Over View

This is only a general set of guidelines and is not a mandatory set of rules.
If you should choose to not follow these guidelines or go against them do not come crying when no one will trade with you.

What will Happen When You First Come

You will notice that you most likely not be too popular at first, at least not popular in a positive way.
You will be :
Called names such as : Fag, Newbie, Slut, Faget, Fag, Whore, Gay, Gaybie, or even Ripoff and so on and so forth.
Asked for a list of 'refs' or referances
Asked for a stash page.
Asked and/or Told that you will have to send first.
Get hated on for no appearant reason
Get dissed for no appearant reason

Now, the trick here is that you must realize that this has happened to everyone that is doing it to you when they first came along.
It will continue to happen long after they are gone and you are the ones that are doing it to the other newbies.
Nothing on this earth will change this, so you might as well not even bother trying to change it.

What Not To Do

Use the word 'Juggahoe'. It has no meaning and most of the people here either don't like ICP too much or consider themselves juggalos.
Tell everyone that your are 'mad legit, I got lots of refs'. They will either call you a fag and tell you to go away, or proceed to make you prove it and if you try to lie, they will know and call you on it.
Get all defensive when you are called a name or dissed. It will only worsen your situation.
Try and 'jock' or mimick the regulars, Flattery will get you nowhere.
No matter what you think of Suburban Noize, If you call them shit, it won't do you any good. A good deal of the regulars are into Sub noize.
Say things like 'I have been down for 3 years, you're the newbie'.
Say things like 'I have been trading longer than you have been alive'. If your new here, your new in general.
Ask to be a Mod at all. There are people here that have been here for a long time and are not mods.
Start shit with the mods, They are in their position for a reason.
They are all very legit traders and have been here for a long time, starting shit with them will only lead to trouble for you.
And keep in mind that they can ruin your reputation and delete your posts or edit them to make you look like a flaming queer.

Some Things To Do

Make a stash page.
Have some type of instant messager.
List your email and contact info.
Trade frequently, but only make as many trades as you can handle at any one time.
Chat with everyone casually, Dont start bitching when there aren't any trades going on.
Keep a written list of your trades on paper.
Keep your stash page updated frequently.
Make a custom signature or 'sig'.
Keep in mind that you sig is your face here, if you switch from a ICP sig to a KMK one every other day people will assume that you are bandwagon rider.

Trading Ediquette

When sending, include your email, and a list of what you are owed unless you are sending second.
Package items like CD's in a padded envelope, no one likes a cracked cd case.
When sending money. Cash is always at your own risk. If you are using a money order, Postal ones are always a good choice.
If it is a larger trade, try and send Priority mail, it can be traced and the favor is usually returned.
Free items are always welcomed, if you have an extra flyer or sumthing like that, stick it in there, it will help your reputation.
It is ok to back out of a deal but be warned , do it a lot and you will be known as a 'bitch trader'.
Don't try and trade stuff you don't have. Even if you have it coming to you in a different deal, wait until you have it to make a new deal.

Some Things To Remember

Shipping costs money, if you make a lot of deals all at once, make sure you have the cash to send out all the stuff you owe.
Everyone usually knows what everyone else is trading. Don't try and trade the same stuff to more than person unless you have more than one item.
Everyone usually knows what items people have. Same as above, don't try and lie about having something unless you have it or are getting it very soon.
If you have a question, ask it. Keep in mind, dumb questions get smart ass answers.
People here are usually in a tight knit circle of 'efriends', don't get mad if you get ignored or left out of a joke.
If you are coming from the main forum, keep in mind you are new here.
Even if you have a shitload of posts and have been there for a year, you are still a newbie and these guidelines apply to you.
Even if you signed up for a EzBoard account 2 years ago and you just dont post a lot, do not assume that you are not a newbie.
What counts here is your attitude, not your post count or sign up date.

Helpful Links

Psychopathic Traders - Site with Values, List of good and bad traders, and general info.
Official Psychopathic Records Online Store - Usefull for knowing what is new and the prices of stuff.
Angelfire - Free Web Hosting
HyperMart - Free Web Hosting
Geocities - Free Web Hosting
Tripod - Free Web Hosting (kinda crappy)
AIM - Instant Messager, This is the most common one used
Hotmail - Free E-Mail
Lissa Explains It All - HTML help site, it is directed towards kids but it is very helpful when making a stash page

If You Are Ripped Off

Tell Everyone
If it was a large or expensive item, and you used priority mail you can have it traced.
If in fact you were ripped off you can file for Mail Fraud, however it takes a long time and you usually wont get your stuff back.
Contact Psychopathic Traders and let them know, they are a big part of the trading circle.
Try and gather all the info you can on the person who ripped you off, you would be suprised at what you can find out on the internet with someones name and address.

If You Rip Someone Off

You can pretty much consider your online life a living hell and not to be making any more trades.
Legal action can be brought against you, and there have been cases in the past when people have had to resort to it.
You may be able to change your email and screen names but you can't change your home address all that easy.