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Ok I knoe your all anxious to dive into the psychotic banter, but first an explanation! Skip the explanation or not, it doesnt hurt me either way...SO SCREW YOU, YOU SADO-MASOCHISTIC SQUIRREL FREAK!!!
Oops! sorry....anywho, everyone wanted me to do a personal site, but i hate personal "tell-all about me" sites...thusly i shall banter. If your looking for humor, you may just find it; if your looking for insight into my life, yea you might find that too; if your looking for a corndog, its around here somewhere; if your looking for a nude photo of me, BAD BAD BAD!
if your still with me here......

Welcome to my World

Day 1: Buckminsterfullerene

Lesse here...where to start? My name is Curtis, but i severly prefer Curt. But (yea i knoe dont start a sentence with but..OH FREAKIN WELL) you can refer to me as Curt, Gnome, Troll, Goat-boy, Hey You!, Ow those are my Eyebrows, or any variant of any name.....Go Ahead be creative. You CANNOT,however, call me Curty-Bird...for that i shall darn you to the bowels of Chic-Fil-A! I am a junior, and a visual artist at ghetto Gibba High. I LIKE PIE!!!! I would post a pic of me for you were it not for two reasons. 1) I am loathe to have my picture taken and 2) because I'm like that and theres nothing you can do about it! also because certain friends can use it for blackmail...very much bad. Yea, thats three things but I find I really dont care and SEWER GRATES RHYMES WITH EGGS! Im kinda hungry. what else can I write? hehehe...the word 'smooth' is quite funny the more you say it. smoooooooooth. Oh and if your wondering, no this will have nary to do with lemurs, just incase the name threw you off. Although they might make a quick cameo later. I have theHampsterdance song stuck in my head. Dic a dee da dee da do do....I'll be back. I have to go eat. Ok, Im back. Where was I? Oh yes, lemurs. Lemurs are cool. For those of you whom dont knoe what a lemur is go to this lemur page. And incase you havent noticed....yes....i say "knoe". HEHEHEHE....there was a car commercial where Santa flung a leprechaun! Hooray, for spicy hamsters! Gosh, I wish I had a good singing voice. Oops gotta go.

Day 2: The Weasel has sharp claws

Wow! Your still here?! ok if you've come this far I'll promise to be funnier...Oh and by the way..No I'm not on drugs. OOOH Hey Aimeé is online!! Heres Aimeé I think shes the prettiest girl I have ever seen [including drew barrymore and her tummy ; ) ], she argues about that. cést la vie. Status: Got clothes?
Ok, ive decided to make this pictorial. Since I've shown you one friend why dont i start with some more. But first, visit the Canadian Embassy
This be mike.See Mike? Mike is my cousin. He graduated college at 10 years old. I'd make a nerd comment, but hes helping me with the site so I'll throw it into a comment like this one. : )
Status:At extra super sized? THATS a funny word. THATS a funny word! Anywho, moving on..

Day 3: SHAFT! can you dig it?

Ok well I can't put all my friends on here because the pics would load slow, and you'd stop reading, and besides that, Im lazy! So I'll put the friends from our little back of the bus cult. Less of a cult and more like the Breakfast Club. Yea, the Breakfast Club, sans good eighties music of course. Hey, I knoe what you're Judd Nelson either..oh well....
ok I knoe I said no pictures of me, but i was badgered by aforementioned people. so heres me. hope your all happy.status:dork!
ok I've changed my mind again so no more pictures and im only putting up people as they come up. HA!
ok I've changed my mind again so no more people at all! HAHA!

Day 50: A Blip of Sanity, A Moment of Serious, and the Renaissance Festival.

Ok so it probably isnt day 50 but i havent been here in a while. As in this sections title this one will be serious and will have to do with the renfest. Festival was an amazing experience. From the auditions, to the first rehearsals where everyone is a frikkin weird stranger with a frikkin weird sense of humor, to the later rehearsals where it seems so far away and suddenly it is there. Its upon you without warning. Only now all those frikkin weird strangers are frikkin weird friends. Everyone willing to help and be there. The first day your standing nervously hearing the singing and talking to everyone, and then BAM! the gates open and people pile in. its the point of no return. For the next eight hours you are a new person. You look different, talk different, think different, and do things you would never do in normal life. Surrounded by people who only now you as this new person. When everyone is together and in character you can sometimes lose yourself, and for a brief fleeting moment you ARE in the renaissance times. For weeks of weekends your life is changed, you can only listen to the music of drums and lutes because thats all thats there, your food is limited because again its all thats there, and you cant eat or drink without consuming festival dirt because its EVERYWHERE, you gain routines of places to be and people to see and things to do at certain times, you can tell the time by events like the cannon shot from the human chess match or the crash of swords from MacBeth, your life is completely different. Even before and after festival you have new routines of stretching and preping costumes, to scrubbing yourself clean and clearing the festival dust out of your nostrils (its truly a religious experience). Your in a new place these times and you grow quite fond of all of it. You begin to learn the entire place as if you did live there. You grow to treat the people by their status. You become your character, and you enjoy it all. However, like all good things it will eventually end. You walk through your last day thinking about all the things you'll never do until next year, or maybe never again. The big things like your last performance, and the little things like the last time splashing water from a metal mug on your head backstage, each hurt the same to think of. Then at the end of the day you continue your last routine, singing the ending songs, and ending with a hearty cry of "dialect free zone", it hits you like a brick wall that you will not be doing it again next week. You realize that you wont be seeing this "town" again and all its places, you wont enter those gates, you wont see a sizeable lot of people, you wont hear those songs, you wont have this cast. All your routines suddenly stop. The character, the person you were all this time is gone. All the people suddenly gone. It has ended, and it hurts. The places will be different next year, but the town basically the same. Your routines will start again next year, but maybe with a new meaning. You will see a lot of the people again next time, but thats a year away, and there will be a lot of people who will not be back. To think of all the people you talked to and played with, that fact that you may or may not again, even the people you didnt get to talk to, its a tough thing. It is a feeling tantamount to the death of a friend, or rather the deaths of many friends. Is it really worth it? HELL YES! For those little routines, those places, those people, the things you do, all help to shape who you are. Every thing you did, and every new friend and aquaintance makes an impression on you. Each adds to you. You become someone new and yet you are the same. You have a wealth of new friends and experiences. Even the people you didnt get to talk to have left you with something. For even if you never see those people, never hear those songs, never walk that ground again, you are left with those experiences. And it is amazing.

Day 51: Mountain of Flesh....Dude recognize this?!

mmmmkay well I have to say,seeing as its been a while since I posted, that things have changed. For instance I dont say "knoe" instead of "know" anymore, that was stupid, then again so am I. The inspiration for todays rant came with an email today. Mayhaps you have heard of an online service called CrushLink which consists of a website where you make a list of people you have an alleged crush on and then it emails them telling them to make a list but not telling who you are. If you put them on their list and they have you on theirs you make a link and it tells you so. The catch is everyone you put on your list makes a list and possibly sees it was you, so if you just list them cause you think its them it may cause problems. And because you guess people and they guess people it theoretically spreads like a virus or a VD at a nightclub. Well somehow I got one of these emails and I made three theories as to why this came to be. 1) someone is playing a sadistic joke 2) someone got an email and put me on the list guessing it was me who sent it to them or 3) hell froze over and someone has a "crush" on me. The last one being the least plausable. So I started to think. You have to guess for an hour, theres a possiblity for trouble, you may never know, and its online and impersonal, so I figured its more trouble than I need. It made me wonder why anyone would deal with this absolute and utter timewasting crap. I guess I shouldnt say this because whomever sent it to me is probably reading this, oh well. I can think of ONE person whom ,from which, I would find the humor in it, anyone else it just seems like a sheepish way to avoid telling someone their feelings or its a cheap way to avoid being creative and doing a mean practical joke in real life. Come on people! The internet is killing the natural methods of matchmaking, as well as killing creativity in practical jokes. Honestly couldnt you have poured milk in my salt shaker or used the old sandpaper instead of toiletpaper gag?! A simple internet ploy that only goes to prove the world is going down the tubes. For now Im going to pretend it was from that one person I mentioned earlier and laugh my not-so-proverbial ass off.

Day 53?: Sanity is Not Statistical.

Here we stand in our respective lives. Living them out the best we know how. Perhaps rising to the point where we can prove ourselves, perhaps at the testing point, or perhaps looking back on our trials. Here we are with our strengths and abilities. Our fresh unexploited talents waiting to be proven. Mayhaps we can draw with photorealism, or make exquisitely aesthetic art, perhaps we can pass through college at the age of ten, or program complex computer code, or sing beautifully, or design a stage set. True, we are inherently not equals no matter how much we delusion ourselves to think so, but we each have our own devices we can rely on be it that we can sense others emotions instinctively, or we can shut our own emotions off,or fight with precision, or raise our awareness to amazing levels. The point is that we have these abilities, these "powers" for a lack of a better term, and yet no outlet. We are raised to long for the extraordinary and yet expected to live simply. A hundred years ago the lives we lead today would be something to kill for, something unimaginably wonderful, but now our existance has become a prison. When did living the dream become expected? When did the traditional life become the social norm that binds us? This very lifestyle itself leads its victims to want for something more. So why is something more displayed as so unobtainable? We have our lives and were ready to fulfill our quests. So here I stand, ready to live, ready to know myself, ready to test my strengths and my being to the very limit and beyond and yet I have no path to take. I'm ready, and traditional life seemingly has crashed, so where is my adventure? When is my life destroyed and myself forced to go beyond? You probably find yourself laughing at these questions, or contemplating that I've lost myself in delusion and watching too much anime. Society has battered our ability to accept something beyond expected life and yet boosted our wanton longing for this adventure. I have reached the age of ability, I have reached the epiphany of awareness of my want for the extraordinary. Isn't this where the hero finds himself faced with his journey?