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Stats as of 1/31/05
ID: ep039m, stage 1.1
Name: Cobalt
Color: Dark gray with black points, green eyes
Redrawn by Lady Juliette on 5/15/03
Life Points: 135
Strength: 35
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 35
Defense: 45

6 Total RP Points

Stats as of Uhm?
ID: ep039m, stage 1.1
Name: Cobalt
Color: Dark gray with black points, green eyes
Redrawn by Lady Juliette on 5/15/03
Life Points: 115
Strength: 35
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 30
Cunning: 30
Defense: 35

5 RP Exp.

Attacks: Nip (30d)
Growl (10% of original defense taken away)

Stats as of 11-7-03

ID: ep039m, stage 1.1
Name: Cobalt
Color: Dark gray with black points, green eyes
Redrawn by Lady Juliette on 5/15/03
Additions: White marking addition
Life Points 100
Strength 35
Speed 30
Intelligence 30
Cunning 30
Defense 25

2 RP Exp.

Attacks: Nip (30d)
Growl (10% of original defense taken away)