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Love. What kind of word is that? What kind of meaning does it have? Does it have a meaning at all? These are questions I often wonder everyday I’m in this hell hole people call my life. I mean, I thought I knew what love was, but love didn’t know me. It gave up on me. I have no boyfriend, or the one I had cheated on me, because I obviously didn’t give him what he wanted. My parents or ‘real’ parents didn’t want me when I turned 12, so they put me in foster care, because they said I was too much to handle! I had nothing left. Nothing. No one ever showed me what love was, no one cared enough to tell me how it felt, or showed they loved me. All I knew was that love hurt and I didn’t want to fall in love ever again. It’s just too much pain to live with in just one lifetime.

So, if someone out there is kind enough to tell me what love is, please do tell me. Just so I know that I won’t feel it.

Love to me has no meaning at all...

Chapter One