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I.S. Reavis Family Reunions 1925-1999

Family Reunion

This data generously provided by Don Comer, descendant of Isaac Sanford Reavis (s/o Wm. W.-5, Wm-4, Joseph-3, James-2) 'THE BEGINNING'(sp as in orig documents)records kept by Delilah Reavis Comer)

On the 4th Sunday in March, 1925, we gathered at a birthday dinner at the home of I.S. Reavis, there were about 300 or more people present. A dinner was served in picnic fashing. An address of welcome by I.S. Reavis, responce by Rev. F. M. Welborn and others on this occasion. There were 16 members Friedland Moravian Church Brass Band to make musick there were also some singing by Family and every one seemed to injoy themselves. This might be termed the beginning of our Family Reunion.

On 4 sunday in July 1926 we held our First Reunion at home I.S. Reavis with about 500 present dinner was served in picnic fashian there were short talks made by Rev. H.B. Johnson and otherws on this occasion 25 of Friedland Band were present there being all the children pres- except Sam Reavis He being in the Army It was then that we decided to have an anual Reunion at this time I think every body enjoyed themselves as we had plenty of lemonade and ice water.

On second Sunday in Oct 1926 there was a meeting called by interested one's of Family at home of J.E. Beamon for the purpose of orangiseing the I.S. Reavis Family Reunion the following being present I.S. Reavis + wife J.T. Comer + wife J.E. Beamon + wife E.C. Reavis + wife Mrs. L.D. Reavis O.B. Reavis + wife B.H. Reavis Joe Reavis and Eva Reavis meeting called to order by tempory chairman I.S. Reavis who explained purpose of metting.

Was organised with following officers being elected for one year Pre-B.H. Reavis Vice Pres- J.T. Comer Treasure E.C. Reavis Secty Joe Reavis I.S. Reavis Historian

The officers were given power to carry on the business of Reunion

On July 24-1927 we held our second anual Reunion at home of I.S. Reavis with largest attendence of any we had the crowd being estimated at 2000 are more in forenoon Rev. J.N. Binkley made some remarks about I.S. Reavis having so many boy's that everywhere he went somebody had married one of his boy's or girl's After which the Family sang happy welcome to all Rev Binkley then offered aword of prayer then he made a talk on love said some time he wanted to talk to us on the woman who went away full and come back empty he made a wonderful talk Dinner was served in Picnic fashian there was not enough tables. Rev A.K. Baity Returned than at table after dinner the Friedland Band Played as on other occassions 24 in number in afternoon Judge Johnson J. Hayes of Federal Court made a wonderful talk on Friendship using Johnthan + David as his theme On this occasion we had something to intertain the folk Mr. J. C. Reavis had a man there with air plant to carry folk up charging so much he also had ground hog there We had Lemonade + Ice Water.

July 27 1927 FAMILY BOOK: These names were registered by me J.T. Comer at I.S. Reavis Family Reunion on July 24-1927 All the Children and Grand children and family connection were present but 2 R.C. Reavis wife and dau of B.H. Reavis except those in Texas. There being 61 family present. J.T. Comer

July 27 1927 GUEST BOOK: These names were registerd by J.T. Comer at I.S. Reavis Family reunion on July 24, 1927. In looking over the list, I find that 96 Reavises were there outside of family that regestered. There being 808 put on this Book. That day, each man or woman writing his or her own name. 808 Friends, 61 family, total 869, Lilah Reavis Comer(List is available, but it is names only)

On Aug 28-1927 there was a meeting called by Pres at the home of J.T. Comer for the purpose of relection of officers metting being called order by pres- 1. Secty asked to read minutes of last Reports he did not have them 2. Report from Treasure that expences of 1927Reunion $29.90 collections $20.00 in Treasure $3.00 Total $23.00 making shortage $6.90 colletions being taken amoung members present 35 cents each 35x22=7.70 690=80 cents in treasure Members present I.S. Reavis + wife J.T. Comer + wife Mrs. Edward Kenerly Claud Reavis B.H. Reavis + wife J.E. Beamon + wife Joe Reavis + wife Eva Reavis, Sam Reavis and E.c. Reavis. 3. In election of officers B.H. Reavis Pres L.D. Reavis V.P. E.C. Reavis Secry-Treasure, J.T. Comer Historian. There was a motion carried that we not have a secty. Treas both so we combined them in one. There was also a motion carried that no member could spend any money for publicity without mutal agreement with all. If He ore She did would be out of their own pockets motion to adjorn meeting motion carried


On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, July 26, 1998, the 72nd I.S. Reavis Family Reunion was held. Around 100 Reavis family members were in attendance. Several generations were represented. Little Joe Reavis had built a new shelter in case of rain. Over the last 5 years he has built many wonderful additions at the old church to make it more enjoyable. He has even put in a Maw and Paw Potty House. We had one member a little skeptical about entering. She didn't really know about pullingthe first tree limb outside the door to flush, but remaked that it wasn't so bad when she came out. Way to go Christie. We all applaud Joe's efforts on keeping the reunion going, and all the improvements. There were several new family members in attendance. We welcome all the new babies to the family. Phyllis and Ken Smith came from York Haven, Pa. Phyllis is hte daughter of Ruther Reavis Beamon. Ed David came from Maryville, Tennessee. He is always a faithful member. Ed is the son of Lucille Davis, who was the daughter of Lila Reavis Comer. We have plenty of food and fellowship as usual. Harold and Polly thompson lost their con, James, Jr. on March 21, 1998. He was the grandson of Eva Reavis Thompson. We all miss him. We just learned about the deathof John Kimbel. He passed away last night, July 25, 1998. He was the husband of Ruth Virginia Reavis. She is the oldest daughter of Claude Reavis. We will certainly miss him. He was always so jolly and such a good cook. We begin today collecting recipes for the first Reavis Family Cookbook. We plan to offer them for sale at the reunion next year. Any profits will go to the building fund. Donna Comer Everhart, Barry Reavis, adn Helen Monroe continued to work on the family tree. They have done a wonderful job keeping the tree up. We hope to print a book sometime in the near future. Several family members made their annual trip to the spring for a fresh drink of water. Many years ago, well as little while ago, on my first trip to the reunion, Joe Reavis told me that the annual trip to the spring was what kept him young and good looking. He's gone now, but I will always remember that first trip to the spring. The band made it back this year. Even though they are having a little trouble getting along and can't decide who is supposed to sit in what chair, they managed to make some good music. This is my favoite part ofthe reunion. Everyone has a full tummy, we have a wonderful breeze and music. What more could you want. We just found out that I.S. Reavis family are direct descendants of William the Conqueror, through Amanda Leagans. I always knew we would make a place in history. Until Next year. Submitted by Rose Comer


Preamble: We the family and descendants of I.S. Reavis in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, promote the general welfare and secure the blessing of brotherly love, do ordain and establish this constitution for the I.S. Reavis Family Reunion

Section I: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a board of five directors of the afore said reunion which shall consist os President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Historian and one other to be elected by all the union

Section 2: The officer shall be composed of members chosent every year by the people of all families in said union.

Section 3: Qualifications for officers. No person shall be a office who shall not have attained to the age of 21 years and is descendent of I.S. Reavis by blood or marriage and has paid his or her dues if any has bin assessed against them.

Section 4: Office Apportainment. No two officers shall be elected from the same family but shall be elcted from the several families in said union.

Section 5: Duty of President: It shall be the duty of the Presidenct to call a meeting annually of all families of said union for the purpose of election of officers, to call any special meeting for the purpose of transaction of any other business of union, to preside over all meetings, to appoint commities to help him carry on his work.

Section 6: Duty of the Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside over all meetings in absence of President and inabsence or death of the President his full poers shall rest upon him.

Section 7: Duty of Secretary-Treaasurer It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treas. to keep an account of all business transacted and to keep record of all moneys handled by the union and at the end of each year to make a report of same to annual metting and to turch such book and papers as he or she over to the Historian so the he or she can keep a proper record of smae.

Section 8: Duty of Asst-Secretary Treasure: It shall be the duty of Asst-secretary Treasurer in absense of his superior to keep record of all business transacted and money handled.

Section 9: Duty of Historian. It shall be the duty of Hitorian to get and keep a record of all birth's Marriages and death's of every decendnt of I.S. Reavis adn to keep all records that the Secretary-Treasure may turn over to him or her and to make a report of same at each annual metting.

Section 10: The duty of officers. It shall be the officers duty to make arrangements for the annual dinner which shall be held at the home of I.S. Reavis on teh 4th Sunday in July each successive year until other wise changed.

Section 11. Our year shall run from Second Sunday In August to Second In August for annual elections of officers and any other business that may come before the union.

Section 12: The officers are herby empowered to assess or tax each member 21 year's old (or may be taxed or assess when they get married) This last paragraph to be voted on at next annual meeting. *for the purpose of carring on the business of saidreunion but can not assess more than $2.00 two dollars for each person In any one year except it be in case of Sickness or death of some member of said union then they may if necesity demands assess or tax each member of saidunion up to $5.00 Five dollars for each member who may be sick or may died. *Was voted + carried at annual meeting Aug 12,-1928.

If any oficer fail to do his or her duty and it be told to the president provided the president If he Is then the Vice-Pres It will be his or her duty to call a meeting of all families connected and they shall appoint a committy of five to investigate and report back to a call meeting if dound guilty of neglect of duty his or her office shall be declared vacant and another elected in place.

Section 14: At any time the President fail to call a metting when two thirds of all members over 21 years of age demand it they shall have power to meet and elect a new pres-.

Section 15: QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Any person who is a descendant or marries a decendent of I.S. Reavis + Permalia Reavis or I.S. Reavis + Amanda Reavis is Intitled to membership in the I.S. Reavis Reunion.

Section 16: Voting. Only those persons who pay their dues or taxes who are 21 years old (are marriedthis to voted on at next meeting)* will be allowed to vote or have any voice in business. *This paragraph was adopted as now is at annual metting Aug 12-1928.

Section 17: Name. It shall be called the I.s. Reavis Family Reunion the name can not be changed without unanimous consent while I.s. Reavis + Wife Amanda Reavis are living but when they are dead may be changed with same rules to decendants of I.s. Reavis.

Section 18: It shall be the duty of each member to assist the president at his or her command to carry on whatever he ask them to and to report all Birth's Marriages and Death's to Historian.

Section 19: All rules and regulations adapted befor this by laws and Constitution ar null + void.

Section 20: When these by laws + Constitutin are adapted they can not be changed only at annual meeting and then only by three fourth's of members Present.

Section 21: Amendment. Amendment to Section (1) to make the fifth officer assistance Sectary Treasure to be governed by Section (8) This ammendmant was adapted at annual meeting. These by Laws and Constitution were adapted on 13 day of May 1928 at a call meeting at the home of I.s. Reavis with the following voting members present.

I.S. Reavis + wife; R. M. Booe + Wife; L.D. Reavis + Wife; B. H. Reavis, Eva Reavis; Sama Reavis; J. T. Comer + Wife; J.E. Beaman + Wife; E. C. Reavis + Wife, Cecil Reavis+ Wife; Cecil Reavis + Wife, Joe Reavis + Wife.

These by laws + Constitution cover 9 pages this May 13-1928

From the reunion record book kept by Lilah Reavis Comer, The spelling and puctuation were kept as in the original handwritten book as much as possible by Don Comer.
