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Chapter One

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Sleep, something, which wouldn’t happen tonight. I just couldn’t fall asleep. I rolled over on my back and look at the clock. 1:45am the red light of my alarm clock read. I turned on the light and sat up in my bed.

"Man, this alone shit sucks." I mumbled as I climbed out of the full size bed. I walked towards my bathroom, grabbing my gray sweat pants and white tank top off the chair near the door. I changed out of my silk black pajamas and changed into my tank top and sweats. I put my blue sandals on and put my mass of light red-almost-strawberry blonde curly hair into a messy bun, and walked out of the small bathroom of my small Tampa apartment. I looked like hell, but that’s how I felt. I walked out of my apartment and to my ‘89 gray Honda Accord 2 door and got in. I put the key into the ignition and started the car, backed out of the parking space it occupied and drove out of the safety of my apartment complex held. I drove to my usual late night ‘hang out’. A cafe in downtown St. Petersburg, called, ‘The Globe’, which was about 30 minutes away if you drove 20 above the speed limit. I arrived there in 30 minutes and parked in my normal spot, and walked into the small cafe, which only had 4 other people there.

I ordered my normal cappuccino and sat at my normal table, while I got my notebook and began writing words that kept running through my mind.

"Felicity, couldn’t sleep again?" The store clerk asked. Dude, my name is Felicia, but because of my curly locks, he calls me Felicity.

"Story of my life, Rick." I responded.

"Why do I even ask when I get the same response night after night?"

"And why do you ask me the same question when you already know the answer?"

"Because I hope for a different response."

I laughed lightly and shook my head. Since the day I turned 13, I’ve been coming here. Rick has been the owner forever and is not slightly balding. This is my thinking place, where I can forget all my troubles for an hour or two.

I sipped my caffeine and wrote my thoughts. I heard the bell on the door chime, but didn’t look up. I heard laughter, and still didn’t look. But they continued to laugh, so I looked to see who it was. Two guys and a girl. When I saw who entered, I looked back down at my paper and continued my thoughts. I suddenly heard the chair in front of me move and someone sat down. I looked up and saw a blonde woman with blue streaks in her hair across from me. She smiled, but didn’t say anything.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Um, maybe. See my boyfriend and his friend are making a bet." She paused and pointed to the two guys at the counter.

"And that bet would be?"

"To see whom can make you smile first."

"Why would they want to make me smile?"

"Because you looked so sad or something."

"Oh, well. They can bet all they want, but it’s not going to work. Sorry."

"That’s ok. Just thought I’d let you know before they did something stupid."

"Thanks for the warning."

"No prob." She got up from the chair and walked back over to the guys. I shook my head and went back to my writings.

"Dude, you seriously smell! Take a bath ever?!" Some guy yelled.

"Yes, I do! I don’t smell! That would be you who smells!"

"Uh uh, I don’t think so! Go take a bath!"

"Screw you man!" I looked up and saw it was the two guys. They were trying to be funny, not working. They kept trying things, but nothing worked. The girl even told them to stop, but they didn’t listen. Then the dumbest and most retarded thing. The dude with the dyed red hair loosened the top of the cream and gave it to the blonde guy. He poured it into his coffee cup and the top fell off and all the cream poured into the cup.

"Damn you AJ!" He whined and that just made me laugh. I let out a small laugh, which got all 3 of them to look at me. I stopped instantly, but they walked over to me.

"Wow, I don’t believe it. We actually got her to laugh." The blonde one said.

"Yo, you owe me $20." The tattooed one replied.

"That’s all you bet to get me to laugh? You’re cheap!"

"I told them that, but they wouldn’t listen." The girl said.

"You got that right." The two of us laughed lightly.

"Oh, my name is Danielle, but people call me Dani. This is my boyfriend AJ and his friend Nick" Dani introduced.

"Hi." I replied, shaking all their hands.

"Do you have a name?" Nick asked.

"It’s Felicity!" Rick said before I could say anything.

"Thanks Rick, but I can speak for myself. It’s Felicia, but he calls me Felicity because of my curls. I don’t get it."

"Isn’t Felicity blonde anyway?" Nick thought.

"Exactly my point. But he seems to think I look like her. I dunno."

"Well, Felicia, do you mind if we join you?" AJ asked.

"Nope, go right ahead." I closed my notebook and they all sat down.

"Why are you here so late?" Dani asked.

"I could ask the same to you. But the reason is, I couldn’t sleep."

"That’s logical. We’re here coz we went to a club and need something other than alcohol." Nick explained.

"That’s reason enough."

"So, why did/do you look sad or whatever?" AJ asked.

"Because I’m tired. Why do you want to know anyway?"

"Because I dunno." He laughed.

"I think y’all are drunk and don’t have a clue what you’re doing." I smiled.

"Yeah, partly true. But we’re actually just weird."

"That’s nice to know." I finished my cappuccino and started to get up. "I’m sorry for chatting so shortly, but I need to go back and try to get some rest."

"Oh, Ok. Well, it was nice meeting you." Dani replied.

"Yeah, you too. Night." I began walking away, and was almost out the door when someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. I looked up and saw it was Nick.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Ok, this is probably way too forward. But do you mind giving me your number?"

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Because I want to get to know you. Be your friend."

"Who says I need new friends?"

"Do you always have to complicate everything we say?"

"Yeah, I’m a complicated person, sorry."

"So, do you want us as friends or what?"

"I guess, maybe. Who knows? Here’s my number, so it’ll get you to leave me alone." I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook, jotted my number down and handed it to Nick.

"Thanks" He said.

"Yeah, whatever. See ya." I turned and left. I got into my car and drove home. It was 2:59 when I got home and I didn’t get to sleep ‘til 4am...only two hours to sleep. But that was the story of my life.

Chapter Two