To My Little Place On The Net


Well you got this far that tells me that you might want to meet me or just chat..

I live in Jacksonville Fl.

I'm 38 yrs old 5'10' reddish brown hair and 165 Lbs. hazel eye's

I'm bi sexual and into swinging lifestyle

I'm looking for a couple or single girl in the jacksonville area that

would like to get in to a long term relationship with me

IF you found me through ICU or ISPQ please send me

somthing other then "Hi or Hello" and if you dont have a

profile with a picture it will be UN-ANSWERED

I just delete them as I get to them

here is a hint to gret to me

If you want me to notice and read your message

you can let me know you was here by using


in you message as most just get deleted

Best Wishes to you


{PS} I dont sell cosmetics

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© Mary
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