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Mega Man's Super RPG

This is my RPG.It's not finished yet,but it will be soon.Actually,it will never be finished!I'm always adding on.If you're new here and want to join,I reccomend you see the first message in the message board.





Fan Fiction

Fan Art

Training and levels

Battles and stories

Item/enhancement shop

Thanks to....
Much more coming soon! Sign My Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View My Guestbook Email:Frostbite

Vote for me in the TOP 50 MEGAMAN/DBZ RPGS

By clicking on the above banner or text,you can place your vote for this site.If you really like this site,I suggest you put a vote in each since they are each different Top 50's.


These are the awards you can win from this site.To sign-up for one,just E-mail me your web page address.If I think you're worthy,you will be E-mailed the award,and you should put it up on your page as soon as possible.I decide which award(s) you get.

This is the award you get for your site:

This is the award you get for your sprites:

More may be coming!!

If you like this site,try these:

Mega Man's fighting force RPG
The Megaman Archives
The Shockman Homepage
