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Character Profiles

Click which ever character that I gladly roleplay you want, to learn more about them. You obviously got here by clicking my profile, and following the link to this site, to learn more about Cyleena, Storm, Anck-Su-Namun, or Kitana. Yeah..I know I'm multi-talented or whatever. But these rules and guidelines I follow..

|| IM RP is welcome ||

|| No Stupid..Retarded Actions or Attacks Against my charrie w/o reason ||

|| Just because I have a profile..doesn't mean I won't roleplay with you because you do not. I'm not those stupid Moulin Rogue ho's ||

||Boring..four word attacks..would not be tolerared. Atleast 15 + word attacks..5+ dodges ||

||Respect the mun..(want a name..ask)..and her character||

|| not tolerated. Mature RP||

||NO DICE!||

Character Profiles and Bios