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No Visigoth jokes!

Some of my cats!

If you don't like it here, you can just go to--

Empire in Embryo, to see the pictures I drew.
My Story Page, to meet my cartoon characters.
My personal page, to meet ME!

Hello! Thank you for being so patient with me! This will be my cat page when I'm finished with it, where you'll be able to meet some very dear friends of mine.

Since my cat-friends are listed here, I'll tell you about them. I'll start with Dieter. You can see him just above-- even paper bags are subject to his embraces! He has long black fur and green eyes. His voice is the sweetest of all my kitties; (perhaps I should have named him Farinelli!) He loves to play tag, and will often do something naughty to get me to chase him. Once I catch him, I get to pull his tail-- No! Certainly not hard enough to hurt him!-- That's just the signal that it's his turn to chase me. Since I have no tail for him to pull, he just chases until he catches me. If I get tired of playing and make it too easy for him, he shows his displeasure! Dieter's currently the favorite, and he knows it. He takes outrageous liberties, and gets away with his transgressions. I love the fact that he gives me such nice hugs. He's very spoiled, but he deserves to be!

Early this summer, I had to say goodbye to Lucretia, my little tattered ballerina. She was badly injured and had to be put to sleep. She's sadly missed. Rest well, sweetheart.

The Fuzzy is a charmer. I have a weakness for voluptuous cats, and the Fuzzy is so round as to be nearly a sphere! She's a brown tabby longhair, spoiled rotten of course, but she knows she deserves to be! She can beguile anyone into liking her, I think. Her oddest quirk is that she likes to eat coffee grounds! She makes a great model when I draw, and will deliberately pose. She knows how beautiful she is! The Fuzzy is the Cutie's sister, but they're not overly fond of one another. A little jealousy, perhaps?

Here are the sisters Fuzzy and Cutie when they were kittens. Both are considerably fatter these days!

The Cutie is a tortoiseshell with short fur. She's probably the feistiest of the cat-friends here with me. She's very sweet and friendly, likes to bite my feet and sleep on my head! She's always ready to play, but can be very stubborn when things aren't going her way. The Cutie was born in my house, during the final movement of Beethoven's 7th Symphony. She was the firstborn child of Rosebud, (a lost cat who was happily reunited with her family).

Rosebud's Story

Above is a picture of dear little Nell. She's all black, with short fur, as you can see. She looks angry there, but her disposition's very gentle. I'm not sure how old she is. She was a wild kitty, and was brought to me in a cage. She was terrified of being touched at first, and even though she's been with me for three years, it still makes her uncomfortable to be looked at. For all that, she has a longing for affection. From the first, she tried almost desperately to get the other cats to like her. She has a huge crush on Dieter, and seems to think Weena is her mother. If she thinks I'm asleep, she'll come and lie beside me. She's a shy, sweet-natured little cat, and I feel honored to have gained some measure of her trust.

Weena is the oldest of my cats now. She's fifteen years young. She was named after a character in H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine", but is often referred to as "Weena the Love Machine-a" in our household. She's very clingy, and will quickly destroy anything made of leather. She's white and pale orange, with short fur. Her eyes are the color of lime sherbet. Weena is very kind to little Nell, and while her bids for attention can be intrusive, she's only looking for love. She purrs more loudly than any of the others!

Two years ago, Weena apparently had a stroke. She had to be at the vet's for a week. They took wonderful care of her, and I visited as often as I could. When she came home, her gait was crooked and uncoordinated; according to the vet, she has "Vestibular Syndrome". This is an effect of the stroke, and like a human similarly afflicted, she's had to learn to adjust. Brave Weena! She's doing beautifully for now, is even able to jump onto the furniture and to play. Do please say a little prayer for her, in your kindness--

No longer the newest and youngest of my "official" cats is little Mina. Her real name is seldom used, though; she answers to "Baby".Like Rosebud, she just came to my house one day, and was quite obviously a mother cat. When I followed her, though, I found that her kittens were quite safe, and the people who had her were looking for a home for her. This little Siamese-tabby mix had already found her way into my heart, and I took her. Now she's spayed, and is enjoying my hospitality on a more permanent basis. She's still a kitten herself, and loves to play. Unlike the others, she likes to be picked up and held, and I'm only too happy to oblige her! It turns out that raisins are one of her favorite treats.

A neighbor brought me a little feral calico in a cage a short time ago. Her cage was much smaller than Nell's was, and I had to let her out. Now she's living under my sink! she only comes out to eat and use the box (Good girl!) but is still much to shy to allow herself to be seen, much less photographed. Cross your fingers; this little cat is safe for now, and I'll have more news about her soon! (Her new name is Sybil.)

Well, there's more. She turned out to have been pregnant, and this is a picture of her right after her little ones were born.

This little red guy is Peewee. He was a lost kitten, so full of parasites that he didn't want to even play. For a kitten, that's serious! A visit to the vet fixed him right up, though, and he grew into a fine family member.

Peewee never grew very big, but he's assertive enough to make up for it.

The hurricanes that struck Florida took so much away from people, but to me, they brought Steve, a tough-guy cat who seems to have appointed himself the bouncer in my establishment. I hope to have a photo of him shortly. Wanna see?

There are some other newcomers, whose pictures aren't here as yet. All of them are peaceable visitors, and at least one has a real home. I'll tell you about them very soon!

You simply have to see this. Really! It's adorable!

Now, then, below are some gifts that were left in my Guestbook, that I wanted to share with my friends.

Teresa's Cyber Home with special appearances by the critters

The Message of Love is for everyoneClick on the Heart to feel the beat

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