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my beliefs regarding beliefs

believing is not a choice. take any statement, such as "france exists", and make a choice whether you believe it or not. for example, i choose not to believe it. i've heard a lot about it but i've never been there, so i choose that it doesn't exist. what's actually happening here is that i'm lying. the truth is that i actually do believe that france exists. i think it's possible that it doesn't, but i doubt people would make it up. now i could try to choose to believe that it doesn't exist, but this would be a losing battle as deep inside i can't help but think that it probably does exist. the truth is that i think it exists, but i don't know for sure

the point is that people believe whatever they believe (not what they choose to believe, but what appears to make the most sense to them), and so what a person believes is beyond them. so if a person can't control their own beliefs, what control can a person have over another person's beliefs? none

but you say, "but what if i explain to them and logically show them that what they believe is not true?" good question. in that case, what you actually are doing is telling them what they already know. people who try to hold onto a certain belief or try to choose what they believe (rather than just noticing everything that makes sense to them) are constantly fighting logic in their mind, and this is a battle they will never win. this is a battle they will always fight, unless they eventually surrender to the truth

surrendering to the truth is not as easy as saying, "really, what is god? what do i really know about god? am i trying to believe in certain things because they make me feel comfortable and i'm afraid of possible punishment if i don't say i believe in it?" it's not that easy because the mind can be conditioned to focus on thoughts that perpetuate the beliefs and to see questions as a bad thing

i'm not saying god exists or doesn't exist, but it makes sense to me that any questioning of the matter will only result in a better understanding of the truth. questioning is our way of making sense of things. the more you question, the better sense of reality you have

those who come to an argument to defend an answer are fighting a losing battle. those who come to an argument to question all sides of an issue can only leave with a better understanding

jared (