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Warning...The only entertainment value of this site is so that you can laugh at a novice trying to learn HTML.

I have no idea what I'm doing yet...but you can watch my progress and laugh at me if you like.

Hey, reality TV works...why not reality web development! :)

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I got a new bike!! Click Here to see it!

Here's something mildly worth looking at. We took a trip to Bike Week this year for the first time. If you want to see some pictures from the trip, click the motorcycle below...
***Click Me--><--Click Me***

For a look at how the pro's do it:

If you want to see a real site...Here's my buddy Vince. He helped me a little in learning...DPE

Also, Here's Tabata's site. She provides me with great music...and soon to be web devolpment software so that I can put something in here that actually looks good. Another cool site for your viewing pleasure. Tabata

(3-17-01) Day one! I've had lot's of free time at work today so I figured I do something useful. I'll actually learn something! (Heaven forbid!!) I've spent all day between emails at work reading and learning the basics of HTML. I decided to throw it on the web and see what happens. I'm really surprised by how easy it really is. This whole page is being written from scratch. No Frontpage or Flash or any neat little cheat toys. So you'll have to bear with my quality. I'm learning fast though, so it won't be bad for long!

(3-22-01) Well, I've come a long way for less than a weeks worth of work in my free time. I added a games page today! Pretty cheap, but at least it's something interesting. I've been having fun trying to learn!!.....Now if I could only come up with some really interesting content...hmmm....

Feel free to email suggestions or comments to seeing as how I have NO idea what the heck to put on this silly little site anyways. Give me some ideas...I'm all ears...

"Throw me a frickin bone here!"

useful links for making a webpage:

color chart

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

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