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At The End Of Every Story Comes A New Beginning

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Welcome to my fan fiction site. Below are links to all my favorite Nick Carter fan fictions that I've read in the past few years. I enjoyed reading them very much, and I hope you will also. If you have any comments about my site or suggestions, please feel free to send me an e-mail. If you write your own fan fiction please send it to me, I'd love to read if, if I haven't already. Well, click away. ENJOY!!!!

*note: the fan fics are not listed in any particular order.

Last Updated: July 12, 2002


**I am truly sorry that I have not updated the site in over a year. College has taken up all of my time**


Still Waters Run Deep    Status: Completed  1 of 4
In April 1998, Nick Carter's involvement in a car accident leaves him in a coma. He awakens from the coma certain that a real-life Angel came into his room and brought him back from death's door. Now, 14 months later, Nick's on a desperate search to find this woman -- the one person he believes will help feel complete again. Kevin Richardson has a secret. The guilt eats away at him, causing him to shut everyone out and take a ride on the coattails of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. Only one person can save Kevin from self-destruction -- the one person that he almost unwittingly destroyed. This Fan Fic is absolutely fantastic! It's a MUST read! The author is brilliant!!!

Even Angels Fall    Status: Completed  2 of 4
This is the second part of the "Nick and Shae Series". See what happens when Shae and Nick are in California and "Angle" comes back.


*NEW* Once Upon a Dream    Status: In Progress  3 of 4
The third part in the Nick & Shae Series. Once Upon a Dream takes place in Florida. It starts off a month after we left off in Even Angels Fall - October 2000.

Someone is afraid.
Someone is jealous.
Someone is hell-bent on destroying Nick and Kevin's lives!

Heaven In Your Eyes    Status: Discontinued
This is a MUST READ!!! This fan fic is the BEST on the net I believe and you have not read a great fan fic until you've read this one!!!

Into The Darkness    Status: Incomplete
This is also one of my favorite stories. It's about a girl who just found out she's blind and she wonders into her neighbors house, and guess who her neighbor is? Nick Carter of course. Read the story and see what happens.

Wishing Upon A Backstreet Star    Status: Completed  1 of 3
This is the beginning of the trilogy between Nick and Pat. You HAVE to read all three stories. They are all great and extremely well written. The author put a lot of work into these stories so please read it. It's very good. If you liked Heaven In Your Eyes you will LOVE this trilogy.

A Bed Of Roses...A Valley Of Thorns    Status: Completed  2 of 3
This is the second part of the Nick and Pat trilogy.

When Three's A Crowd...And Four Spells Trouble    Status: Compeleted  3 of 3
This is the last part of the Nick and Pat trilogy. I think this is the BEST out of the three stories. Prepare to cry and laugh.

Larger Than Life    Status: Completed
This is a great story that involves all of the guys. It's fairly long, but I think once you read the first two chapters you'll fall in love with the story. There are many twist and turns in the story and it's a real tear jerker.

Message In a Bottle    Status: Completed
This is a great story about Nick and a girl named Chelsea. Nick is walking on the beach when he finds a bottle with a very special message in it. He decides to read it and is determined to find the girl who wrote it. Will he find her? And what will happen if he does?

You Are The Answers To My Prayers    Status: Completed
Nick meets the woman of her dreams, but she holds a secret that might ruin this match made in heaven. I strongly recommend you read this story, I loved it so much I stayed up until 6am reading it. It's extremely well written and I think you well enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Starting Over    Status: Completed
This story is about AJ's cousin who is going through a hard time at home and she goes to stay with her aunt and cousin (AJ) and she meets Nick of course. They go through a lot of emotional and physical pain in this story and it is for MATURE readers only. The story is fantastic and I really recommend reading it. The author is fantastic, she also wrote "Message In a Bottle". So go check out the story.


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