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...These gests are zipped. To save, left click on the file name. Click "ok" on the pop up and save into your gesture folder...

...Some of these gestures are graphic in nature... I got the cutest trick to show you...all I'll need is your panties and some rope...hehehe VP men are like parking spaces, the good ones are taken, the others are handicapped With all these IM's, I should charge for cyber...hehehe Omg!!!...Am I confused it just me??? Northern men just like us southern women...cuz it takes us so long to say quiiiit!!!
lagbitch.zipClick and drag...No Shit...ever hear of lag...Like I want to sit on your ugly av
crazyon.zipI wanna go crazy on you!<<<<======== poke, poke, poke
lpokea.zippoke, poke, poke ========>>>>
ouch.zipOuch...Quit it!!
saythat.zipOMG!!!...Did I say that?...hehehe...Yes I Did!
southernmen.zipGod...Do I love Southern Men!
kissnfeel.zipDeep...long...hard...passionate...Kiss!!!...{and a quick feel}
samesmile.ziphehe...I stole his heart and his pants with the same smile...
spit.zipI'm so confused...I could spit!!!
kissmy.zipYou can Kiss my little white Southern Ass!!!
zipppp.zipIf I want any lip from you...I'll unzip my pants...(adult graphics)
santa.zipDear Santa...I've been a real...good...girl...this year...(adult graphics)