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How to Dupe
If you want to know how to dupe but just dont know how? Dont sweat it, it's Easy. You start by droping the item on the ground that you want to Dupe. Then you walk away till it is at the bottom of your screen. With your inventory closed you click on the item as if your going to pick it up, but when your character picks up the item, you pick up a potion or a scroll from your belt. If done right, you have two of the item you dropped.

Use the lag time in the game to help you dupe with out moving. I found out that sometimes when you drop and item and go to pick it up it may take a few seconds. So all you have to do is pick up an item from your belt.

Just to piss people off
take their gear
If you really want to piss a person off, it's easy. All you have to do is go down to lvl 16 and open a portal in Diablo's Lair with out killing anybody. Lure a person into the TP and hear them die. Or if you have infravision you can watch them die. Then kill every body in the room and pick up his Gear leaving him butt ass naked.

Just to piss a person off II
take their gear
Yet again this is another usefull tip on pissing a person off. All you have to do is kill the person with F-Ball (or with any spell you want) the same time a demon hits them and the game will think the demon killed the character and he will spill all of his gear. Then you can laugh at him/her all you want.

LVL 27 Spells without the use of a Trainer
If you want to have lvl 27 spells all you have to do is ask a person with a trainer to find you all of the Thinking cap items. Each item gives you +2 to each spell lvl. That +12 to each spell LVL! Because their is no Thinking cap Shield.

5th Spell Page
When you have the chance open your spell book when you get into a game and click just right of spell page number 4 with out opening it and a 5th unknown spell page will pop up. I dont know if its a glitch in the system or what.