[[Tuesday, April 15th 10:24 a.m.]]
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I am pretty content with life right now, but things could always be better. I went on a date with Chris friday night, he treated me like a princess ....it was so sweet :-) Scroll down to see my cutie-patooti, and we're going out. I feel like I've won the lottery! I don't get to see him alot though. His mom is scared to leave him alone with me! We went to a chinese resturaunt and saw THE CORE...it was ok, if you like that sci-fi stuff. I feel so safe in his arms....*sighs* God bless America!

[[Tuesday, April 8th 10:24 a.m.]]
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I don't think i've had so many death threats in my life, SSSSSSSSSSSO many people hate me with a passion! I know this will sound silly but I didn't really do anything. The worst thing I did was look at a girl "the wrong way" I hate poeple like that! Mean people truly do suck! Nobodies gonna bring me down!

Wanna see what Im upta?

[[Tuesday, March 25th 7:13 p.m.]]

Going to Busch Gardens tomorrow...YAY! I had to scrounge around the house to add $10 to my existing $40 because the price of the tickets have gone waaay up. I hardly have money for lunch! But thats okay, I'll get Ashley to pay for it...lol
Things seem a lot less bitter *clears throat* now that I don't have you-know-who sending me hate mails. It's too bad I left him on such a bad note, oh well

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[[Tuesday, March 18th 11:24 a.m.]]
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My birthdays coming up! This week, I've been pretty down. Watching channels like CNN and MSNBC have been so depressing lately. It just kills me knowing that innocent people have to die because of a tyrant's actions. It's just too bad. But the coming of war was pretty much inevitable. Spring Break is coming up *thank god* and I won't be writing in my blog until I get back to school from break. Hopefully, I'll finish A tree grows in Brooklyn It's a pretty long book and I've been neglecting reading it for a week now. Despite my melancholy tone, I did have something good happen today.... I finished my Juvenile Arbitration "plan" to get my record expunged....and it's all over *sigh of relief* Maybe after Spring Break things will calm down. Until then, I have absolutely no plans. I imagine I might go to Ashley's a few times, and do some serious harm to my wallet at the mall...which is always good

Also, I URGE you to pick up Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtdel. I think I'll be adding a section on books I'd recommend. I just recently started reading again about a month ago and I've found that I can express my feelings and thoughts better. And I've been writing faster, and more elaborate. I'm still trying to think of more things to give my site some "content", but that's all I could come up with : /

Hope you all have a good Spring Break :-)

[Playing: "Where I belong" by LINKIN PARK]

[[Tuesday, February 25th 11:24 a.m.]]
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haha...just me having fun with photoshop in commercial art. thats me with Patty's (patty is from c. art) son. He's such a cutie. and he is the one i will marry, im sure of it! the fact i only talked to him on the phone once doesn't mean anything! :P haha. When I know, I know. 'nuff said. I added this song....if only it weren't so short, I could only find the mp3 of the sample:-( but it plays over and over, and you can't stop it! haahahaaa. thank you loop tool! I remembered I liked this song last year in tv production.When stacy played it for our intro.....she got it from one of her brittish friends. I can relate to this a lot. I am so fickle! haha. At least i know I'll have my boo chris <3

[Playing: "romeo" by basement jaxx]

[[Tuesday, February 25th 11:24 a.m.]]
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I am shocked with myself! You wouldnt't believe who I saw yesterday! JIMMY! My mom had to go to K-mart, and I didn't feel like staying so I walked to Jimmy's. Turn's out he's moving next month:-( But his dad said I could come over and see him if I wanted to. Then again, I think his dad was on about 10 pills....he started coming on to me, it was grose. Then, they finally left and we watched a movie and messed around a bit:-) My legs still feel wobbly from community service yesterday. Only 3 days to go yipee! (and I have to reschedule a court class)

[Playing: "Romeo" by Basement Jaxx]

[[Tuesday, February 18th 11:24 a.m.]]
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oooooohhhweee! There was a cutie-patooti when I came home from school yesterday! My step-dad's friend from college brought his family to Florida. If im suuuppper lucky we'll go out to dinner tonight after I get my community service dealt with....which should be around 5. I have a feeling this will be a good week:D!

Also, Zora won! Yay! and the "surprising twist" turned out to be crap. I didn't watch all the show last night. So, sure enough it was MSN's front page....go figure.

[Playing: "Romeo" by Basement Jaxx]

[[Thursday, February 13th 10:36 a.m.]]
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Ugh! tomorrow's the most horrendous day of the year...the dreadded Valentines day Sometimes V-day makes me feel like the Grinch. But, I got something nice for my mom....it's a plush heart with pictures of all my brothers and sisters in it...and I added a bead to the top so it will hang on her door knob. I'm going to secretly place it on her door before I go to school. She'll be so happy when I get home:-) Doing things nice like that makes the end result worth it. And, no, I do not have a valentine :-( Im just going to stay home and cry...lol

Playing: "Life in Mono"

[[Saturday, February 8th 7:50 p.m.]]
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HAHAHAHA I HAVE MUSIC! It takes a while to get into the song but..it's really good, kinda emo, BuT GOOD! HEY! im back from VA-K....YAAAYYYYY!!!! Ha! I know the britney spears thing is a bit much......but...I think she's hot and I dont care what anyone else says. About an hour ago I went to see How to lose a guy in 10 days...you should definatly go see it! IT IS AWESOME! It has a really great ending as well. I'm about to go to some party really soon with my friend....I think at 9. When I was at the mall, I also got a new face plate (BELOW) and a cute shirt from Forever 21....also in the picture below:)

Playing: "Life in Mono"

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