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Reavis of Bledsoe/Cumberland Co Tn


Articles frm the Crossville Chronicle

January 24, 1900
Miss Edith Powell, daughter of Charlesworth Powell, who moved frm Grassy Cove to Adair, Iowa, last summer, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gather Reavis, in Dallas, Texas.

July 11, 1900
G.W. Reed and Miss Intha Reavis, also Rufus Evens and Miss Linda Loden were married July 1st, Rev. Chris Ford officiating.

February 13, 1901
Wedding Bells rang Thursday, February 7, at 5:20 p.m. for the marriage of Miss Viola Reavis and George Wolford, at the home of J.L. Reavis, the bride's grandfather. About fifty friends and relatives of the bride were present. Supper was served at 6 p.m. The bride was dressed in very beautiful blue serge, which was very becoming. The groom was attired in black.

Miss Reavis is the second daughter of G. T. Reavis, and one of the most highly esteemed young ladies of the cove. She was a student at Grassy Cove Academy.

Mr. Wolford is a native of Indiana, a gentleman of education and high accomplishments, and a young man of considerable means. Personally he is very pleasant.

He and Miss Reavis had formed only a short acquain- tance by corresponding.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolford left Friday for Churubusco, Indiana, where they will make their future home

We wish the happy couple much success along their journey of life

August 12, 1903
Frank Reavis (Franklin Brown*) of Texas, and John Kemmer were up frm Grassy Cove yesterday. Mr. Reavis bought the Reavis homestead frm his father a little over a year ago and has had his son on the farm running it. He has now sold it to Mr. Kemmer and will give possession not later than next January. Mr. Frank Reavis will return to Texas in a few days but the son will remain for a time to dispose of some livestock and other property. The father, Esq. J.L. Reavis, who has long been noted in this county as being well informed on the legal code, will also go to Texas in a few weeks. The far in question embraces 300 acres.

February 03, 1904
Gaither Reavis and family, who moved frm Grassy Cove to Dallas, Texas, a few years ago, are now living in Los Angeles, California


August 1890 Membership Roll: J.L. Reavis, Franklin B. Reavis, Harriet Reavis
April, 1896:
Dismissed by letter: Franklin B. and Harriet Reavis
Dec. 2 1905 J.L. Reavis (deceased)

Grassy Cove Methodist Church
member 1890-1906 Lorena Reavis

1850 Bledsoe Co Tn census

Revis, David B 22
Revis, May 22

Reavis, James M. 57 NC
Reavis, Nancy 46 NC
Reavis, Jonathon 18 NC
Reavis, William 17NC
Reavis, Nancy H. 15 NC

Rivis, James L. 29 NC
Rivis, Intha 24
Rivis, John H. 5 >BR? Rivis, Hampton 1