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Pics with other castmates
McKenzie chat transcript
McKenzie & Galen 8/17/99 Chat
Welcome To McKenzie Westmore , a site dedicated to the talented and beautiful actress.
Over McKenzie's career she has acted in several roles, but none as captivating as the
role of her most recent Character, Sheridan Crane on the television daytime drama
Passions . This website will not only explore the life and times of McKenzie, but her friends and family as well.

Please be patient as this website is undergoing a transformation for the better. There will
be NEW photograph's, stories, and more. Please, Stay Tuned . Also, if you have any ideas
of what you would like to see on this please contact me.

This site was orginally produced by, but did not have the time to update often, but then this person disappeared on me. After I was "hired" to update for them, so I will no longer update or do anything to this site. If they come back, they will do it. Thank You.

This NBCPassions site owned by Milex.

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This Layne's Passions Ring site
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Disclaimer: All Images used on these pages(with the exception of images created by the
page's author specifcally for use on this site)are © by NBC (1999,2000) and are used here
without permission. This is a fan run webpage and is no way affilated with NBC, Out Post Farm,
McKenzie Westmore or any other of their affilates incorporated with Passions.

Last Update: March 24th 2000 (Website 'upkeep' done by Christin)