dawn because of the chances of me being put into a handicap match and getting the hell beaten out of me basically but now over the past few days I have been nothing but prepared for whatever may happen. +puts hands on hips+ I no longer care, Randy’s status with the nWa doesn’t effect me the least, I can care less if he’s part of this company or not…Randy is nothing more but a lame jerk and if he and I are partnered up tonight to face Dawn Marie and Rob Van Dam I can surely guarantee you all that’ll be the last of Randy and myself together that you’ll ever see. If Kat, or Dawn, or anyone else wants the guy they can feel free to go and sleep with him because Randy and Trish are officially over since the last time you guys seen me. I’m so confident of my match tonight…win…lose…draw I’m still the winner because either way I will have given it my all and the fans will respect me just for that. So to answer your question Jonathan Coachman Randy is no longer a factor in this little match up tonight.

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) So you’re saying that you would be willing to take on both RVD and Dawn Marie tonight with no tag team partner!?!

((-Trish Stratus-)) Well Coach, I mean if I didn’t have to I wouldn’t ask for this type of match or anything but if it comes down to me facing the both of them then yah, that’s fine with me. I am more than capable of defeating the both of them if I put my mind to it, I mean look who I’m up against! What wrestling ability does Miss Dawn Marie have!?! None what so ever. All she is, is eye candy and that’s where it ends. She’s no challenge in the ring…she’s not challenge at all and soon enough after I make a mockery of her tonight you…and all these fans will see just that. Perhaps even RVD will stop bragging about having the best possible partner when he should know by now deep down in his little cocky heart he’s doing nothing but lying to himself and all his "fans". RVD has got nothing on me except for the fact that he’s way more cocky and thinks with his ego rather than his brain which at times can be a huge advantage on his part but at the end of the battle he’ll pay for it. He can just TRY to lay a hand on me and he’ll find out the hard way what happens when you miss a dose of Stratusfaction up close and personal! RVD…the master of the 5-Star-Frog Splash and Rolling-Thunder…Mr. PPV…the proudly boasting 4:20 man…can take all his fame…and ego…and thumb taunts…and as the Rock would say "turn them son-bitches side ways and stick them straight up his CANDY ASS because not a single one of those little crowd boosters will have an effect in this match…and RVD I’ll be sure to keep you grounded tonight…and if by any chance you happen to escape and decide you want to go flying you just better prey for a nice safe landing because the only thing you’ll have to save your fall will be that little ring canvas floor!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Trish Stratus what is the current relationship between you and the newly signed Bobbi Billard?

((-Trish Stratus-)) Yah know what so many people have been asking me this as of late, Bobbi is an amazing person once you get to know her and she really helps me out a lot here as well as I help her too. She’s sort of like a sister to me although we haven’t known each other that long she and I get along so well and we can tell one another anything. She’s very supportive of me and helps boost my confidence. It’s really hard to find a girl around here that you can trust, a girl that won’t stab you in the back because of jealousy and Bobbi is that girl. I wish her the best of luck here and look forward to her debuting match!

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Well Trish since we’re on the subject of relationships what’s with you and Triple H? You know you just may be screwing up a HUGE relationship between he and Miss Game Stephanie McMahon~Helmsley

((-Trish Stratus-)) Screwing up a relationship between Triple H and Stephanie!?! Hah what a joke Jonathan! Their relationship is nothing but dead…can’t you tell. Hunter doesn’t want Stephanie nor does he need her. Stephanie is just a confused complaining little BITCH with PMS 24/7! Hunter is fed up with her, I can tell from the look in his eyes day in and day out whenever he and Stephanie are together. You can’t blame the guy though…I mean if I were a guy I’m sure I wouldn’t last a day with Miss Game, just listening to her immature child like little squeamish little voice would most defiantly annoy me. Besides would you pass up such a wonderful opportunity if you were given the onc ein a life time shot at being one with the Canadian Princess Trish Stratus!?! What guy in his right mind doesn’t want me? I’m Blonde, Smart, Gorgeous and everything basically that Steph isn’t…Hunter knows where to find me whenever he needs to get rid of her. Believe me Jonathan I’d be more than willing to "do it" for him heh…

((-Jonathan Coachman-)) Hehe…well Trish Stratus thank you for taking the time out tonight for this special interview and I know you don’t really need it but good luck!

((-Trish Stratus-)) Why thank you Jonathan…and don’t forget no matter what amount is given Stratus-faction is always Guaranteed baby!

The camera then fades




The fans are all going nuts when all of a sudden "Time to Play the Game" hits the PA stystem and out comes the GAME himself..Triple H is heading to the ring while DDP and King call the action in the ring.)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Wow! Look who is comming to the ring..its The Game! This should be one hell of a match!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) and thats not a bad thing..ITS A GOOD THING!

Triple H then goes to the ring..he looks left..then right..he then spits out all of his water out and looks at the rest and spits out the rest..he then goes in the ring and taunts to the crowd..all of a sudden Jaime Nobles theme hits and out comes Jaime Noble! He makes his way to the ring staring at Triple H)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Well, here comes Jaime Noble! And If i know Triple H..he will try to make it game over for both Noble and Latino Heat!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Yes they will king..but atleast Triple H lets out all of his negative energy in the ring

(Jaime Noble then enters the ring and waits for Eddie Gurrerro to come to the ring when all of a sudden "LATTTINNO HEAT!" And out comes Eddie G! He doesnt taunt or anything and runs to the ring and the bell rings! He goes for Jaime Noble and gives him a closeline! Down goes Noble...Noble comes back up and Eddie nails a scoop slam! Eddie then gets up Noble and throws him outside of the ring...Triple H is right behind him..little does Eddie know it..Eddie starts to laugh at Noble..but he bumps right into Triple H...Eddie then loses his smile.)

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Eddie Gurrerro is right infront of Triple H and thats not a good thing its a bad thing!

(Eddie turns around and gets nailed with a punch! Eddie gets back up and Triple H nails another punch! Triple H then runs full blast at Eddie and chocks the heck out of him! The ref cant break it up..but Jaime Noble slides in the ring and stomps on The Game! Triple H goes to the side and Jaime Noble starts to stomp all over him..Eddie then gets up and helps Jaime Noble. They both stomp on the game.)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) It seems like Jaime Noble and Eddie Gurrerro have formed an alliance!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Thats the smart thing to do King..Elimainate The Game!

(All of a sudden Jaime looks at Eddie and gives him a kick to the gut...he then nails a ddt! Eddie goes down as Jaime Noble makes he pin..1-2-no! Kick out by Eddie! Jaime cant believe it and starts to argue with the ref...but all of a sudden Eddie goes a schoolboy pin 1-2-no! Triple H stomps the pin...Eddie then gets up and looks at Triple H...Eddie runs to Triple H and connects with a huricanranna! Triple H goes down as Eddie goes to the top rope! He looks around at the crowd..he then shouts "IM FEELING FROGGY!" Eddie then jumps off.But The Game had him well scouted out and moved out of the way! Eddie starts to jump up and down in pain...Eddie then stands up alittle and holds his gut..Jaime then runs at Eddie and nails a tornado DDT! Eddie goes down...Jaime then makes the pin..but Triple H pulls him off..Jaime turns around and Triple H kicks him in the gut..he goes for the pedigree...and nails it! Jaime goes down..Eddie then starts to get up..Triple H notices this..kicks Eddie in the gut and nails another pedigree!)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) What a move! Both Eddie and Jaime are down!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Thats a good thing for Triple H

(Triple H then pulls Noble right next to Eddie and pins both of them 1-2-3! Its over! Triple H wins!)

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Triple H advances! What a win for The Game!







After a prolonged commercial break; the cameras head to the make-up area of the arena, where we see Lana Starr sitting on a large leather chair, which is in front of a mirror and hundreds of products; Lana swings around on the chair a little, as Delores; the nWa make-up artist walks in

((-Delores-)) As you were saying, Ms. Starr…

((-Lana Star-)) You missed some? Ah well… I have time to start over… SO; I was in the ring, with that little skank, Miss. Tara or whatever the hell she goes by… and we were staring each other down with the killer eyes… the ruthless aggression was observant on both our faces; and it came to me… this chick; had ZILTCH make-up on, I swear!

((-Delores-)) I didn’t think she’d been here today… ~ Lana shakes her head ~ … but congratulations on the win!

((-Lana Star-)) Everyone knew it was gonna happen; but I’ll take the congrats anyway; just don’t expect an apology… mmkay?

((-Delores-)) Alright…

Lana swings around on the chair a couple more times as the shot widens to see The Kat standing in the doorway of the room, Delores cowers back yet as Lana notices the Kitty standing there, she smirks and crosses her legs

((-Lana Star-)) Fans aren’t allowed backstage, SORRY!

((-The Kat-)) Comedy, Lana… excellent to see you’ve upgraded from being just some old porn star…

((-Lana Star-)) At least I was a legal one, Kitty… amuse me, Kat… why have you came all the way here ~ Texan Accent ~ … just to see little ol’me!? I hope it wasn’t to beg for an autograph and picture; because my stocks are out for people who envy me…

((-The Kat-)) Lana, Honey… the only thing that envies you is that teensy mirror ya carry around 24/7…

((-Lana Star-)) And that made sense, woo for you Catwoman… now, if you don’t mind; I’d like to continue telling Del, more about how badly I whooped Miss H… T… THAT bitches ass!

((-The Kat-)) Scraping the victory…

((-Lana Star-)) Eugh! Just go back to your extra-curricular training with the clown guy… and then we’ll all be happy… don’t hate me for the sole fact of me being more talented… ~ Kat Raises an eyebrow ~ … more good looking… ~ Lana stands up ~ … and way, WAY younger…

Lana laughs as Kat does also, sarcastically… Kat puts her finger under Lana’s chin and raises her head, as Lana pushes her away

((-The Kat-)) Self-confident, are we Lana?

((-Lana Star-)) …ya think!?

((-The Kat-)) Well how about this, “Miss. Thing”… the next Shockwave show… the Hollywood starlet, Lana Starr… goes head to head with purrrrrfection, in myself!? Remember… “don’t hate”…

((-Lana Star-)) I’m not gonna hate… because I rightfully ACCEPT… ~ Kat narrows her eyes ~ … just wait, sis… because the kitty will be neutered!

Kat looks shocked and then narrows her eyes again, Lana goes to exit the room as Kat yanks her back by the shoulder and whispers to her

((-The Kat-)) …you just try it!

Kat lets go as the diva’s part ways, both their faces formed in anger as the scene fades




Trish's music plays and she comes out to the ring. The fans cheer as Trish walks down the aisle to the ring.She gets into the ring and gets the mic


((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Trish isnt a bad thing, SHES A GOOD THING!

((-Trish Stratus)) You know something guys, my partner, Randy Orton, he left this fed and left me hanging but I tell you 1 thing, I will fight both of them! 100% STRATUSFACTION will be given tonight!

Suddenly RVD's music plays! The fans stand and cheer as out walks RVD. RVD smiles and poses as he walks down the aisle. He gets into the ring and gets a mic

((-Rob Van Dam-)) You know something Trish, you are right, Dawn left as did Randy so how bout the winners os this match be us?

The fans cheer as Trish thinks

((-Trish Stratus)) WHATEVER!

((-Rob Van Dam-)) Thats my word Trish but its cool!

((-Trish Stratus)) Everythings cool when your....

((-Rob Van Dam-)) ROB VAN DAM!

The fans do the RVD taunt also as RVD raises Trish's hand as the scene fades




The scene opens up in the locker room of Jerry Jarrett as Hardcore Holly is talking with him

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Jerry I need to speak with you!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Ok then I'm listening

((-Hardcore Holly-)) I did not attack Rock! Honest! I was at a race!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well I see..

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Honest! I did not hurt the nWa!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well ok I'll believe you since we go way back.

((-Hardcore Holly-)) But I have a favor to ask of you...

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well I dunno Bob you arent on good terms now but lets see...

((-Hardcore Holly-)) I want Cena! In a match next week!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) John Cena?

((-Hardcore Holly-)) YES! That prick! I'll kick his ass and make him respect me!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well Bob...you got it!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) Thanks alot J!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Dont let me down, I hope it wasnt you that attacked Rock!

((-Hardcore Holly-)) It wasnt but I think I know who it was...

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) WHO?!

Holly whispers a name to Jarrett and his eyes get big in disbelief as Holly shakes his head and the camera fades out




The scene opens in the backstage area, the shot showing a water cooler, groans can be heard as the cameras look to the floor to see Molly Holly with a butt-master… some sharp heels can be heard coming along the empty hallway, the camera catches site of some blue, suede knee high stiletto boots; the camera follows up some legs as they stop moving, the shot eventually shows Bob bi Billard towering over Molly Holly… laughing

((-Bobbi Billard-)) Hey Molly…

Molly notices someone is there and throws the butt-master behind her, before standing up

((-Molly Holly-)) I wasn’t doing anything…

((-Bobbi Billard-)) Right… so what was that ‘butt-meister 4000’ thing, then!?

((-Molly Holly-)) I don’t know what the heck your talking about… you; silly tart!

((-Bobbi Billard-)) Billard, Bobbi Billard to you Fatty… and ya know damn well what I’m talking about; the thing you were using around a minute ago… the whole damn arena saw you so denial won’t work!

((-Molly Holly-)) So…who are you?

((-Bobbi Billard-)) I introduced myself just there… I’m one of the nWa’s top diva’s… ~ Molly laughs ~ … your laughing, why, exactly!?

((-Molly Holly-)) I… was the last WWE women’s champion; I should know my diva’s… and I do! I fail to remember you, see… I can remember the tall, twiggy big bird… the short, Canadian ho… scantily dressed woman… and also others… just not you!

((-Bobbi Billard-)) Vince McMahon didn’t employ me! I knew that I could make it on my own with out sleeping with the boss…

((-Molly Holly-)) I would never in all of my years do something so vulgar…

((-Bobbi Billard-)) That ass is way too big for a virgin, Molls…

((-Molly Holly-)) …why you… you just wait; once my success roll begins, there won’t be anyone who can stop me…

((-Bobbi Billard-)) With those hips your right, say; ya best work on them a little more… take the lard away from your butt!

((-Molly Holly-)) Well, Golly gosh I’ll be more than damned if you think you’re the ‘perfect’ item… you may have the looks, but it’s not looks that count, honey, it’s power and in-ring abilities which, I; Molly Holly… past WWE women’s champion, excel at… and noone can prove me wrong, especially no trailer trash!

((-Bobbi Billard-)) Trailer Trash!? Just because I’m more than three times the woman you are Molls, no need to show your concern on camera…

((-Molly Holly-)) If I was concerned, Bobbi… I wouldn’t be standing here internally laughing at your belief in yourself…

Bobbi smirks and turns to walk away… as Molly smiles to herself… Bobbi quickly turns around and gives Molly a huge wedgie… Bobbi walks away laughing as the scene fades out ~




The scene opens up back at the ring as Jerry and DDP talk about the next match

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Well Page, these will be the first real puppies you have seen from this announce spot and I must say that there are alot of different kinf of puppies here! We got big monster puppies! Nice firm puppies and small pup's but which style do you prefer?

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Big puppies arent a bad thing! THEY ARE A GOOD THING!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Now I think I'm starting to like you!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I can help you like you now!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) No thanks but you wont need to help me like this next match! This will be a classic Diva battle and we are ready!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I am ready for puppies too!

Then Sables music plays! The fans rise on their feet and instanly begin to go wild with cheers as she walks out onto the ramp

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Those are some great puppies there Page! Grade A!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I think we need a better look King!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) You know, I do think I like you now!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Want me to help you like you?

((-Jerry Lawler-)) No but Sable is loooooookin gooooood tonight! I hope she wins!

Sable makes her way down the ramp smiling and waiving to the fans. Sable gets onto the steps and then into the ring. She smiles and waives as the fans cheer. Sables music stops as Stephanie McMahons version of MY TIME plays! The fans boo as Steph walks out onto the ramp and poses

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Sable may have great puppies but she falls a little short of Steph's! Those are the best breasts in the business Page!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I've seen less plastic wrapped on a car before King. Steph needs to love herself and find out that implants arent a good thing but a bad thing!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Are you trying to get me not to like you once again? Her puppies RULE!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) They may rule but breast cancer doesnt!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) I hope Steph wins!

Steph then walks slowly down the aisle with her hand on her hip taunting the fans by smirking at them. She gets onto the steps and then into the ring as the arena is still dim, she gets in the middle of the ring as the spotlight hits her and she poses. Her music stops as she gets into her corner. Then AMERICAN WOMAN by Lenny Kravitz plays. The fans stand and go wild as out walks STACY KEIBLER!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Now look at them legs Page!! They are so long and amazing imagien them wrapped around your...

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Hey! This is a family show!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) I was just gonna say imagine them wrapped around your waist in The Keibler Krush!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I need 1 of them!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) AH ME 2! I hope Stacy wins!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) At first you wanted Sable and then Steph and now Stacy! Pick somebody King!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Its too hard to pick somebody! TRUST ME!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I think Sable has this. But we are all winners!

Stacy then stands on the ramp and twirls her hair around and shakes her hips. She begins to walk down the aisle watching the ladies in the ring. She reaches the ring and gets onto the steps and then climbs under the top rope and then pauses as she is under the rope and the fans go wild! She gets into the ring and gts ready and so are we!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Thats it, its time to play THE PUPPIES!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) This should be a classic battle!

The bell sounds! Steph runs and grabs Stacy by the hair and the 2 women roll around on the mat as Sable watches and laughs. Stacy gets on top of Steph and begins to bang her head on the mat! The fans cheer but Steph then flips Stacy over and begins to bang her head off the mat! Sable then comes over and grabs Steph by the hair and Sable then lifts Steph off of Stacy and then Sable throws Steph down onto the mat! The fans cheer! Stacy gets up and tries to run at a fallen Steph but didnt see Stacy and Stacy reaches out her arm and nails the long legged beauty with an amazing clothsline!


Stacy goes down hard! Sable then goes over and pull up Steph, Steph begs Sable to stop but Sable pulls her up by the hair and then Sable kicks her and plants her head down into the mat with a hard DDT! Sable then makes a quick pin, 1........STACY BREAKS IT UP!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Only a 1 count there!

Stacy then begins to stomp on Sable as she is down! Stacy pulls up Sable and kicks her in the chest and Sable staggers back into the corner and then stacy raises her massive legs and begins to choke Sable!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) OH MY GOD!! LOOOOOOK!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I see it....I LIKE IT TOO!

The fans whislte and cheer as Stacy smiles as she is choking Sable but then Steph gets up to her knees and dives and takes out Stacys other knee! Stacy falls down onto the mat in pain. Sable begins to catch her breath. Steph gets up and then comes over and kicks Sable in the stomach and then Steph pops Sable with a hard slap! Sable falls down onto the mat. Steph then pins Sable!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) HERE WE GO!

The ref drops for the pin, 1......KICK OUT BY SABLE!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) She kicked out!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Steph needs to hook the legs better!

Steph then gets up and goes over and pulls Stacy up, Steph then kicks Stacy and plants her head onto the mat with a devistating DDT! The fans cheer! Sable gets up slowly to ehr feet as Stacy is up and Stacy runs and nails Sable with a clothsline that sends The Wild Cat over the top rope! Sable lands on the outside hard! Stacy then goes over and pulls up Steph by the hair but Steph pokes Stacy in the eye! Steph then hooks Stacy's long legs with a rollup, 1.........2.....KICK OUT! The fans cheer! Steph gets up and cries to the ref but to no advantage. Steph goes over to get Stacy but Stacy grabs Stephs legs and then jumps on top of her and begins to bang her head off the mat!! Steph tries to block it but cant! Stacy gets up and runs to the ropes, she comes back and drops a big leg drop down onto Steph! Stacy makes the pin, 1..........2......KICK OUT!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Stacy almost had it there! So close!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) BUT YET SO FAR!

Sable rolls back into the ring. Stacy see's her, Sable gets to her feet and Stacy runs and goes for another clothsline over the top rope but Sable ducks and Stacy goes over! Sable then comes over and pulls up Steph, Sable kicks her in the stomach and hooks her and picks her up into the air and then slams her down with a hard suplex! Sable then gets up and then she pulls up steph, Steph nails Sable in the stomach with a hard fist! Sable loosens the grip and then Steph hits her again and Sable lets go of Steph, Steph gets up and then slaps the taste outta Sables mouth! Sable staggers back and turns around, Steph then runs and jumps and plants Sables head into the mat with a DDT! Sable is down! Steph goes for a pin as Stacy gets back into the ring! The ref counts, 1........2....STACY KICKS STEPH! Steph gets off of Sable. Stacy pulls up Steph by the hair and then runs and tosses her over the top rope!!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) INCOMING!!


Steph hits the floor hard! Stacy pulls up Sable and nails a chop to her chest! Stacy then kicks her in the side and Sable goes back into the corner. Stacy grabs her and then whips her across the ring into the other corner, Stacy then backs up and runs full speed across the ring, she jumps into the air but Sable moves and Stacy nails the corner chest first! Sable then rolls up Stacy! 1.....2.....KICK OUT! The fans cheer as Stacy gets the kick out. Sable gets up and pulls up Stacy but Stacy hooks SAble for a roll up! 1......2....KICK OUT!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Another close 1! This is anyones match!

Sable gets up and Stacy goes into the corner and Sable runs but Stacy flips up onto the ropes and hooks Sable and flips her over for a sunset flip!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) THE SKYE DIVE!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Its her time now!

Stacy then gets a 1.........and then a 2......and then....3!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) STACY WINS!!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) We have our first ever nWa Champion!!

Stacy gets up as Steph rolls into the ring. Steph runs and tries to attack Stacy but Stacy nails her with a kick! Steph goes down as Stacy is handed her Title! The fans cheer as she puts the title around her waist and poses

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Wow she looks great in gold!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) She looks great all the time!

Stacy then smiles as the camera fades




The scene opens up in Jerry's locker room

((-The Kat-)) You asked for me to come into your room for what?

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well you know Kat, it seems that you have gotten yourself into alot of trouble around here!

((-The Kat-)) What do you mean boss?

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well tonight along you have challenged Torrie AND Lana to matches.

((-The Kat-)) Oh well they both make me sick!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Well I tell you what since you want them both in a match you and them 2, in a Triple Threat!

((-The Kat-)) Yeah exactly what I needed! I can whoop 2 skanks at once!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) They are very good but good luck!

((-The Kat-)) I dont need it! But you know I would like to be your assistant!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Thank you but I dont need it!

((-The Kat-)) What do you mean?! Your turning me down?!

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) Yeah because I already have someone!

((-The Kat-)) WHO?!

Just then STACY KEIBLER walks outta the bathroom with her Womens Title as Kat is upset

((-Jerry Jarrett-)) That would be Stacy!

((-The Kat-)) Shes such a tramp!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Your just mad because your trash!

((-The Kat-)) ME?! Sorry honey but your mistaken!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) No I'm not but you are! I am THE CHAMP!

((-The Kat-)) For now! It will be mine soon!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Wish honey because this Title aint goin no where! But you can go somewhere like outta our locker room!

((-The Kat-)) Screw you Stacy!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Dont you wish!

((-The Kat-)) Your such a perverted slut!

((-Stacy Keibler-)) Thanks!

((-The Kat-)) WHAT A BIMBO!

Stacy smiles as Kat leaves and Jerry laughs as the camera fades







Suddenly MEDAL hits over the pa system. The fans rise to their feet and begin to boo immediately. Then out walks KURT ANGLE! The fans boo as they see Kurt and then Kurt looks around in utter disbelief! Kurt then walks to the edge of the ramp, he stops and looks down as the boo'ing picks up along with the YOU SUCK chants along with his music. Kurt then throws his arms up as a awesome pyro shoots up from the stage. Kurt then begins to walk toward the ring with his medals around his neck to more boos.

((-Jerry Lawler-)) These fans are dumb for booing our Olympic Hero!! Everyone should worship Kurt Angle! Hes a true american hero!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Kurt Angle may be our american hero but he looks sad all the time!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Hes upset! Look how my hometown people boo him! I'm ashamed!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) King you need to work on smiling more!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) I Smile everytime I see puppies!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Ah yes puppies are fun to play with, they bring a smile to your face!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) YES! YES THEY DO!

Kurt then gets into the ring. He spins a small circle and then raises his arms high into the air. Angle then goes over and gets a mic. The fans boo him as he begins to speak

((-Kurt Angle-)) The Olympic Hero is here in Memphis ITS TRUE! And tonight I will move 1 step closer to being the first ever nWa World Champion! Stone Cold Steve Austin you get ready because I'm gonna kick your butt all over this ring in front of all your stupid fans! ITS TRUE ITS...

Suddenly Kurt gets cut off! The glass shatters! The fans stand on their feet and go mad crazy as out walks STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN with his BMF walk. Austin heads down the aisle with a quick pace. He gets onto the steps and then into the ring. He walks right past Kurt, flips him off and climbs a turnbuckle but then Kurt runs from behind and grabs Austin on the middle rope and flips him back with a german suplex!! The fans boo! The ref calls for the bell

((-Jerry Lawler-)) There ya go Kurt! Dont let that jackass get away with gestering you that way! Teach him a lesson the rough way!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Thats cheating, cheating is a bad bad thing King! I think I need to teach Kurt another I and thats inside love!

Kurt then pulls up Austin, Kurt grabs him around the waist and flips Austin over with a belly to belly suplex! Austin hits the mat hard1 He rolls over. Kurt gets up and runs and goes for a clothsline but Stone Cold ducks it! Austin then nails Kurt with a chop to the chest! Kurt staggers back hodling his chest while Austin measures him up and nails him with another chop! Angle staggers back into the corner and then Austin kicks him in the stomach and then Austin kicks him again! The fans yell WHAT as Austin does it, he does another stomp and gets another WHAT? and then he does a fury of stomps that the fans cant keep up with! The ref gets Austin back and the fans go wild. Austin comes back and pulls up Angle and nails him with a hard right! Then Austin nails a hhhaarrddd chop to the chest! Kurt begins to jump around in pain! Austin then nails a short arm clothsline! Kurt falls down and gets right back up and Austin then nails him with a right and Kurt goes down. He gets up and then Austin kicks him and hooks him and slams him back with a great suplex! Stone Cold gets up. Kurt gets up slowly and then Austin grabs him and scoops him up and slams him down with a scoop slam! Austin goes to the ropes and comes back and goes for a elbow drop but Kurt moves! Austin then rolls over as Kurt gets up. Austin stands up as Kurt gets up, Austin fires a right but Kurt blocks it and then Kurt nails Austin with a hard left! Austin staggers back and then Kurt runs and nails a huge knee to the stomach and Austin flips over Kurts knee. Kurt then drops down and locks Stone Cold in a chin lock and tightens it up!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Kurt Angle is tryin to slow this match down! The longer it goes, the more it favors him!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Well going slow agaisnt Stone Cold is a bad thing! He wears down quickly.

Angle keeps the hold locked on! Kurt then keeps it as the ref checks Austin. Kurt begins to stand and locks it on tighter! Stone Cold gets to his feet and then nails Angle in the stomach with a elbow! Kurt keeps the hold locked on though! Austin then nails him again with a hard elbow! Kurts feet go off the ground and he breaks the hold! Stone Cold then runs to the ropes, he comes back and then Kurt goes for a clothslien but Austin ducks it! Stone Cold then kicks Kurt and plants his head down onto the mat with a hard ddt! Stone Cold laies down as does Kurt! The fans come alive! Stone Cold and Kurt both get up to their feet! Kurt fires a right but Stone Cold blocks it! Austin then nails Kurt right on the chin with a hard left! Kurt staggers and then Austin nails him again! Kurt staggers back more and then Austin kicks him and hooks him for a STUNNER but Kurt escapes and rolls outta the ring as the fans boo

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Kurt got away from the Stone Cold Stunner! That could have ended it right there Page! Kurt was 1 Stunner away from his lights bein turned off!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) and Kurt getting a Stunner would be a good thing because it would send Stone Cold onto the Final 4!

Kurt then walks on the outside of the ring. Stone Cold runs outta the ring after him! Kurt see's austin just in time and Kurt moves and Austin nails the steel ring pole! Kurt then grabs Austins head and bangs it off the pole again! Kurt then slams his head down onto the steel steps and Austin flies back and then Kurt grabs him and walks with him over and bangs Stone Colds head off the fan barrier! The fans boo Kurt! Kurt then clothelines Austin over the top of the barrier onto the floor where the fans are! Kurt climbs up onto the barrier and jumps off and nails Austin with a elbow! Kurt gets up and begins to stomp on Stone Cold

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Kurt is taking it to Austin now right infront of all his redneck followers!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Rednecks arent bad things King! They hunt and fish!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Did you forget that they marry their cousins?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Thats not a good thing!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) You damn right its not! ITS A BAD THING!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) There ya go!

Kurt then pulls up Austin and tosses him back over the barrier as a fan begins to taunt Kurt! Kurt grabs the fan and throws him onto the floor!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Kurt is now assualiting the fans! GOOD JOB KURT!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) These fans are helpless! Why does he have to assualt them?! They pay for a ticket!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Just because they pay doesnt mean they can do what they want DDP! They need to follow rules and 1 rule is not to tauny KURT ANGLE!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Its true!

Kurt then goes over the barrier where Stone Cold is waiting! Kurt hops over the barrier and Austin jumps and drills him with a hellacious clothsline!! Kurt does a 360 flip and hits the floor as the fans go wild! Stone Cold pulls up Kurt and runs and bangs his head off the steel pole to a WHAT from the fans! Then Austin grabs his head and bangs it off again to anotehr WHAT and then again to a WHAT and again and again! Kurt falls down! The fans cheer. Stone Cold pulls up Kurt and then runs and slams him, back first into the steel steps! The steps break apart! Austin goes over and grabs a step and lifts it up and drops it down right onto the head of our Olympic Hero!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Thats cheating! He is using a foreign object!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Its not foreign its...regular?

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Zip it Page! Hes cheating! GET UP KURT AND WHOOP THAT CHEATERS ASS!

Stone Cold then pulls up Kurt. He slids him into the ring and Austin climbs into the ring behind. He pulls up Kurt and whips him to the ropes, Kurt comes back, Austin grabs him by the waist and lifts him up and slams him down with a spinebuster!! The fans go wild! Austin then rusn to the ropes and comes back, he begisn to flip everyone off and then drops a huge BIONIC ELBOW!! The fans go nuts! Austin pulls up Kurt, he kicks him and goes for a STUNNER but Kurt moves outta the way and then hooks Austin and slams him back with a german suplex! Both men are down again! The fans come alive.

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Come on Kurt! Get up! Show the 3 I's!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Come on Austin get up and show 3:16!

Stone Cold and Kurt both get up, Kurt waits as Austin swings with a fist, Kurt ducks it, he grabs Austin and lifts him up and nails THE ANGLE SLAM!!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) ANGLE SLAM! ANGLE SLAM!!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) NNOOOO!

Kurt then gets up and spins a circle and taunts the fans. Kurt then hooks Austins leg and makes a pin, 1.........2........KICK OUT!!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) NO! He kicked out!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) YES! It takes more than that to keep The Rattlesnake down!

Kurt looks at the ref angry. He then goes over and shoves the ref back! He gets in the ref's face and begins to tell him off. Stone Cold slowly gets up. Kurt see's this and runs and nails Austin with a knee to the stomach that is already weak and Austin goes down. Kurt goes over and tells the ref it was a 3 count. But the ref doesnt care! Kurt goes over and makes another pin

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Here goes! The win!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) He will kick out! He has too!

The ref counts ,1...........

((-Jerry Lawler-)) 1!

The ref then counts 2......

((-Jerry Lawler-)) 2!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) KICK OUT!

The ref then goes for 3 but right before his hand hits AUSITN KICKS OUT!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) SLOW COUNT!!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Good count!

The ref gets up and calls it a 2 and Kurt gets up very upset! He gets into the face of the ref and begins to yell at him. Kurt shocs the ref down!! The ref gets up and then shoves Kurt! Kurt goes back and then he laughs as the ref backs into the corner! Kurt smacks the red on the head but Stone Cold it up! Kurt turns around and Austin kicks him and then BOOM! STONE COLD STUNNER!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) NO!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) PIN HIM PIN HIM!

The fans go wild! Stone Cold makes the pin, 1.....2....3!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) NO NO NO! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Stone Cold winning wasnt a bad thing, ITS A GOOD THING!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Shut up!

The fans go nuts! Stone Colds music plays as he gets up and goes over and demands a beer. He gets the beer and then toasts the fans! Stone Cold celebrates for a few moments

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Damn this sucks! That SOB Stone Cold screwed Kurt Angle outta the nWa Unified World Title! We all know Kurt would of won it!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Dont be so thoughtful because Kurt would not of won it! He doesnt like himself enough!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Well now Austin will pay next week!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) He may pay next week but Kurt paid this week!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Thank god you wont be here to see it next week!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Thats not a good thing, ITS A BAD THING!

Stone Cold continues his celebration, Kurt gets up slowly and then Austin gives hi ma beer but before Kurt can get it, Austin kicks him and nails THE STUNNER AGAIN! Kurt falls down and is out! Stone Cold pours the beer on Kurt as the fans cheer wildly! Stone Cold then climbs another turnbuckle and poses but suddenly someone jumps the crowd!! He has on all black!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Wait...thats the guy who assualted ROCK!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) Why is he here?!

The guy slids into the ring with a aluminum baseball bat! Stone Cold gets down and turns around and the guy smacks Stone Cold right on the head!! Stone Cold goes down!! The fans begin to boo like maniacs! The guy then stands over Austin who is now bleeding!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) Who is this monster?!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) I dunno King but he has destroyed 2 of the top wrestlers here!!

((-Jerry Lawler-)) He will have hell to pay for this 1!

((-Diamond Dallas Page-)) He sure will!

The end shows as the man points to Ausitn with the bat. The show ends with that final image



