U Have A B.F.F.L. When ...

1. Her fries are your fries.
2.You can talk to her on the phone for hours without ever running out of things to say.
3. She's always nice to your parents.
4. When you hang at her house, it's like a second family.
5. She's got that psyhic way of calling exactly when you were about to call her.
6. She always finds a way to crack you up.
7. She's always the one to trust with your secrets.
8. She would never go after your crush.
9. Who else could finish your sentences?
10. She's a super cool valentine "date".
11. If she won tickets to a hot, sold out concert she takes you.
12. She's share her sandwich if you forgot your lunch.
13. She endures your family get togethers.
14 She takes your side when you're arguing with someone else.
15 When you're mad at her, she can always tell.
16. She'll listen to you talk about your crush forever.
17. She pchyshes you up if you're scared about doing something
18. She helps plot out ways for you to "accidently" bump into your crush.
19. She'll cram with you when your panicked for tomorrow's test.
20. You bookmark the same website(great minds think alike)
21. She's the only other person you'd trust with your locker combo.
22. When you're a star, she'll tell Oprah how cool you always were.
23. Her laugh (ok, corny, but it's true.)
24. She'd wait outside TRL for hours even when it's 20 degrees below.
25. She only laughs when you confess you've got a crush on the dorkiest guy in school.
26. Who else are you going to see Freddie Prinze Jr.'s new movie with?
27. She tells you have food in your mouth.
28. One word: makeovers.
29. She'll be happy to hang out with Matt when you and Ben are in the mood to double date.
30. She'd never dump you if you started dating some new guy.
31. She's always willing to ask your crush's bud if your crush likes you. And she'll report every word back.
32. She knows to call only during commercials during your fave show.
33. She takes kick ass notes for you when your sick.
34. She never comments on your driving.
35. Who else would you ask in an emergency sitch?
36. She doesn't even need to ask what your fave movie candy is.
37. If she hears juicy gossip, she tells you first. (and vice versa.)
38. When you're really bummed out, you can count on her to cheer you up.
39. She understands why a bad haircut can make you cry.
40. It's like she was born to be number one on your speed dail.
41. She remembers your birthday every year.
42. You can be total goof balls together-without worrying about whether being "cool" or not
43. She's always up to a trip to the mall (even when she's broke.)

Email: andrea6785@hotmail.com