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2002 Nationals Winners Bitch, Best Of Winners & Best Puppy

from the 6-9 Puppy Class

Cornerstone's Cameo of Windermere

Whelped 8/12/01    PRA Clear   OFA WCC-996F32F-NOPI


  images/cammie.jpg (54198 bytes) 

A pictures says a thousand words...

Cammie went to play "show dog" with Jeff & Bonnie Money.   Well, I think it was pretty much love at first sight or Cammie kisses!

cammy.jpg (16649 bytes)

Cammie became  Jeff's girl and produced several of the Money's first Cardigan litters.  Now spayed and owned solely by them, Bonnie works hard at performance titles with their dogs too.   As always, Best Wishes !!!


Click on the links below to see her parents:

Sire:  CH Dreamer ROMb

Dam:  CH DeeDee ROMb


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