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Stefanie's AFO5 Pictures

This August, I went to Anime Festival Orlando 5. It was a blast! ^_^ There were so many really neat cosplayers, and the guests were so nice! I loved them all. *laughs*

If you see a picture of yourself on here, and you don't want it up/want it for yourself/whatever, email me and let me know. I'll do whatever I can to help.

P.S. I'm not a photographer, and I was using a cheap throwaway camera for these. Don't expect anything remotely high-quality. ^_^;; Consider yourselves warned. ^_^

Dealer's room! ^^ You can see Steve Bennet and... Lex Lang's back... *lol* He's in the maroon shirt.

Amanda Francis, incredibly talented artist.

Me with Doug Smith. Artist, voice actor, neat guy. ^_^

With Jan Scott Fraizer, who freaking ROCKS. ^_^ She's the one who did the henna lotus on my tummy.

Kagome and Kouga! Aren't they adorable? ^_^

With Lex Lang. Sanosuke from "Rurouni Kenshin" and about half a million more. ^_^ Singer (a VERY good one at that!) and a dearheart as well.

Very many people cosplayed characters from "Naruto." Here's one of them!

One Piece crew! ^^

Saiyuki! Well, Komyou, Goku, and Sanzo. ^^ Saiyuki rocks. *lol*

This is Sean, a friend I made at AFO5. ^_^ Cosplaying Inuyasha!

Because you can't have Inuyasha without Sesshoumaru. ^_~

Shuichi! K! ^___^ From "Gravitation."

*lol* Steve Bennett. Egads, this man was freakin' nuts. But cool. Oh, he was SO awesome. *lol*

Toboe from "Wolf's Rain." She was really good at the Voice Acting 101 Panel! ^_^

Yeah, Wolfwood's supposed to be a guy. Aa, the wonders of cosplay - gender rules get tossed out the window! *lol*

Yahiko. I think he was at last year's con, too...

Gotsta have the Yohji. *GRIN* Because Jada told me I had to find one for her.

If you've ever needed a Yohji for the night. ^_~
