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I ride in the SFHJA. We have A, B, and C rated shows. The strange thing is that there is no Childrens Ponies. We have although have "Childrens Horse Or Pony" which is 2'3. I think that we should get ride of this division and put in Pre-Childrens and Childrens Ponies. The Childrens horse or pony division is always the biggest class, os i think that making it into these 2 divisions would be alot easier. Another thing that bugs me is that we only have Childrens Hunters...NEVER EVER is their "older" and "younger" it doesn't matter if there is 40 kids in the division. I myself rode in the "Childrens Horse Or Pony" division for over a year, but it would of been easier for me to have moved up to the 2'6 large children ponies, instead i had to go strait from 2'3 to 3' large regular ponies, now that was a BIG jump! and on my horse i had to do the same large jump from 2'3 to 3'. Low hunter (2'6) is just not a kid division because you have to show against professionals! Is your asscociation this way? or is it just mine? email me your comments!
