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Come to see my ancient page if you don't have flash

This is the high tech version of my website. It is a bit dated. You will need FLASH.

My resume page. The latest and best of all. FLASH is necessary.

Many people have asked me to put my soundfiles on the page. Finally, they are here. These pieces are just sketches that I worked on and never really finished. So, listen to them at you leisure!

ChioChio - this composition is a mess, but it has Prodigy Narayan style drum beats. Here I used a little sample from CarMan's Chio-Chio San.

Sadness(Give Me A Reason instrumental) - created when I was in a melancholic state of mind. I even came up with lyrics for it, but due to lack of professional sound equipment it stayed a very dry instrumental piece.

10 Sharp - working title Tractor. A short playful jungle composition. Influenced by Clint Mansell's Pi soundtrack. Not nearly as dark though.

Stars - is just a working title. Sound samples taken from Star Wars. Nice hard slow breakbeat track. Sounds very solid.

Project - one of the most recent ideas, way far from finished.