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Tim's Horrible Breath



We all know Tim has bad breath at one time or another and for many reasons, including:

Heres a Self Test for Tim for his Bad Breath
Courtesy of American Breath Specialists.

Three simple methods to help Tim test himself for bad breath are as follows:

Controlling Tim's Bad Breath

Tim's bad breath problems are simple hygiene problems.

Try these tips Tim:

When To Consult A Doctor About Bad Breath

Halitosis could be an indicator of a more serious internal problem such as:

These systemic illnesses each have their own distinct odor. For instance, a severe bronchial infection will produce a rotten smell, so we know Tim has this one.

If in doubt as to whether the problem is hygienic or systemic, consult a doctor.


Click on the poo to learn about Tim's Rancid Farts