Updated: 04/09, 2007: Pages will need to be numbered by hand after printing this document!)
(This Collection is the gathering together of all the
known godly prophetic revelations from God for all of the below locations of
future earthquake & flooding destructions that will soon occur at some
point in the very near future in God’s allowed appointed timing because
of America’s “Cup of Sin” being to high or overflowing.
This collection, is possibly from only 10% of the 100% of Christians who have received these warnings; and will be updated periodically, as more revelation is received or located.)
(Mississippi River is currently from 1 to 4 miles wide)
“The major river systems in
the heart of the nation & and erect altars of worship that are also beacons
of light. So the center of our nation
will become flooded with light.”
Below is the sweet (the prophetic has been located and is in one place for easy viewing) and the bitter (the prophetic from God reveals hard and difficult things to occur soon) of the scroll!
“The Lord spoke to me and said, "What you have just heard is the platelets of the earth shifting in the Central part of the United States. There will be a mercy before “Judgment Earthquake.” When this happens you will know that the big Earthquake you prophesied which will split this Nation right down the middle, if they split Jerusalem will happen just as I have told you.” —Prophet Dan Bohler
there has been a quantum leap in
the incidents of godly prophets and ordinary Christian people having significant glimpses into
coming events through the godly prophetic (godly: dreams, trances,
visions, visitations of Jesus Christ, or a holy angel of God, or taken to the 3rd
heaven or the 2nd heaven, etc.); while it is true that in many cases
the data is peace meal, however, in some instances such as in this collection
document it is like reading tomorrow's newspapers. Keep in mind that these
Christians come from very diverse backgrounds, and many have the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit, in addition to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Do we know that all these prophetic voices
are from God? Of course not, but to ignore the
accumulative data that is available here is to stick one's head in the
“proverbial sand.” There are
simply to many Christian voices echoing the same essential message to
turn away and ignore that America and the Church needs to confess & repent
of its sins quickly for additional grace and mercy from God because within this
document it clearly shows that some major earthquakes and flooding will occur
in the middle of the United States of America in the very near future.
Always remember that the godly dreams and visions
from God come without repentance,
so Christians who were in good standing in godly character with God and received
these godly revelations even if they
fall away from God, the godly dreams and visions come without repentance—that means God gives them and the
Christian vessel who receives it from God can remain a true Christian and
overcome to the end of their life or some can backslide and end up in Hell for eternity, either way, what
God revealed from Him to the once Christian stands—it is not based on if they
remained a Christian or not (the reason for stating this is that some
Christians will fall away and lose their salvation, but what was given to
them while they were Christians from God still
gave me the interpretation of my vision. He said,
“Soon I will return and take back with Me to Heaven first the righteous dead, then after
them those that are alive and remain will be caught
up to be with Me in the air.
Following that, the
Antichrist will reign upon the
earth for an appointed time, and there will be tribulations such as have
never been before, nor will ever
be again.
“And then I will return with My saints, and
Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit, where he
will remain for a thousand years.
During that thousand
years I will reign over the earth
from Jerusalem.
When the millennium is
past, Satan will be released for
a season, and
I will defeat him by
the brightness of My coming.
The old earth will pass away.
“Behold, there shall
be a new earth and a New Jerusalem coming down upon it—and I will reign forever and ever.”
From: The book, “Divine Revelation Of Hell” and “A
Divine Revelation Of The Spirit Realm,” by Mary Kay Baxter, ISBN:
0-88368-623-6, ©2000.
One thing to remember about true godly
prophets of God is that they often spend massive hours before God in prayer.
God is warning all of us in the USA on several issues. There are over 225 ministers—including Apostle
Seer Prophets and other lay Christians who have received that the USA will
receive a full invasion war on
American soil in the very, very near future at some point. The Internet has many of these godly
prophetic warnings posted at different websites if you are interested in
reading them before the full
invasion war of the USA actually
Also, Apostle Seer Prophet
Selvaraj received godly prophetic from God regarding this issue of the
“invasion of the USA” coming. So, there
are the biblically speaking, the over
2 or 3 godly witnesses needed, in
fact there are over 225 Christian witnesses from God that it is coming; just as
there were over 140 who received the 09/11, 2001 Twin Towers destructions before it occurred, and there were
numerous prophets and lay Christians who received the 08/2005 New Orleans and
Gulf Coastlines destruction before
that all occurred (Prophet Kim Clement and Prophet John Mark
Pool—both prophetic revelations were posted
on—and sent out from “The Elijah List,” of almost 140,000 emailing list that
was sent out ‘several weeks or months’ before
08/2005; furthermore, Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson received on
07/02, 2005, just prior, from God
that in “one day” New Orleans would be destroyed, and it was within less than a
few weeks before it occurred in reality.)
Apostle Seer Prophet Selvaraj gave a
sermon on 07/19, 2005, in St. Louis Missouri, at Apostle Prophetess Gwen
Shaw’s final End—Time Handmaiden & Servants Ministry annual traveling
conference (future meetings it appears will now be in Jasper,
Arkansas). Selvaraj stated very clearly
that not all Christians in
the Church are the real Bride of Jesus; and that only the group referred to as the “five wise
virgins” will be going up in the soon coming “Catching Up” or called rapture.
Reference God’s revelation in the Holy
Scriptures about this subject in the “10 virgins” who are the Church, but only
½ are the Bride; the Bride has enough “oil” (Oil—represents the Holy Spirit—Baptism
of the Holy Spirit) in their lamps when the delayed Bridegroom comes.
The Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ returns for His Bride the Third Day which is before His “Second Coming” which is
later at some point in the beginning of the Millennium Period.
It appears strongly that the
Rapture will be occurring before
the “Wrath of God” is poured out just before the Great Tribulation—last 3 ½ years and it could occur before
the invasion of the USA if certain conditions are met by the Body of Jesus
Christ in the USA—read below to see what those conditions are from God.
As of 10/14, 2006 in the godly
prophetic—as we try to piece the godly prophetic together from what has been
collected from the Christian prophets, ministers of God and lay Christians,
here below is just a sample—there is much more, but it appears as of
today the following:
1. 1st
Prophet witness: Prophet Dan
Bohler was the first to mention that Roe vs. Wade would be reversed (that I can
remember), so he is the 1st prophet witness to this prophetic word.
2. 2nd
Prophet witness: Apostle Seer Prophet
Nita Johnson received on 10/09, 2006 from God that Roe vs. Wade would be
reversed it appears from what she released at her meeting.
3. 3rd
Prophet witness: Prophet Ricci
Wilson received on 10/09, 2006 that Roe vs. Wade would be reversed. And Prophet Nita Johnson has stated in
her writings or audiotapes that Ricci Wilson is a prophet.
Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson just
released at on 10/10, 2006 at her Atlanta, GA Gathering Of The Eagles
Intercessor meeting, that God has released that Roe vs. Wade will be reversed, by her comments to the
Christian audience there that “We won, we won!” and her other comments
that have been quoted by an attendee, very carefully.
What we knew prior to this new
revelation from God was that the full
invasion war of the USA
would occur before 2010, for Prophet
Thomas S. Gibson (1st Prophet Witness) and Seer Prophet
David E. Taylor (2nd Prophet Witness) both received this.
Furthermore, when Jesus visited during 01/2006, Prophet Dan
Bohler (3rd Prophet Witness), it was mentioned that the
invasion would be after 2010 if the Church would confess and
repent for American’s sins of abortion and get it reversed. Because the date of 2010 was involved, that implies clearly that the invasion was
to occur before 2010—now that is
what the overall Christian prophetic seemed to indicate strongly when it
was collected, sorted, discerned, and logged—that the invasion was due prior to
2010 and there was clear prophetic words that it would occur before 2010; but
because of the repentance done so far by the Christians, it was enough to delay
the invasion to it appears past 2010 at some point (Many will be
watching to see if Roe vs. Wade is reversed by the end of 2007).
Now with the new revelation of 10/10,
2006 by Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson & Prophet Ricci
Wilson, and Prophet Dan Boher’s original prophetic word…it appears
that the invasion will be delayed to after
Also it was mentioned that there will
be a 16—year revival in the Gathering of the Eagles meeting, and it appears it
may have started in 2006 to 2022 (?).
We know in the godly prophetic there
will be either a very long revival or two revivals, one that has started now
and one that will be starting worldwide at a later date, from Apostle
Seer Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj’s comment in another sermon that he made
about a later worldwide revival, so there are either two or a very long
revival that has started in the USA and will travel worldwide, we shall see how
that plays out. And do not forget that
after the end of the Gentile Period, God will be concentrating on the House of
Israel—Jews getting saved, so it appears that will be the same revival
or another one?
From Joe Brandt’s series of visions
in 1937 in California, where God showed him the huge very serious California mega quakes that the ocean will claim
massive land in California (these are not
small earthquakes); Brandt revealed from the series of visions that God
showed him, the many things that he was shown for several days in the
visions—but one item very important that was shown to him was a newspaper of a
future time and president in the USA, and God blurred the date on this future
newspaper so that Brandt could only see the “9” at the end of the year and he
was able to see a “somewhat heavy or husky male President” during that
future time coming, and he noted that this male president had obvious “big
ears” and he was bigger—heavier
than 1937 President Roosevelt. These
detailed visions were put in the
newspapers in California in the 1960’s as I recall, it could have been around
1968 or just prior. So now it appears
strongly that the West Coast California gigantic quakes that the ocean
will claim massive California land will occur probably in year 201”9,”
and before the Florida and maybe
Chicago & New Madrid—Mississippi River quakes; for Brandt was taken in the
spirit over the USA and he never mentions any destruction seen to
either Chicago or the Mississippi New Madrid or Florida areas yet, but he did
mention seeing things in New York and of course the mega quake in CA. And from other prophetic it is known that California
it appears gets the gigantic dangerous quakes before Florida does, because in one prophetic word it was
revealed that it was not wise to
go to Florida from CA either just before or at the time of these dangers
happening because Florida was going to get it very serious also,
probably even worse than California; the godly prophetic has revealed
that a very, very large part of the state of Florida will go under water at
some point in the future from some major event (s?).
And just as a precaution, Christians
should be aware of the year 2009, because there maybe some pre—warnings of
smaller quakes in the CA area(?), keep watch! But as serious as they may be, it
appears they will not be the mega quakes that are coming! Keep that in mind if any serious quakes show
up in year 2009! It would not surprise
me if they did, for the year ends in the number “9”, year 2009, remember Joe
Brandt’s series of visions and the newspaper God showed him!
It appears possibly that
the dangerous massive quakes coming to California could be in an appointed
timing of events “that are connected” with the full invasion war of the USA when it occurs eventually;
they maybe connected in close timing, such as after the CA huge quake that
could trigger Russia—China and the other six nations united to invade the
USA because of the weakened
condition of the USA with both the west and east coast major cities of
California and New York—New York City in major destructions. Remember Brandt saw destructions above the
USA in both CA and New York City.
Here below is what appears to be
happening, from what is in the godly prophetic, we shall see if this is
accurate as things get closer and God reveals more details:
1st CA 9.0 or 10.0 very serious mega quakes
and major destruction to New York City, so west and east coast major
destructions (Joe Brandt saw this in a series of visions in 1937)—
2nd it appears at some point after the CA & New York City
destructions, possibly Florida, Chicago and or Cleveland, Ohio receive
very dangerous mega quakes, in some order of happening, but it
appears Chicago and Cleveland may get hit at close to the same time
3rd probably city of Chicago destroyed
mega quakes—
4th and possibly about a year (or so)
later the full invasion war of the USA (Seer Prophet Chuck Youngbrandt
saw this in series of visions in 1970’s, and related it was about one year later when the invasion
Apostle Seer Prophet D. Duduman received in prophetic
revelation several of the nations that would be uniting to attack the USA:
Russia, China, Cuba, Mexico and four other countries would unite and come
against the USA; God will permit it, and somewhere in this timing the…
5th New Madrid—Mississippi River mega quakes
occur so that the Mississippi will enlarge to 35 miles wide from 1 to 4 miles
wide now in 2006 at places (Seer Prophet Bob Jones’ prophetic word was
that the Mississippi will enlarge to 35 miles wide). Also Seer Prophet David Kocurek saw after the full invasion of the USA that
the Chinese on the west coast took Interstate I-40 from California all the way
across the country to the Mississippi River and they were stopped there for
some reason—it appears the reason why will be the mega earthquakes that
will occur, it appears after
the invasion, otherwise the Chinese probably would have known about the
change in the Mississippi river—and they apparently did not know in the
vision Kocurek had; after the mega quakes in the New Madrid & Mississippi
River areas there will not be a bridge—for it will be destroyed or unusable;
but it appears the Chinese did not know this ahead of time, so it
appears this occurs after the
invasion at some point and before
the Chinese using I-40 get to the Mississippi River and realize they cannot get
across it for the Mississippi River will now be 35 miles wide with no
Take into consideration that this is a ruff draft of how it may play out
in the days to come, as more godly prophetic is revealed from God, the pieces
of this overall USA puzzle for earthquakes and the “full invasion war” can be
finalized in more accuracy. However, the thing to consider strongly is
that God has delayed the full invasion, and it now appears to possibly
be after 2019, so the dates
to consider strongly are any time from during 2019 or years 2020 to 2022 could be
possible time periods for the full invasion, because Apostle Seer
Prophet Nita Johnson stated in the past that the Church was still here when
the full invasion occurs; pray
that God will give the Church in the USA a second witness from Him on
this—that for sure that the Bride of the Church will be here to after the full invasion of the USA
Yes, it appears the Bride will
be here for a very short time into the full invasion; but that is not yet fully know for sure.
The reason for questioning if the
invasion is before or after the Rapture, is that there is a very powerful
prophetic word from Apostle Seer Prophet Dumitri Duduman before his
death—here below; it appears, that if there is enough repentance and lifestyle change from the Body of Jesus
Christ in the USA, that even though the full invasion war to the USA is “set,” however, in God’s goodness and
mercy it appears that He will allow a delay again for the invasion war
“all the way to the “third”
Now some things are not yet fully known, but if this
“optional delay” from God that appears to still be available—that if
certain terms are met the invasion war can be delayed to the 3rd
day—and we know the third day is
the wedding of the Bride time, so
it does appear to possibly strongly mean that the Bride maybe
or could be taken before the
full invasion of the USA; if the terms are met before God of more repentance
for the USA’s sins & that enough Christians get back to a godly
lifestyle. In God’s goodness, He wants
to delay this much due invasion war to the USA because of America’s overloaded
national sin level—God wants to delay this invasion if the Christians will
confess and repent for the nation’s high national sin level. So will you start confessing and repenting
for the sins of the USA, and do it often enough, and from your heart even if
you never committed the sins, for God looks to see who will stand in
the gap
so He does not have to send righteous redemptive judgment. In the broadest sense of the word
“intercessor” it applies to any Christian who will take the time to pray,
confess the nations sins and repent over them, and in general “stand in the gap
for a nation.” Will you do that for
America & your family members and yourself?
A time line was crossed already, and
the invasion war to the USA is now “set”, it will happen, but it has been delayed several
times now, and it appears it has been delayed again till after 2010, but
we have to wait to the end of
year 2007 to verify this, to see if enough fasting, prayers, and repentance for
the people of America—their sins was done and for Roe vs. Wade to be reversed,
that is what basically was revealed to Prophet Dan Bohler. Without a doubt year 2007 is a critical year
for the USA, will she make it in delaying the known invasion of the USA war to
Her homeland soil or will she get lazy and not do any repenting for America nor
get Roe vs. Wade reversed? At the end of
2007 we will know for sure what the outcome for the USA will be regarding the
invasion of the USA…
Below is the prophetic word from Apostle
Seer Prophet D. Duduman. You judge
and discern what you read below, and see if God is giving the USA an option
here from the goodness of His heart?
Will the Body of Jesus Christ in the USA take God up on this option and
do enough repenting, and get Roe vs. Wade reversed by the end of 2007 or
not? We shall see.
Question: Why would the holy angel of God tell Apostle
Seer Prophet Dumitri Duduman in 1991, during a visitation that he should read Hosea 6:1—3, which tells of
the “3rd
day, I will rise you up?” Is that referring
to the full invasion war to the USA occurring around the time of the “Catching
Up—Rapture?” Or just after it? It appears to be saying that! Reference Apostle Seer Prophet Dumitri
Duduman’s prophetic word regarding asking God what he should tell the
American’s when they ask “when will the invasion be occurring!”
Quoting the Holy Angel to Duduman: “Tell the people of America that one day with
the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is one day. IF they will repent and
turn back to God, they will make it through the second day to the third day. If they don't, they will not make it."
Now one final comment, Apostle Seer
Prophet Neville Johnson had a visit from Jesus and it was revealed that
1967 was the last Jubilee (There maybe two different Jubilees), the Lord
Jesus stated to him that He was coming back very, very soon after the next Jubilee which from the
1967 date would be 2017 date; so soon after
2017, and it appears He was talking about the “Catching Up, or
called Rapture” and not the yet “Second Coming” which appears to be a
short time after the
So if you take all these things above
into consideration, you realize that the Rapture might be around years
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023, or just after
at some point year 2017. This time
period appears to be close to the mega earthquakes that will weaken the
nation, and the Rapture of “the Bride” in the Church; and the full invasion war
of the USA; now this order may not
be correct, and the rapture may occur after the invasion depending on if the
Body of Jesus Christ does enough repenting and starts to live holy lives to
delay the full invasion war to the third
Day as was prophesied to Apostle Seer Prophet D. Duduman.
The above does not claim to be a perfect timeline,
it may or may not be way off, but it is a beginning of trying to understand
things in the USA from the godly prophetic that has been revealed so far; and
it is just a recalling of the many prophetic revelations and how they might
or could be pieced together.
Furthermore, the Bible appears to
states that Christians would not
know the exact day or hour of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ’s return
for His Bride—the “Catching Up,” but the Holy Scriptures did not say Christians would not know near the appointed time or
even the year! —Anonymous Christian
Apostolic Scribe]
07/02—07/05, 1973, Series of Visions,
Chicago Earthquake & Invasion of the USA:
“Then suddenly, just after the terrible earthquake in the Midwest,
I saw ministers,
priests, elders and Christians
who had “rejected the prophecy…”
these now seemed like dead men—all their strength was gone,
and many fell on their faces before God crying for forgiveness.”
—Chuck Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
“Listen to Me,” said Jesus.
“What you are about to see and hear is true. Take heed
you ministers of the gospel, for these are faithful and true sayings. Awake, evangelists, preachers, and teachers
of My Word, all of you who are called to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ. If you are sinning, repent
or you will likewise perish.”
—Jesus Christ to Mary Kay Baxter, Seer Prophet
“Jesus is displeased with most
pastors in America for they have not
told the American people the full truth,
America is not prepared for the
coming invasion.” —David E. Taylor, Seer
Revival often
precedes (comes first) before “hard times!”
Hurricanes and volcanoes can trigger swarms of weak or strong
earthquakes; furthermore, can even set the Earth vibrating, according to some
KJV:1 Corinthians {13:9} For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
This collection of known godly prophetic for this subject, is the trying to put all the known parts from God that were given to many “five—fold
ministers and lay Christians” together, in one
place for easy reading, meditating, and finally—accepting and preparing for!
not by Youngbrandt: Other
possible cities that will need to be taken into consideration for possible
major destruction in this Central U.S.A. earthquake and flooding disasters
coming are the following cities here below, and also in a further section
below are some thoughts about many other small and large cities that
might be involved in destruction from the giant Chicago/Cleveland/New
Madrid earthquakes and the major
flooding after—that will
Prophet Youngbrandt reveals below “all
or some” cities that apparently God has revealed to him that will be
totally or partially destroyed, and/or possibly some cities that Prophet
Youngbrandt assumes could be destroyed (that may or may not be
destroyed), but you the Christian reader must keep in mind the difference between “What did God say?”
and “What might be being assumed from human thinking?” and or
“Will any prayer be changing the outcome of any of these cities from total destruction, to partial
destruction, or to a delayed timing on destruction, or to a lightened destruction?”
is Youngbrandt’s quote:
“The cities that will be flattened by this
earthquake will be:
n Chicago, Illinois;
n St. Paul, Minnesota;
n Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
n St. Louis, Missouri;
n Louisville, Kentucky;
n Indianapolis, Indiana;
n Detroit, Michigan;
o Detroit's altitude is 177
meters (581 feet) above sea
level, measured at the Detroit River.
n Toledo, Ohio;
n Cleveland, Ohio;
n Columbus, Ohio;
n Cincinnati, Ohio; and
n Kansas City, Missouri.
Southern Ontario and part of southwestern Quebec, Canada, will be
obliterated by the waters of the Great Lakes as they "backwash" and
just before they return as a wall over Chicago and other areas.
Lord, by the Holy Spirit, revealed that the sound of the cracking of the ground
or fault will be so fierce that windows
will be shattered in Des Moines, Iowa,
some 316 miles from Chicago.” —Chuck
Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
not by Youngbrandt: If you live
near enough to these earthquakes when they occur, be prepared to have some thick
plastic, non-electric staple gun, and some plywood or insulation board
handy for covering your open windows when the glass is broken from the shaking
of the quakes—for winter & below zero weather will soon be coming after these destructions in some soon
July summer month.]
Christian five—fold ministers (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers), intercessors & the Body of Jesus Christ lay Christians throughout the United States need to start getting to their knees and or prostrated (flat—face down) on their faces before God; “praying, confessing, repenting, fasting, sitting in ashes poured all over them from their fireplaces (as the ancients did), crying, moaning, wailing, beating their chests and doing intercession” for America’s huge “cup of sin” that is about to overflow which will bring great destructions,” in many areas throughout the U.S.A. and soon after will be an invasion of the U.S.A. on America’s homeland soil. Prayer needs to immediately being going up to God about these serious destructions about to occur at some point in the near future to many cities, including: Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, & all the coastal cities along Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, some of the areas of the Missouri River, Ohio River, Arkansas River, and most all the Mississippi River areas.
In addition, confession of America’s sins, with repentance, fasting, crying, wailing, moaning, and intercession needs to be going up before God for the soon coming “Invasion of the USA” on America’s homeland soil that George Washington saw in an “open day vision” from God in 1777 (logged in Congress)—which revealed and showed from God, revelation to Americans that there would be three great wars fought on America’s homeland soil, and the 3rd war is yet to occur and will be the worst—that the Angel of God revealed to George Washington; that war has not yet occurred and will be occurring in the very near future in America!
Of the three major wars fought on the homeland soil
of America, the first war
was “The Revolutionary War” for America’s Independence; the second war was “The Civil War” for the freedom
of the slaves; and the third war
has not occurred yet, but it will
be the worst of the three wars, and it will be over “America’s
very survival as a nation,” and the cause of this great war was the innocent bloodshed to all Native American Indians, and all
Africa Americans, and all murdering—killing of babies—the aborting of the
innocent babies, which is now over 80 million and growing; along with the
killing of American’s seed by birth control.
—Anonymous Christian
“Abortion (killing—murdering) of Seed, Conception & Babies in the Womb”
“He (Jesus) said… “From the time of conception, that is a
—Mary Kay Baxter, Seer Prophet
Also, here is a
quote from spring of 2006 newsletter by Apostle Seer Prophet Nita
Johnson, who is well seasoned in the revelations and things of God for decades
now as a seer prophet:
Amendment to the Comstock laws by the US Circuit Court of Appeals.
Up until this time the majority of US
States upheld the Comstock Laws which made it a federal crime to distribute
and sell contraceptives. The case, United States v One Package, played a
significant role in overturning the Comstock Laws and paved the way for
the legalization of birth control. This became the foundation for Roe v Wade.
"In a
45-minute vision the Lord
revealed to me that any kind of birth control that prohibited the
connection of the soul He had created and prepared for birth with meeting its destiny in birth, was murder. Taking a birth control pill
is the same as aborting a baby as it stops that connection of destiny.” —Nita Johnson, Apostle Seer Prophet
01/27, 2006, Roe
vs. Wade & Years 2007 and/or 2010:
“As I was praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke this admonition to the
Church: "If my people will begin to cry out in intercession for
the reversal of Roe vs. Wade I will overturn this case by the end of the
year 2007. I have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses of the coming
invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of
your most innocent!!! In My Judgment, I will remember Mercy"... www.propheticwatchman.com —Daniel E.
Bohler, Prophet
{91:6b} …nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
{3:7} Surely the Lord GOD
will do nothing, but he revealeth his
secret unto his servants the prophets.
{3:8} The lion hath roared,
who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath
spoken, who can but prophesy?
1804, Previous Fort Dearborn, Illinois (Chicago Earthquake) and Mississippi
Valley Earthquakes: “The earthquake known as the New Madrid
earthquake was not the first felt in the region is shown by written records, by
Indian traditions, and by geologic evidence.
Recorded earthquakes/shocks — of the shocks felt by the early settlers
the best summary is supplied by Drake, he names 5 earthquakes and the fifth
being: ‘The fifth and only additional
shock of which I have been furnished with any certain accounts, occurred in the southern neighborhood of Lake Michigan, at 10 minutes past 2 o’clock p.m. on the 20th of 08/1804. At
Fort Dearborn [Chicago]
on the bank of the lake, it was severe.
From the report of Capt. William Whistler, it must have been a stronger
throe than any experienced at this place.
It was succeeded by a short hurricane from the lake. At Fort Wayne [Indiana], lying considerably
to the east-southeast, it was less violent.
John Johnston, Esq. My informant, remarks that the day at the place was
clear and warm without any unusual appearance.
The general course of the earthquake was undoubtedly that of a line
passing through those two forts.
Geologic evidence — Evidence of shocks long antedating that of 1811 is
very conclusive.” —Quote, book referenced was not included
197o’s, Vision, Chicago Earthquake: “I was
walking down the streets of Chicago with my brother and was looking at the skyline. All of a sudden I saw the skyscrapers ahead of me began to shake.
It’s like they were quivering
and then they began to just crumble right in front of me.
I turned to look at my brother and I realized he wasn’t
seeing that. I turned back and the buildings were just crumbling to nothingness. I heard in my
spirit, “Everything that you see before you will crumble, and only that which
is built upon Me [the Lord] will last.”
—Diane W., Christian
Dream—Vision, Chicago Earthquake: “I was walking on
the sidewalk of Lake Michigan in the city of Chicago, Illinois.
of a sudden God gave me a dream, I saw the water rise up real high like 100 +
feet into the air… real high… I saw the water was going to flood Chicago.” —Mercedes Biernaciak, Christian
1971, Vision, Chicago Earthquake & Major Flooding Of
Chicago: “A letter from Pat of southern Illinois: … ‘In 1971 the Director (Gwen Shaw) of the
“End—Time Handmaidens Ministry” was in Chicago and looking over the lake (Lake
Michigan), as she turned around — saw Chicago being destroyed by earthquakes and the lakes coming out of their
basins, flooding the city…’” —Gwen Shaw,
Apostle Prophetess
07/02, 1973 — 07/05, 1973, Series Of Open Visions For
Several Days, The Chicago Earthquake: “First,
I saw the Chicago
earthquake, then an overview of
the mid-western and north-eastern United States. I
saw smoldering ruins from nuclear attack… Confusion and fear gripped the
I saw a great Russian fleet
steaming out past Western Europe towards the United States…
Then I saw the invasion,
at the Bay of Delaware, and on the coast of Virginia…”
“In 1973 the Lord gave me a vision of a massive earthquake striking the Midwest U.S.A.
centering in Chicago, Illinois on some day in July in the future…”
“I was witnessing the destruction of Chicago by a
monstrous earthquake, followed by a huge, destructive wall of water…”
“I thought of Milwaukee, but
then I saw that this city, too, was flooded and
being destroyed. I thought of St. Louis and saw it also broadly flooded
and drowned out of existence.”
“I noticed that the wall of water was deepest through the heart of Chicago
and that further south the depth tapered off, and
further north also it was not nearly as deep.”
“Suddenly my view shifted to the lake front (Lake
Michigan). After
the earthquake ended, the waters of Lake
Michigan swiftly calmed down; lying still in a
strange and ghostly silence. The calm water then seemed to tremble or beadup,
and as I watched, the level of the water began to drop quickly. There was a
‘whooshing’ sound as the water literally disappeared in a northeasterly
direction, leaving only some large puddles,
here and there.
A period of time then passed in that same day; but how
much time I do not know. From a vantage point at street level in the Loop, I
suddenly heard a terrible
roaring sound. The sunlight was totally
blotted out and everything was engulfed in a suffocating darkness. Later I was to see an aerial view
of Chicago’s downtown area, when the returning wall of water from Lake Michigan
would crash into the Loop with unbelievable force, surrounding
the greater skyscrapers still standing. They would withstand the waters
for a moment; then they would slowly
twist around to fall and vanish forever in the churning waters. I clearly received an impression that the buildings north of
the Loop, [at least past the fault line] would survive somehow.
The wall of water was not
a wave, not a tidal force, nor a crest—it was the whole of Lake Michigan—moving in a
massive body westward with irresistible, terrifying
unbelievable, force. Everything in its
path would be pulverized—totally obliterated. Although the water was over 15 stories high [using the Eisenhower Expressway as a central measuring point], the depth of the water dropped sharply once one
traveled — 12 miles to the south or north — however, the shallowest I was shown was still about 20 feet
of water.
Since 1973, we have realized that the earthquake will
cause a geographic depression in the land, turning much of the city into a
cause-way for this flood of water; while in places north of the fault line, some
land areas will be elevated above the water.
The Lord showed me that Calumet City, Illinois; Hammond, Indiana; East Chicago,
Indiana and other places on the southern
tip of Lake Michigan will be under as
much as 60 feet of water.
At Lake Michigan’s southern
tip, I saw a vast plain of water, with no buildings showing above the water’s
But on 07/05, 1973 in Des Plaines, (Illinois) I saw the water up over the speed limit sign on Ballard
Road, and the water there appeared to
be at least five feet deep, or deeper. The
Tri-State bridge on Ballard Road had collapsed, and I saw cars piled up on
either side, with water running through the broken concrete like rapids as the
water surged west. Here, the Tri-State mound or road was higher than the
“After the wall of water had engulfed the city and swept
it away, I observed what seemed to be an endless flow of water moving steadily westward.
Because I had seen St. Louis swamped
and drowned out of existence by a broad body of water, I assumed that the water would connect somewhere
with the Mississippi River, and move southward, causing the Mississippi
River to swell greatly beyond its banks.
Again, I watched the water roar westward for days;
I lost tract of how long it moved like this, but was aware that the larger part, if not the whole of
Lake Michigan was emptying out.
Farther from the city, to the west, I did see areas that
were above water and intact except for earthquake damage, and some years after
these first visions was
able to identify the Chicago suburb of Woodridge as one of those areas
that will be partly or wholly above
the flooding waters. I did see ditches
here and there, with water running over them, and in the ditches, I observed
masses of canned goods stripped of labels but largely intact, in the water and
I also saw the bodies of the dead, human and animal,
floating everywhere. Dismembered bodies covered in the disaster area;
thankfully, most were buried in the churning tide of mud that moved beneath the
When the water subsided, I could see corpses caught in
the branches of uprooted trees through all the widespread wreckage. When the
water actually subsides, after the real earthquake, we will view a vast mud plain with islands
of refuge. The stench of rotting
flesh, decomposing vegetation and the stinking stagnant water in the hot, humid
weather will be unbearable.
Almost immediately after the worst part of the
destruction, in a vision, I saw
flying overhead U.S. aircraft of various types dropping supplies by parachute
to stranded survivors. Later,
the airplanes stopped coming,
but I did not then know why.
After the flooding waters passed a given area, I saw
survivors coming out of the water, some adults and many children, all injured and half naked or altogether naked and
in shock. They
were received by certain Christian communities; clothed, tended to and later
given places to live. I was not clearly aware of it at the time, but today know that these ‘communities’ or isles, spared
from the waters destruction will be peopled by Christians who have prepared to some extent. When I saw so many young children, I couldn’t help but
wonder how a three or four-year-old
child could survive the waters, when
their parents did not. The Lord would later tell me, “Because they are innocent.”
I also observed others emerging from among the survivors;
those I would later identify as ‘marauders (thieves and robbers).’
These men, hoping for gain, would search among the
corpses, taking rings, gold and other jewelry and even look for gold fillings
in teeth. They were armed,
and when they came upon the surviving
communities, would take them by force,
raping, torturing and killing as they wished. With no
government or police in organized operation, these men followed their basic
I realized then and now that the Christians would need to
be prepared to defend themselves. My knowledge seemed to indicate that it would be
almost a year before troops arrived. When they finally came they were bearded, tired, dirty,
hungry and tattered.
They quickly disarmed the marauding men, killing all of them on the spot, then marched on. That sequence of events
puzzled me at the time of the vision
— I did not understand why U.S. troops would be on foot; why they would be so
ragged, and why they shot the marauders immediately, with no hint of due
process of law.
I looked over the Chicago land area after the waters subsided and the mud
dried; and I was astonished.
Lake Michigan was gone,
only a hilly lakebed remained to be seen. Mud everywhere—dried mud stretched
over a vast expanse of what was once a great city. Bleached bones of the
long-dead protruded in places. The toll of the dead was beyond estimation. There were no trees, no
grass, just a dead silence. To the north
I saw ruins of buildings. In the northwest areas here and there, were
desolate skeletons of homes and buildings.”
“On 07/05, 1973, I could bear no more of the vision and cried unto God to take it from me, and He lifted it
from my seeing. Later I turned to the Lord and asked Him when all of this would
happen. I was given a vision of
the number 17, made up of what looked like fluffy white clouds. I did
not know if that meant 17 days, weeks, months, years, or centuries, I had no
Mid-1977, Visions, Chicago Earthquake: “We have met and talked to dozens of Christians who have had a vision of the earthquake destroying Chicago
or a vision of the wall of water
crushing the city sweeping it away. One minister told us in mid-1977 that he
was in Chicago praying when he had a vision
of the building he was in; the walls were cracked and everything was
ruined. He than said he heard loud ‘banging noises’ and saw the pipes
suddenly rupture and explode with considerable force. Next, he heard
a roaring noise and suddenly
torrents of water broke through the east walls of the building. He had no idea
what it meant but someone who had heard our tapes suggested he visit us, and so
he did.
What hit me was that as the wall of water would move, it could cause intensely
high pressure in the city’s water pipes just ahead of it, resulting in the pipes
exploding.” —Chuck
Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
About 1974, Dream Vision, Devastation To Chicago: Judy
Gomersal saw total
devastation to Chicago; buildings looked
like match sticks, saw this sign that read “Chicago.”
there will be an earthquake in
St. Louis, Missouri; Judy received this
from Yonna Higgins, a pastor’s wife in Tennessee. —Judy Gomersal, Christian
not by Gomersal: Prophetic is
being revealed that there will be a bombing to Chicago, it appears that
it will occur before the great
Chicago earthquake, for why after the earthquake, the city will be destroyed
from the earthquake and flooding, why bomb it?
It is pondered if the bombing will be strong enough to actually cause pressure to the
Sandwich Fault line and the Chicago earthquake later at some point after the bombing? Lot of pondering here, will need godly
prophetic revelations to stay on track as to how it will all play out in
1976, Vision, Mississippi River & A Changed North
“As the angel pointed in front of me a
wide view of land and water opened up, so that at first I thought I was
seeing two countries. Instantly it was
made known to me that I was looking at a vastly changed portion of North
America, which was completely divided by a
large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines…
Great Destruction: In this scenario icebergs and polar icecaps were melting. Earthquakes had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms—the whole country had been ravaged by these things…
Two Separate Countries: The area
of water in the middle of . . . the United
States was massive, and was widest
or most extensive in the north. There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all
of them had come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the ocean.
The inland sea also extended
southward, filling most of the Mississippi and Missouri River valleys and widening
by many, many miles the Mississippi River where it flows into what we know as the
Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so vast
that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United States
had become as two separate countries.
—Elane Durham
Prophecy, Chicago, Illinois Earthquake: Summary: Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana fall into Lake
Michigan, earthquake eats them up.
Florida: Part of top northern area ok, but major
earthquake to Florida, goes under water.
York City: New York City gets destroyed.
Coast—California: All but Eastern
California disappears.
The tip of Texas going under water, and some of Mexico. He agreed that Corpus Christi was going under
water. Mexico will be an island he
will be forty-five places of safety in the USA.
the center of the USA, new area—Kansas City around, I think Charles said, was
where the President of the USA would be taken to from Washington D.C.
falling away occurs before the
“catching up” or Rapture occurs.
invasion of the USA comes after
the quakes. —Charles Hagadon, Apostle
1980’s, Vision, Military Attack To Chicago, Illinois & Earthquake Along The
Fault—Mississippi & I saw in Chicago, the whole city lit up in the vision, I thought they dropped a bomb
on the City of Chicago”: “Other cities were bombed, 3 or 4 major
cities were bombed, I felt they were coastal cities on the east coast, after the fall of our government there were other cities afflicted… there was a military attack to Chicago,
St. Louis and I think Dallas & Houston as far as western cities…
did feel that after the attack, and things seemed to settle down under the new military
rule, that there would be an
earthquake along the fault, Mississippi; at that time a lot of health situations would occur due
to the military invasion situation. The
people began to seriously cry out to God!”
I remember seeing Israel surrounded; I felt such a sense of great
fear for Israel, I cried and said, “Lord these are Your people what will become
of them,” and He said, ‘watch,’ and that’s
when I saw this eagle it almost
looked mangled but it was flying
[I knew it was America the Eagle], it was flying in circles, it began to swoop lower and
lower, then I could see down beneath it on the ground, there was a Lamb! I
wondered what the lamb was, as I got closer it was draped with the flag of Israel, and the lamb was
hurt and bleeding and the Eagle landed just beside the Lamb. The
Eagle looked at it checking it out and spread its wings over the Lamb and when the Eagle died than the Eagle
was restored… the wounded Eagle was now healed, because its feathers were all mangled before… and the
Lord said to me this is like a Samson thing, She (America) would never know the
full power, but she would be back
in the Lord’s grace, she would never
be destroyed.”
I believe it was, was hit almost as bad as New York. I saw in Chicago,
the whole city lit up in the vision,
I thought they dropped a bomb on the City of Chicago.” —Jim Titus, Christian
1987, Series Of Day Outer Visions, “St.
Louis, Missouri Earthquake”: “I just remembered
that in 1987 while my son and I lived in Hillsboro, Missouri, about 25 miles
south of St. Louis, every
day for about a week as he was driving to work down Highway 21 he would see in
the spirit
the whole landscape along Highway 21 just completely destroyed. The highway was
no longer in existence!
He said there were no standing buildings. The highways
were completely destroyed, complete upheaval.
He said gas lines had ruptured and were
exploding and people were trapped and buried in rubble and under buildings
everywhere, but there was no way
anyone could get to them to help them.
He said there was no clean water, no available food, and just mass
destruction everywhere.
There had been a massive
earthquake.” —Ricki Goral &
son, Christopher Goral
1998, Outer Vision, “Invasion Of The
USA & Saw Two Soldiers Coming At Me With Machine Guns”: I was in Festus,
Missouri… I saw two soldiers coming at
me with machine guns. The Lord said,
“You will indeed see foreign troops on this soil (USA).”
02/28, 2005, Prophetic Word & Outer
Vision, Heard “Earthquake, Earthquake, & Earthquake”: There was a map of the Great Lakes. I saw a “dot” on the map of the Great Lakes
and heard: “Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake!” It was the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan I
saw. The “dot” was on the land on the map,
right at the edge of the land adjoining the lake; on the land right next to the
lake (Lake Michigan).
04/2006, Outer Vision, “Skyline Of Chicago—Powerful
Consuming Fire”: I saw an outrageous fire, billowing fire, and
saw the skyline of Chicago. It was a
powerful consuming fire. I felt like it
was devastation, this outrageous fire.
—Ricki Goral
1989, Open Vision, Major Destruction To Chicago, & Map Of The United States &
Invasion: “…
The process will begin while the church is still here. In fact, it has already begun and will continue until all
is fully executed I want to add one more thing before I share the vision the Bible tells us…”
01/27, 1989, I had been in a spirit of prayer all night and was finally just
starting to dose off to sleep. Suddenly, I was fully awakened by a vision of
a map of the United States.
It was not a vision in my head
but was what some call an open vision
out in front of me.
map was in a silvery light and was completely sectioned off into states, just
as suddenly as it had appeared, I heard a voice,
as robust as the sound of many waters yet with great intensity, begin to give
directions. Starting with the West
Coast, the voice would speak and that same
silvery light would shoot down from the direction of heaven like a laser beam
onto the map. The light would follow the path directed by the voice and then
effects would follow as I will explain.
First, the
voice cried out—'The West Coast, California,
Oregon and Washington, starting from the southern most tip
all the way up to Seattle, will suffer
natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, and enemy attack.
"The line shot up the map taking most of
California and
leaving only a small section that bordered on Arizona and Nevada. It went
up through Oregon taking about
half of that state and then on up through Washington, taking about one-third of that state, then out
toward the ocean through Seattle. The minute the line touched Seattle, everything west of the line disappeared.
The voice then cried out, "Michigan,
Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois will suffer
natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes
and tornadoes, and enemy attack. Immediately, this line started at about where Lansing, Michigan, is and fanned down
in what became two lines going south first. Then one
line swung back up easterly through Ohio,
going out over the Great Lake Erie through Cleveland. The other line swung down through Indiana and then headed back up
northwesterly and went out into the Great Lake Michigan up by the way of
the northeast corner of Illinois and out through Chicago. When it was done, it looked
like two "u's" side by side. This
affected areas all through the region, for instance, as far east as Detroit and easterly in Michigan to
the Great Lake itself on the west. The whole southern part of the
glove experienced cataclysmic results.
the voice called out, “Most of Louisiana and all of Texas will suffer natural
disasters, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and enemy
attack.” The line shot up
through New Orleans east of Baton Rouge, up through Shreveport in a kind of wiggly way then cut off all of Texas. Texas
disappeared. Louisiana
experienced devastation but didn't disappear.
was ready for this to end, yet the Lord continued. New York down through Pennsylvania, the Virginias, the
eastern Part of Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida will suffer natural disasters of every kind, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, etc. and enemy attack. Then everything that was east of the line disappeared.
Lord continued, "The Grand
Canyon will suffer
natural disasters. "The line seemed to start at the bottom of the Grand
Canyon heading northerly straight up to Montana through Yellowstone. This was also accompanied by
cataclysmic disasters like floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and
This affected a substantial area, including Arizona, Utah, western parts of Wyoming, the eastern tip of
Idaho and southwestern part of Montana. The regions did not disappear, but
experienced utter catastrophe.
Then Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas,
Alabama, West Tennessee, Kentucky, and on it
went. There were severe heat waves, hailstorms, energy blackouts, severe
snow and ice storms as well as extreme arctic cold spells to the loss of many lives. I saw it so often occur in some of the least likely areas. Famines, pestilence,
plagues, and
and Utah were all
but destroyed through natural disasters of every kind and ultimately
enemy attack. They did, however,
remain on the map (Please note that I am not declaring that the states
that disappeared fell off into the sea. I don't know why they disappeared, only
that they did. Consequently, I am merely relating what I saw-not trying to
states, such as New Mexico, were lost from my memory. I couldn't remember what
happened to them, so I didn't record it.
distinctly remember, however, that the only part of the US that was not
devastated was the Central United States, a region basically west of the
Missouri River, as I have indicated on the
map. [See attached map, page 203, Prepare For The Winds Of Change II] I also realized that many of the things that would begin happening
immediately would be of an unusual nature, such as natural disasters
that would seem improbable or even impossible, at least for that particular
geographical area.
was instructed that this sequence of events would start immediately, picking up momentum with time
until eventually the succession would be happening with gunshot rapidity, until
all fulfilled. It's important to understand that the natural disasters did not
specifically follow "the lines", but the lines seemed to indicate the borders of the severely
affected areas. The only one exception was the line that went up through the
Grand Canyon north to Montana. In that case, the line seemed to symbolize the
central core of action with a radiating aftermath both to the east and west. I
saw natural disasters in Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands
followed by warheads.
I saw a severe
diminishing of our nation's military.
Officers, and enlisted men, as well as the closing
of many critical bases were part of the scenario. Our ability to defend ourselves was critically reduced, to
a point of near ineffectiveness. (The Military
cut down was not incorporated in this vision, but was seen many years
01/15, 2004, Prophetic Word, Chicago Earthquake
& New Madrid: Upon asking Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson about the great
future Chicago & New Madrid earthquake, here is what she sent to me of what
apparently she had received or seen from God: “The earthquake
you mentioned will not
split the Nation in two geographically. There
will be much devastation from
that earthquake but it will not
be to that extent.” —Nita Johnson, Apostle Seer Prophet
[Comment not by Nita
Johnson: As God revealed to His prophets
pictures of these future destructions, some prophets have seen such huge change
the middle of the USA that it appeared that the USA would be split in
two; furthermore, it is now known from Seer Prophet Bob Jones’
revelation from God that the Mississippi River will be 35 miles wide; this
information revelation could cause many prophets to assume the nation
will be split in two from the pictures that God has shown them. However, as all the prophetic revelation
pieces are combined together—here in this largest collection known in
the USA for this subject, it is now evident that it is understood that the
Mississippi River—New Madrid area could “look as if” the nation has been
split in two, but somehow far enough under the earthquake changes—the nation has not literally been split into two
separate continents.
It also maybe possible yet that
if certain negative things occur with Israel—such as the USA not
supporting or helping Israel fully & in great time of need; if those
actions occur, the nation of the USA could possibly be totally split in
two—if this is possible yet, in time this will be more revealed
as God brings more godly prophetic words together from those He has released
them too, and actually releases more revelations on this subject/s.
Right now, there is a trying to piece
together, or bring into a harmony all the pieces that each prophet or lay
Christian received in what will be occurring in the very near future when these
events become reality.]
12/31, 1997, Prophetic Word &
Vision(s), Vision Of A New Madrid Earthquake: “There will be an enormous earthquake somewhere along the
New Madrid Fault line. A mighty angel has been holding this fault line
together also.
Six great
cities will be destroyed. Among
them are Chicago, Morgan City, St. Louis and Memphis. Memphis will become a lake.
The Mississippi River will be 35 miles
wide when it is all over. The shaking will be felt all the way to
Charlotte, North Carolina.
Water from the Great Lakes will flow
south into the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico.”
12/31, 1997, Prophetic Word, Earthquake Prophecies: “I (God) have been showing My prophets these things for
years. Now walk into it. I am beginning to perform My Word.
Bob (Jones) saw two mighty angels. One was holding the "San Diego
Plate" and the other, the “New Madrid Fault Line.” When each cup is full (each cup of sin) the angel will turn
loose and the quakes will happen. They will
be sudden.” —Bob Jones, Seer Prophet
12/31, 1997: “Bob (Jones) saw two mighty angels. One was
holding the "San Diego Plate" and the other, the “New Madrid Fault
Line.” When each cup is full (each cup
of sin) the angel will turn loose and the quakes will happen. They will be sudden.” —Judy
05/01, 1998, Word Given By Bob Jones, Mississippi &
Missouri “Illinois will raise up
and Missouri will go down” —
"Earthquakes would come soon, one in Tokyo, Japan;
many islands, California.
One of
the last to come would be
along an old fault line in the Mississippi.
Illinois will raise up
and Missouri will go down. Pray now!!! Intercessors can change things."
The Lord said that "we need to know the
timing on that and this will be the sign: increased
tornadoes on the
Mississippi Valley.
The mud flats will begin to break away and
gas..." —Anonymous Christian & Bob Jones,
Seer Prophet
06/14, 2001: “Today I saw a plague that was coming to New
Orleans and will go up the Mississippi to Chicago and back down. It’s located just right under the
Mississippi. The Spirit river is also flowing, but I think it’s going to flow both
ways.” —Bob Jones, Seer Prophet
[God has revealed that there
are seven very high level
prophets in the whole world, with other prophets under these seven (Major and Minor prophets?), and Bob Jones is one of the seven highest level prophets in the
world at any given time period. You
could be reminded in the Bible of Elijah, Elisha and the School of Prophets to
understand this revelation of levels of prophets better.]
About 1998, Inner Vision, Lake Michigan Earthquake Will
Reclaim Part Of The City Of Chicago: The Lord told Joe Galvan that as a result of the
earthquake coming part of Lake Michigan will reclaim part of the City of
Chicago, it will go under water. —Joseph
Galvan, Christian
1998, Dream, Future Chicago Earthquake & Flooding From Lake Michigan: In my dream, I was standing in the downtown area of Chicago in front of a building that looks like a Greek temple... with a pond or river in front of it. Suddenly, the view changed to water was everywhere, and I saw that my daughter and I was staying in the wood broken shelter (which looked like a Hong Kong very, very low class house), everywhere under it was water. The people looked hungry and they were running around looking for their family.
Everywhere was flooded below the shelter. I did not see any single house in the dream, within the view that I was staying at in the dream. I saw just broken wood everywhere. People were using broken wood to build the bridge from one shelter to another shelter.
I did not
see any high buildings any more from where I was at in the dream in the
downtown Chicago area.
Then I realized that it was after a big
earthquake in Chicago and the floodwaters had come from Lake Michigan.
—Julia Simmers, Christian
After 1998—2003, Chicago, Illinois: “Chicago,
Illinois will be host to a prolonged revival. The effects of this revival will last 50
years!” —Dennis Cramer, Prophet
[Comment not by Cramer: Notice he did not say the Revival will
last 50 years, he said, the effects of the revival!]
& 05/18, 2004, Chicago Earthquake & Water From Lake Michigan To
Mississippi River:
“I was told by God that part of Michigan was going to be destroyed… when the earthquake that (Seer
Prophet) Chuck Youngbrandt saw regarding Chicago happened. When the Lord
said this, He showed me Chicago. I was shown
the SE lower area of Chicago and saw roads
breaking up and buildings collapse.
rock formations that appeared to be granite shards rose up through the ground breaking up the roads and sending cars flying through
the air. Expressways collapsed with cars falling off and crushing the cars
underneath. I could see that this
earthquake happened during the day
but did not see any shadows to
indicate what time during the day. This could mean that it happened when the
sun was high in the sky so that there would be few shadows or that I wasn’t
allowed to see what time it was.
then saw the Southeast area
of Chicago next to Lake
Michigan; starting from within
Lake Michigan the ground started opening up creating a giant chasm that
swallowed up buildings and roads and quickly filled with water.
giant chasm kept expanding devouring all that was in its path and filling with
water going Southwest and then down towards the Mississippi River.
traveling in the Upper Michigan Peninsula, in 06/2001, I was told that the Fayette peninsula area (Delta and Schoolcraft Counties) was going to be
destroyed when the Earthquake that (Seer Prophet) Chuck Youngbrandt saw
regarding Chicago happened. When this happens the water will wash away much of
this area. I was told that some
of the land in the U.P. would be no more.
traveling in the Lower Michigan
Peninsula along the northwest
shoreline next to Lake Michigan south
of Traverse City, in 08/2002, I
thought to myself that it would be nice to buy some property in this area. I
had no sooner had this thought, when the Lord spoke to me and said, “It
wouldn’t be a very good investment.” Naturally I asked, “Why not?” and the Lord
showed me. I will describe what I saw.
area that I was in looked the same as the area that I was currently driving in,
which was the NW part of Lower
Michigan. The trees, which were
mostly pine were the same color and looked the same as where I was driving down
the road. There were a few white birch trees with leaves but looked dry. I was
given a sense that the weather was
hot and dry and even the ground looked very dry, like it hadn’t rained for a
long time. I could see that it was during the day as
it was very bright but did not see any shadows to indicate what time during the
day. This could mean that it happened when the sun was high in the sky so that
there would be very few shadows or that I wasn’t allowed to see what time it
was. The ground started
shaking violently. This went on for several seconds and then the ground
started to liquefy. The hills and trees started to disappear straight down and the ground
turned flat like you were at the beach. The water sheen started to appear along the top of the
ground. As the land liquefied before my eyes, suddenly
I was up in the air looking down at the whole state and saw the top part of the state dissolve into Lake Michigan.
I was told By God that this would happen
when the
Earthquake that (Seer Prophet) Chuck Youngbrandt saw regarding Chicago
happened. I was given a small glimpse of this earthquake and have written it
down under the state of Illinois. This is what the lower part of Michigan
looked like since I did not see Upper Michigan destroyed…” (Map not included) —Eric Graham, Prophet
After 09/11, 2001, Dream, Lord Showed You Won’t Be Able
To Get Out Of The City Of Chicago In The Future At Some Point Except By Boat: There
is coming a time you won’t be able to get out of Chicago, except by boat—the Lord Jesus showed this to an
African American in Chicago, in this dream. —Jan Shumaker, Christian
11/20, 2001, Vision, Tim Snodgrass has
prophesied that God will divide the USA along the New Madrid Fault, if the USA
divides Israel, “America Ripped In Half”:
is the significance of these two earthquakes? Exactly six months ago, on 11/20,
2001, I received a vision of America
being ripped in half like a veil from east to
west, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that "If America wishes to divide Jerusalem in half, America shall be divided in half."
In the vision I witnessed a major earthquake along the New Madrid
Fault-line which literally divided
America in half from east to west, creating a new gulf which stretched from the Great Lakes
in the north to
the Gulf of Mexico in the south.
Six-weeks after this vision,
on the first day of 2002 I received another
vision of a great quake, this time centered in a separate portion of the
United States: The
quake – somewhere in the 9.0 range—was centered on the U.S. West Coast.
Many freeways ended abruptly, cut off by new lakes which were
created by the quake. In the vision
the Holy Spirit spoke to me that this
great quake would occur "after
the 2nd Polynesian quake."
12/ 2001, Earthquakes, Seismic & Volcanic Report: “The largest earthquakes to occur in
U.S. history occurred exactly 190 years ago along the Mississippi River, during
the winter of 1811—1812. The first quake took
place on 12/16, 1811, and was estimated to be in the 8 or 9—point range.
It set off a series of over
2,000 aftershocks, which lasted until 02/07,
1812. Five of these aftershocks were greater than 8.0, and could be felt across the entire eastern half of the
United States. By winter's end, few
houses were left undamaged within a 250-mile radius of the epicenter
in New Madrid, Missouri.
11/20, 2001, Timothy was given the following word: "If America wishes to
divide Jerusalem in half, then America shall be divided in half." Approximately one month after that word,
on 12/16, 2001 Timothy was given an alarming
vision of the United States being split in half along Mississippi River.
vision was very detailed as to
the boundaries of the division, which separated from the Mississippi River at
mid-point, and then moved NE instead
of NW, towards the Canadian East Coast.”
four earthquakes have been recorded in history as exceeding
9.0 on the Richter Scale ~ 2 of these quakes were located in Alaska. On 03/09,
1957, the third largest earthquake recorded in history took place in the
Andreanof Islands, Alaska. This
9.1 earthquake was a turning point in the study of volcanoes, proving
that major earthquakes can indeed
awaken volcanoes that have been
sleeping for generations.”
all of the above earthquakes were large, none can compare to the New Madrid, Missouri quakes,
which occurred during the winter of 1811—1812. This series of quakes lasted for five months, and took place long before the seismograph was invented.
If you compare this series of
quakes to the 9.5 Chilean quake (which lasted for 3 weeks), the New Madrid
earthquake would have to have been comparatively much larger (lasting 5 months).
magnitude of the New Madrid earthquakes had to be truly enormous. In 1964, the Prince Williams Sound
earthquake (9.2) could only be felt as far away as Seattle, Washington.
18 of the New Madrid earthquakes rang church bells as far away as
Boston, Massachusetts, and could be felt across the entire eastern half of the
United States. Over
150,000 acres of forest were destroyed, new lakes were formed, and tsunami
crashed along the shores of the Mississippi River, leaving a
graveyard of destroyed boats and
“The first 2 of the 5 big quakes were epicentered in
Arkansas, both
occurring on the same day (12/16th, 1811). The third
earthquake was epincentered in New
Madrid, Missouri (01/23, 1812). The fourth and fifth quakes occurred in New
Madrid on 02/07, 1812 and were the largest
of the series. It was these two quakes that
destroyed the city of New Madrid, and toppled houses as far away as St. Louis.
Although some sources report that there were three large quakes, technically
there were five mega-quakes
[Two on 12/16/1811; one on 01/23/1812; and another
two on 02/07/1812].”
“On 11/20, 2001, I was given a detailed prophetic vision of another “series of quakes” which will soon
shake the United States Midwest. The coming quakes will exceed
the magnitudes of the previous New Madrid quakes of 1811—1812, and will result in significant earth changes along
several areas of the Central United States.”
In Arkansas and Missouri, the earth changes that began 191 years ago during the New
Madrid quakes will reach
the New Madrid fault line and several other fault lines
which wind there way up to the Great Lakes, there will be a sudden drop of elevation.
size of the Great Lakes will decrease,
as water drains into the newly formed rift and cascades southward into the Gulf of Mexico.
less than a day, a new gulf will appear in the United States. North America will
be literally divided in half from east to west. The majority of changes will take place within 24 hours, but aftershocks from the quake will
continue to rattle the region for seven
force of the water cascading
from north to south during
the birthing of the initial rift will lay the foundations for diverse
topography and landscapes along the newly birthed shoreline.”
Tsunami And Displacements Of Rivers And Lakes:
“Prior to 1811, tsunami were
believed to be only an ocean phenomena. But on 12/16, 1811, a new precedent was
set for tidal waves. When
an earthquake approaches or exceeds
9.0 on the Richter Scale, earth changes are imminent. These changes can be anywhere from minor to catastrophic,
depending upon the geology and terrain of the earth.
a body of water happens to be
near the epicenter, one of two things can
1) The quake will generate tsunami,
2) The body of water will be displaced, and shift to another
major earthquakes, the elevation of
land rises and falls.
greatest earth changes occur not
when the land is thrown upwards, but when it collapses.”
New Madrid, the shaking was so intense that land waves could be seen rippling across the face of the earth.
elevation of the earth rose and fell
over an area of 78,000—129,000
square kilometers, extending from Cairo, Illinois, to Memphis, Tennessee, and
from Crowleys Ridge, Arkansas, to Chickasaw Bluffs, Tennessee.
new lakes were formed, including Lake St. Francis in eastern Arkansas, which is
64 kilometers long by 1 kilometer wide.
future map of the Gulf of the North America, which will extend from the Great Lakes in the north, to the
Gulf of Mexico in the south,
is not without precedent
in earth history.”
“…The tsunami triggered from the drainage of the Great Lakes will
move southward at a catastrophic rate, engulfing
entire cities in its path as it winds its way south into the crystal blue
waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
the northeast of the Great Lakes in Canada, newly formed channels will connect the Gulf to the
Atlantic Ocean. Although
this inland tsunami will indeed be
large, it
will be small compared to the tidal waves
generated by the earth changes…”
—Timothy Snodgrass, Seer Prophet
05/09, 2002, Dream, Chicago Earthquake: “I heard the
earthquake—the ground was shaking in Chicago… there was a fire like an
atomic bomb.”
05/16, 2002, Vision, Chicago Earthquake: “I was in a
building in Chicago with my children, I heard the earthquake, the building I
was in was pulled off its foundation, there were crowds of people in the
streets. The earthquake is going to
spread outside of Chicago…” —Louise Rosenburg-Meiszner, Christian
08/2003, Prophetic
Word, State of Illinois: "From this state
(Illinois) My glory shall proceed forth
as a wheel that shall turn this nation.” —Chuck Pierce, Prophet
08/29, 2004, Then Chuck Pierce prophesied: “…I will send the wind up the Mississippi River and this wind will shake Missouri. You will see
the land shake in Missouri
because of the wind from
Get ready. Don't brace yourself. Throw yourself up. Get
ready for the new is coming.
Every place I blow on will shake.
The wind is coming on Louisiana and it will shake
the entire state. I will fill churches. The south purifying wind of My holiness
will sweep across Louisiana. People will be on their faces in malls and
shopping centers. Boldness will come upon My people in Louisiana. There is a
worship call. Get ready—the wind is about to blow. The river is changing
courses. You will be one of
the first that changes."
08/12, 2005,
Prophetic Word, Head Of The Mississippi Decreeing: “The Lord told me… ‘I want you to go to the north and I want you to agree with Me that there is a
North wind that is coming upon this land. We went there to Minnesota and
stood at the
head of the Mississippi
and we decreed that the North wind of the
Lord would begin to come to bring change to our nation.”
09/26, 2005, “Divide This Land:” Chuck Pierce prophecy to Benny Hinn: “...I say now your
call is to change entire city structures, I say the sword of mine is
now resting in your hand get ready for you will divide
this land that I might enter in again,
saith the Lord. Just shout, he’s coming in again…”
[Comment not by Chuck Pierce: “divide
this land” comment: New Madrid fault along the Mississippi River, does this
have anything to do with the Mississippi enlarging 35 miles after the major
huge quake coming, this will divide the land, the nation into what appears
to be two huge sections, we shall
Notice these decrees and comments from God & think
about the Mid—West Earthquakes and Flooding and Revival in St. Louis that will
be coming:
n Notice he decrees at the head of the Mississippi!
n Notice he decrees “The river is changing
n Notice he decrees, “I will send the wind up the
Mississippi River and this wind will shake Missouri. You will see the land shake in Missouri
n Notice he is told “You will divide
this land.”
n Notice he is told, “a shaking in St. Louis”
and you are going to see St. Louis begin to shake…”
n Notice he is told,
“Across the middle of this nation there is
going to be a shaking.”
Ponder and wonder if
these above are dual—twin fold (Revival & Earthquakes). Could these prophetic words also be related
to the New Madrid fault line along the Mississippi River, does this have
anything to do with the Mississippi enlarging 35 miles after a future
huge—major earthquake coming, it appears so—when you finish reading all
that is in this collection!
Notice it appears
Prophet Chuck Pierce was the Prophet called in by God to do the
decreeing for New Orleans’ righteous redemptive judgment, as Apostle
Seer Prophet Neville Johnson (This was mentioned on one of his St. Louis,
MO Prayer Link CD’s, he decreed it while in Canada if I recall correctly the
day before 09/11/2001.) and Seer Prophet David E. Taylor were called in
to do the decreeing for the New York City righteous redemptive judgment
on the very morning at the site before the Twin Towers came down on 09/11, 2001
because the “cup of sin” in America was very high and getting close to
overflowing, so righteous redemptive judgment was permitted, necessary,
and allowed by God (Mankind yielded in a huge quantity to sin/s and the sins
were multiplied here in the USA, this is what caused the righteous
redemptive judgment to occur). Other
judgments will be coming depending on the Christian’s prayers before God’s
Throne for America. The reason this is
occurring to the USA is that she
was/is (and claimed to be) a Christian nation; judgment begins in God’s Church & nations first and
works it way out to the other nations it appears. If you consider China and the massive killing
of unborn babies there you know that she has murdered far more than America
has but China is not considered a Christian nation—China has righteous
redemptive judgment coming big time however.]
08/12, 2005, Prophetic Word, “Call Forth The Refuge
Cities Throughout The USA:” “On 08/12, 2005, God told Chuck Pierce: “Call forth the refuge
cities throughout this nation.”
“Call them forth on the East Coast... the West Coast
and the Gulf
Coast now... God
is calling forth refuge cities
throughout our nation...
because we are in for a season…”
[Comment not by Pierce: Does “calling forth the Refuge Cities in the
USA have anything to do with the future Earthquake destructions and/or the
Invasion of the USA that is soon
coming? Sustainable communities of refuge—does it indicate that concentration
death camps are coming eventually, so could some Christians or the
Christians who are the Bride of Jesus Christ be permitted to be in “Cities of
Refuge;” away from the cities that will be “cursed from major abortions” having
taken place, etc.?]
“…The Lord told me… ‘I want you to go to the north and I want you to agree with Me that
there is a North wind that is coming upon this land. We went
there to Minnesota and stood at the head of the Mississippi and we decreed
that the North wind of the Lord would begin to come to bring change to our nation.”
“But here was a very interesting thing that happened on
08/12 (2005)… The spirit of God fell on us and He said ‘Call forth the refuge cities now…’ Well a year ago on 08/29, (2004) when we were in Baton
Rouge, and He was showing us the wind and the water that would come, He told us that Baton Rouge would become the model
refuge city. He said the people would come north… He said Baton
Rouge would become a refuge city.
Now when He fell on us on
08/12, (2005)…He said ‘Call out the refuge cities of this nation.’… Call
them forth on the East Coast, call them forth on the West Coast,
call them forth on the Gulf Coast. They must arise and God emphatically
said “now”…. Because we are in for a season of
not only the North wind… because He said, Once the North wind,
you call it forth, and the South wind begins to come and New Orleans
starts being purified, you are going to
see St. Louis begin to shake…
God will draw forth out of the very center of this nation a breaking forth of His glory. We
will see the glory of God rising
out of St. Louis in a way that will shake us all because the spirit of God’s going to invade that
city. Now I want to tell you
that if you are from there to get ready, there is an invasion that is working up towards you, there is an invasion
that is working down towards you, and across the middle of
this nation there is going to be a shaking.” —Chuck Pierce, Prophet
[Comment not by Chuck Pierce: We know this above is referring to Revival in
St. Louis, because Seer Prophet David E. Taylor received that from God
by a visit from Angel Gabriel who
delivered that message. But is this also
referring to an earthquake in the New Madrid fault area (?), it might be
at some point in the near future??????? Remember both can occur, the spiritual and the physical, both! Now the question is “when,” for
we know it is coming in both areas: Revival and Earthquake (s) to the
New Madrid Fault Line areas that will widen the Mississippi to about 35 miles
Furthermore, there is
decreeing according to God’s ‘perfect will’ and it is one of God’s prophets
that God sends in to decree righteous redemptive judgments or the
blessings of God.
In a real event, such as a powerful earthquake that this
document is supporting in the godly prophetic, not only would the mighty
Mississippi River overflow its
current banks such as Seer Prophet Bob Jones has revealed—to a 35 miles wide Mississippi River, but the Missouri
River, Ohio River and Arkansas Rivers will probably over flow along with
the Mississippi River, north and south of St. Louis—causing massive flooding. With all of these
occurring simultaneously, the surge over the central U.S. could resemble a
tsunami, in the sense that many areas would be receiving major water
destruction. Take heed and prepare if you live near any of these areas or have family
that does. —Anonymous
09/27,2005, Detroit & Los Angeles & San
Francisco, Benny Hinn Ministries' Pastor’s Conference:
Benny Hinn: “Chuck Pierce is a Prophet of God….”
Chuck Pierce: “…When the Lord showed me this passage He showed me
the next three years ahead. He said to me, I am
sending, I am teaching My people again, they
will learn again the power of My cross. They will learn again the power
of the cross they’re carrying. Not only are we entering into three years of
learning, but we are entering into three years of going and building, new and
fresh, the model for the next three generations. We are entering a time of
acceleration; we are entering a time of building…you are going into a building
season, even if you’ve lost everything in the past, God says, this now becomes
your building season… and
these next three years, war escalates, internally war escalates, …and in the escalation of this war
season… we are building the model for the Church for the
future... but if we’re building the model the next three years, the gates of hell
cannot withstand us. Tell your neighbor God is preparing you to stand against
“Now I want to say to you…tonight… times are escalating, we are in seasons of escalation…” —Chuck Pierce, Prophet
[Comment not by Chuck Pierce: Could this be urban race riots before or
after the earthquake (s)? War escalates internally, what does this mean? Is it about Civil disorder in cities (which we do have
prophetic for to occur at some point) or the invasion of the USA? We know that if Roe v. Wade is not
reversed by the end of 2007 that the invasion of the USA by Russia and China
and other countries will occur before 2010 and while President Bush
Jr. it appears is president of the USA, God revealed this to
Prophet Dan Bohler and
Prophet David E. Taylor—so that is before the end of 2008 it appears; and from the godly
prophetic that we have so far from Prophet Thomas S. Gibson—the USA
Invasion will occur after 2005
and before 2010—this was stated many
years ago.
So in the godly prophetic, some strongly suspect
that the year for the invasion could
be 2008, while President Bush Jr. is
still president (Presidency over in 2008 (?), or if the Christians can
pray in that the law for Roe v. Wade is reversed before the end of 2007, we know that the USA Invasion can be delayed to after 2010 at some point—(and it appears that will be after the 2019 from the “9” number at
the end of the date on the newspaper seen in Joe Brandt’s series of visions
given to him by God back in 1937 on the West Coast earthquakes), this came from
Prophet Dan Bohler and was discerned by Apostle Seer Prophet
Nita Johnson and released in early 2006 in Washington D.C.; it is also
at Prophet Bohler’s website.
Now if Roe v. Wade is not reversed we know that it
appears, it appears, it appears that the Chicago earthquake could occur before
2008, because Seer Prophet
Chuck Youngbrandt was aware in the series of visions that God gave to
him back in 1973, that it was about one
year after the Chicago earthquake
that the “Invasion of the USA occurred;” but we do not know all this for sure
yet—we need more witnesses to the exact timing of these events. This is just how the godly prophetic
revelations kind of looks right now regarding this subject. We need more from God to let us know if Roe v. Wade Abortion Law will be reversed or not by
the end of 2007—if it is reversed it appears the Chicago earthquake will be
delayed as well as the Invasion of the USA to after 2010! If not, well all better prepare for some awful
days while the wonderful Revival overlaps
the invasion of the USA.
Notice Prophet Chuck Pierce stated three
years: 08/2005, 08/2006, 8/2007…
regarding something very important (? Could it be both good and or
01/19, 2004, Series Of Inner Visions,
New Madrid Fault Zone & Evansville, Indiana: “On 01/19, 2004, Joseph Cook of Evansville,
Indiana, received a series of inner visions and words that portray a future
earthq the North wind… because He said, Once
the North wind, you call it forth, and the South wind begins to
come and New Orleans starts being purified, you are going to see St. Louis begin to shake…” quake that will strike his hometown.
This is an area very near to, and involved with, the New Madrid fault zone….”
“I hear the words ‘the gorge created by
the earthquake is a city block wide.’”
“…In this meeting these men are trying to decide how they might bridge
between the divided sections of America. For the earthquake had literally
divided the nation in half. The Holy Spirit moved upon me and I told them:
“You shall build bridges… three of them, one shall go
across the very north edge of Arkansas across the gap, one shall go across the
south edge of Tennessee, one shall go across just above Sikeston, MO.”
I went on "And these bridges shall be built in triad
style, two main superstructure beams underneath, one superstructure beam on
top, they shall be interconnected with stabilizing lashings.
They shall be set upon pillars of three with pile
drivings that go 75 feet deep, these underground pillars will be in triad
foundation with alternate concrete and large gravel layers. The length of these
bridges will be 300 feet long with an overlap of the gorge at 75 feet per end…”
— Joseph Cook
2004, Earthquake Information, Major Natural Phenomena Potentials: “…cities tend to
be built on rivers and/or shores of lakes, seas, and oceans. Rivers tend to follow fault systems. Shores often have
proximity to tectonic plates with mobility potentials. It makes sense that
cities with high buildings at the confluence of geological fault and plate
systems will be leveled if there are worldwide earthquakes.”
“There is apparently a fault there that runs, perhaps, up
the Illinois River Basin to the Chicago area and then up the middle of Lake Michigan
before it allegedly cuts east about the latitude of Grand Rapids, MI, and
passes inland North of Grand Rapids. It is thought that the East side of said fault line could
drop 80 feet causing a wall of Lake Michigan water to wash 10’s of
miles into the State of Michigan
and up rivers like the St.
Joseph River basin perhaps flooding low land as far up the St. Joseph River as
South Bend, Indiana…” —Lowell Miller
11/27, 2004, Vision, Middle Of The USA Breaks Open &
Splits Down The Middle—Earthquake:
“…The land breaks open as it is sinking underneath and quaking in all
directions. The
middle of the USA breaks open, and splits down the middle, as I stand there, the land masses move. I
understand in the vision, that I
am not harmed as I watch this, and God’s people will not be harmed either, but multitudes will perish in
this sudden, great, explosive quake.
There was no
warning. Just the sinking
ground, the light, the “click”, and the then explosion into a huge quake. The USA is split apart, and the dividing and the
exposing the heartland of the land, the heart of America. The land masses and
the topography are altered. There is a great silence afterwards. All is quiet…” —Susan Cummings, Prophetess?
Prophetic Word, “The Mighty Mississippi River Will
Be Taken From You And Moved To Another Port: "I will not only turn the seas against a proud heart,
but [I] will
revert the waterways you have so long enjoyed; the mighty Mississippi River will be taken from you and moved to
another port—another neighbor who has a hungry heart and
obedient feet, swift to obey Me!" —John Mark Pool, Seer
“He (Prophet
John Mark Pool) then went into specific prophesies that God has given him for
the United States. These prophesies
include a major earthquake in the central United States that would change the
course of the Mississippi River… He prophesied that there would be some
earthquake in the Pacific Ocean about 200—300 miles west of the Washington and
Oregon state border. This earthquake
will create a tsunami that will
hit much of the West Coast. He also
stated that since he has made this prophecy public, he had been
approached by a researcher who said that an underwater
volcano is starting to come alive
exactly where he prophesied the
earthquake.” —notes taken by Jim
Maas, Milwaukee, Wisconsin “Prophecy Club” meeting
[Comment not
by John Mark Pool: It appears God could
be saying what the godly prophetic below seems to indicate,
and that is that God is truly going to move the mighty Mississippi River to
new ports from where the Mississippi River is now, or a new port when the giant earthquake occurs, and as Seer
Prophet Bob Jones gave forth that the Mississippi River will become 35 miles wide, that surely shows us
that there will be a new port or ports to the
Mississippi River!]
2005, Open Vision, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hoan Bridge Seen
On Fire:
“My sister, Alta was riding in a friend's
car over the Hoan Bridge one day last summer and God gave her an open vision of everything under and
around the bridge was on fire… if you are familiar with Milwaukee or not, but
the Hoan Bridge is part of the freeway system and is located at the lakefront (apparently
she is referring to Lake Michigan) and all the gas and oil tanks are located around that bridge.”
12/2005, Seer Prophet Deckard, Spoke About Seeing
Downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin On Fire: Prophet Dekert (It appears she may have meant Apostle Seer
Prophet Tom Deckard), who was the speaker at the 3 day Prophecy Seminar
here in Milwaukee in 12/2005, saw downtown
Milwaukee on fire. He told us that anyone who had a house should sell it
before it was too late to do so and move inland. Those who don't, he said, would be burying
their dead if they themselves survive.
01/2006, Seer Prophet Pool Spoke About Tsunami
Coming To Milwaukee, Wisconsin: “Seer Prophet John Mark Pool, who was The Prophecy Club's
speaker here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 01/2006, and who was just at our church
for three days a week ago, also spoke
of a tsunami coming.
2006, Seer Prophet
Youngbrandt Spoke About Tsunami Coming To Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Airport: Seer
Prophet Chuck Youngbrandt said that the Milwaukee airport
would be under water from the tsunami which will be the
aftermath of the Chicago
earthquake. —Dorene J. Zuege, Christian
10/10, 2005, Prophetic Sound &
Word, Loud Sonic Boom & Platelets Of The Earth Shifting In The Central Part
Of The United States: “I was laying down resting when all of a sudden I heard a loud sonic boom!!! It startled me, I thought that an earthquake
had occurred. I sat straight up in bed,
my hands shot straight up in the air and I cried out with a loud voice, God have mercy!!
The Lord spoke to me and said, "What you have
just heard is the platelets of
the earth shifting in the Central part of the United States. There will be a mercy before “Judgment Earthquake.” When this happens you will know that the big
Earthquake you prophesied which will split this Nation right down the middle,
if they split Jerusalem
will happen just as I have told you."
Prophet Dan Bohler mentioned a lady who
received prophetic, the words 9.2, she got it like 2 or 3 times,
apparently saw the Mississippi area drain the Great Lakes and what
appeared to be a separation of the USA in that area, it was deeper than the Grand Canyon, and it was
mentioned that no bridge will be built across it.
Prophet Dan Bohler told the Christian sister that "I saw almost the same thing."
01/27, 2006, Roe vs. Wade & Years
2007 and/or 2010: “As I was praying, the Spirit of the
Lord spoke this admonition to the Church: "If my people will begin to cry
out in intercession for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade I will overturn this
case by the end of the year 2007. I
have warned my Prophets and Prophetesses
of the coming invasion of America by the year 2010. I will have mercy on you America, and postpone this invasion, if you repent for the bloodshed of
your most innocent!!! In My Judgment, I
will remember Mercy"... www.propheticwatchman.com —Daniel E. Bohler, Prophet
12/29, 2006, Prophetic Word, St. Louis
area: But now please take
heed: St. Louis area will suffer greatly from
earthquakes in 2007. Illinois and part of Tennessee and many
places in Missouri will feel the earthquake somewhat but within the St. Louis
50-mile circumference area will be felt the most. —Daniel E. Bohler, Prophet
My Dreams: “Twice, I have seen Chicago hit by
Missiles.” —Billy Blankenship, Christian
[Comment not by
Blankenship: Will Chicago being hit by a
missile or missiles be what triggers
the giant Chicago Earthquake soon
after? It appears there is no
prophetic yet for Chicago being hit by missile after the Chicago Earthquake, so it appears it will be
before the major Earthquake!]
End of
12/2005, Inner Vision, Saw Some USA Cities Nuclear Bombed: “God took me over the
United States of America, and I could see down, it was like a map.
At different spots: the West Coast had an earthquake and went into the
ocean—I noticed it was wider at the bottom and narrower at the top of
what occurred on the West Coast.
About or around Jacksonville, Florida west through the state of Florida
there was some kind of a split (earthquake?).
There was some type of facture, a split up the Mississippi Valley
I saw some cities that received bombs
(nuclear?): Florida, both Miami and
Tampa; Georgia, it appeared to be Atlanta; New York, New York City; Illinois, Chicago; Texas, Houston;
Nevada, Los Vegas; California, Los Angeles and San Francisco. —Rod Shirk, Christian
Vision, Shortly After
The Second Earthquake USA Invaded & Stock Market Crash & Earthquake
& United States Invaded: “Shortly after the second earthquake the United States will be attacked by
invading forces. Russia will invade the East coast and China the
West coast. The invasion will include missile attacks.” — Gail Smith
[Comment not by Smith: Will the first huge quake be the West
Coast and will the second huge quake be the Chicago and Cleveland
quakes before the invasion of the USA—and will the third quakes be the
New Madrid quake before or after the Invasion of the USA on her
homeland soil? You discern as a Christian.]
1998, Earthquakes—Hurricanes—Storms (Flooding, Ice, Rain, & Snow)—Volcanoes
Are & Can Be Created At Will By Weather Manipulation Machine(s)
not by Newswatch Magazine: Today weather can be planned, or controlled,
or used in weather warfare by enemy countries against the USA or any country;
this is a known fact, see below in this document for a much detailed
understanding of how this technology was invented (Tesla) and how it works.]
Russian Woodpecker E.L.F. Generating
Transmitters System—Scalar Tesla Weapons (Both Weather Manipulation Warfare
& Future Missile Warfare Weapons) Against The United States Of America:
Magazine: “…The earth’s field is a
complex product of all the electrical activity within and around our planet.”
earthquakes, volcanoes and other geological phenomena depends largely on
fathoming the forces at work within the planet’s mantle, the thick layer of
rock that stretches form the core to within an average of 30 miles of the
surface. The behavior of the mantle
seems to be determined by the core. The
molten center also acts as an electromagnetic
dynamo, creating the magnetic
field that shelters earth from the
high-energy particles that stream from the sun” [06/13, 1988 Time Magazine].
disruptions [such as created by the Russian Woodpecker transmitters and the new
U.S. HAARP ELF system] dangerously interfere
with both the earth’s internal dynamo and the external, magnetic shield…
06/21, 1977 New York Times reported that the U.S. shipped a 40-ton
magnet [the largest in the world at that time] and a team of American
scientists to the Soviet Union. That
40 ton device could generate a magnetic field 250,000 times greater than
that of the earth. The purpose of that shipment was to build a
more efficient Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic
power generator, which was used to greatly increase the power of the then new
Soviet Woodpecker transmitters. This MHD power system helped the Russians repeatedly
override, blank out, and interfere with the earth’s natural magnetic field.
The United States developed other
powerful magnets, capable of disrupting earth’s own natural magnetic
field. The 01/1988 Popular Science
described huge new super-conducting magnets: “The six D-shaped coils are each 20
feet tall and weigh about 40 tons… Each of the magnets reached peak magnetic fields
of nine teslas, about 180,000 times the value of earth’s relatively feeble
field. Fields of such high intensity
generate enormous mechanical forces.”
“Typical earthquakes
occur no deeper than 20 to 25 kilometers. A very rare deep quake just took
place. The 06/18, 1994 Science News
reported that on 06/8th “a magnitude 8.2 quake emanated from 600 kilometers below Bolivia, punching the planet hard enough to set it ringing like a bell… The quake was felt in much of North America, even as
far away as Seattle – a fact that has puzzled geophysicists. ‘This is the first time we know of that a
quake in that part of the South America was felt in North America,’ says Bruce
W. Presgrave of the National Earthquake Information Center.”
That organization
reported that the 350 mile deep quake was also felt in Los Angeles, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and
Toronto.” Describing what Nikola Tesla had
discovered many years earlier…”
“Since the late 1970’s, the meaning of
the term “Woodpecker” has been well known to radio operators all over the
world. Because the primary mission of
the NSA is to intercept radio signals from every foreign nation, that
super-secret organization is fully aware that the term “Woodpecker”
specifically refers to Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters that are used for
weather-engineering [and for many other weapon/s functions].
The name “Madrid,”
comes from the arabic "Al-Majrit", which means: “water
Bill Koenig reports that the
first efforts by the USA to divide Israel came in 1991 at the Madrid
10/30, 1991: “The
Perfect Storm—As President George H. W. Bush (Sr.) is opening the Madrid (Spain) Conference to consider “land for peace” in Israel’s Middle East role,
the “perfect storm” develops in the North Atlantic, creating the largest waves
ever recorded in that region. The storm travels 1000 miles from “east to west”
instead of the normal “west to east” pattern and crashes into the New England
Coast. Thirty-five foot waves crash into the Kennebunkport home of President Bush.
And so, you can see the connection. A water channel is prophesied to replace
dry land in the center of the United States along the New Madrid fault. The event that is
said to be the cause of that division is the participation by the USA in the
division of Israel. That process began in 1991 in Madrid,
Spain. The meaning of the name of that fault (New Madrid Fault), that is to be the place of the great division of the USA,
given hundreds of years ago, is “The Water
Channel.” —Stephen L. Bening, Prophet
[Comment not by Bening: It appears if understood correctly, it is the dividing of
Jerusalem, see
Prophet Dan Bohler’s word received from God; it maybe both the
land of Israel, but it was clearly mentioned the dividing of Jerusalem!]
Why should Christians today believe the
godly prophetic in this “collection?”
Because the Christians had over 140 Christians who received godly warning prophetic
for the destruction of the Twin Towers, 09/11, 2001 before it occurred.
And because Christians had numerous
ones who received the warning destructions for New Orleans and the Gulf Coastline
before that occurred in 08/2005 (Seer Prophets and
Prophets such as Nita Johnson; and both of these prophets: Kim Clement,
& John Mark Pool received godly prophetic revelations and were released before the 08/2005 destructions occurred in New Orleans and the Gulf
Coastline—these prophetic revelation warnings were released to the Church by “The
Elijah List,” on the Internet, and there were many other Christians who also received
these warnings from God before
they occurred.).
And now there has been collected over 225 godly
prophetic revelations which reveal many of the details that an invasion of the United States of
America will be occurring in the very near future here on America’s homeland soil! (The
invasion of the USA appears be to occur before 2010 (From prophets
Dan Bohler & Thomas S. Gibson), or it will be delayed to after 2019 possibly
by the godly prophetic we now have located (Joe Brandt 1937 series of
visions on the West Coast earthquakes), if the abortion law Roe vs. Wade is
reversed by the end of 2007, by what Prophet Dan Bohler received from
Do you think God is warning those who will listen, as He did in the Holy Scriptures and through
His godly true prophets in the Bible? Jesus Himself prophesied the terrible and
awful destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, which some dated the occurrence
in 70 a.d. Many Christians today believe these godly warnings are from God for soon to occur
destructive events that were caused by sinful mankind. God is warning now because He loves all—He is
warning them all to take heed before the destruction comes in certain areas in the USA and also in other
places in the world.
Destruction comes to a nation because
of massive sins, and in America’s case one of the top sins for major
destruction to America would be the killing of the innocent babies in
abortions. The Holy Scriptures, or the
“guide book” which was given to humans on “how things work or run” from God who
created all humans, states the rules for what occurs down here on this
earth, and why the devil and the demonic kingdom is allowed to hurt humans when the humans
open doors to the demonic kingdom by disobeying God and sinning, which can be done by
individuals, or by the individuals in cities, or states, or a nation.
An example of one thing that would open
the doors to the demonic kingdom would be having legalized the murdering and
killing of innocent babies in the womb—abortion, and the killing of human’s seed,
their children, grandchildren, etc. The
Holy Bible is very clear that sooner or later when this occurs—whether
the people sacrificed their born babies to demon idol statue gods as
many people groups used to do in the ancient past, also the Israelites did this
in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, or if they killed/murdered their babies
in their wombs by the many ways this can be done today such as: certain herbs, certain pills, actual
abortions; this is the killing of their seed.
To God, it is considered murder and there would be penalties to pay for it as a person, as
people in a city, a state, and as a nation if it escalated in high numbers, which it has done today, for the
number of aborted babies is over
80 million and growing now. (Do not
believe the devil’s lie of 40 million.)
One of the top main penalties of
killing—murdering the innocent or your children, your seed, for a city or
nation is war. Your enemies are allowed or permitted by God to come
and overtake you, this is
called righteous redemptive judgment, for God is so loving that
He is even working to save humans while this awful thing called “war” is allowed and occurs; in war many of these areas apply: many die, food is removed, electricity is
removed, rationing occurs, and once enjoyed benefits and luxuries are removed,
many become slaves, and all have new abusive invasion rules to abide by,
etc. In short, freedoms and luxuries are
removed, even survival items are removed as well at times.
Regarding Lake Michigan and the Great
Lakes, here is a recap, a summary of a few things to consider.
—Anonymous Christian:
“The wall of water was not
a wave, not a tidal force, nor a crest-it was the whole of Lake Michigan—moving in a massive body westward with
irresistible, terrifying unbelievable,
force. Everything in its path would be pulverized—totally obliterated. Although
the water was over 15 stories high [using the Eisenhower Expressway as a
central measuring point], the depth of the water dropped sharply once one
traveled — 12 miles to the south or north — however, the shallowest I was shown was still about 20 feet of
“Again, I watched the water roar westward for days; I
lost tract of how long it moved like this, but was aware that the larger part, if not the whole of Lake Michigan
was emptying out.” —Chuck Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
“There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had
come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the
The inland sea also extended
southward, filling most of the Mississippi and Missouri River valleys and widening
by many, many miles the Mississippi River where it flows into what we know
as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so
vast that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United
States had become as two separate countries.”
—Elane Durham
“The shaking will be felt all the way
to Charlotte, North Carolina. Water from the Great Lakes will flow south into
the Mississippi River and then into the Gulf of Mexico.”
“The Mississippi River will be 35 miles
wide when it is all over.” —Bob Jones, Seer
{13:13} Therefore I will
shake the heavens, and the earth shall
remove out of her place, in the wrath of the
LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
{24:1} Behold, the LORD
maketh the earth empty, and maketh
it waste, and turneth it upside down,
and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
{24:7} For nation shall rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and
pestilences, and earthquakes, in
divers places.
{24:8} All these are the
beginning of sorrows.
{24:18b} … and the
foundations of the earth do shake.
{24:19} The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
{24:20a} The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression
thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
{24:21} For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be.
{24:22} And except those
days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's
sake those days shall be shortened.
{13:8} For nation shall rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in
divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the
beginnings of sorrows.
{21:11} And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and
great signs shall there be from heaven.
{21:25} And there shall be
signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth
distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
{21:26} Men's hearts failing
them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the
earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
KJV:1 Corinthians
{13:9} For
we know in part, and we prophesy
in part.
{16:8b} … and power was
given unto him to scorch men with fire.
{16:9a} And men were scorched with great heat, …
{6:12} And I beheld when he
had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there
was a great earthquake; and the sun became
black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
{6:13} And the stars of
heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when
she is shaken of a mighty wind.
{6:14} And the heaven
departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island
were moved out of their places.
{16:18} And there were
voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as
was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake,
and so great.
{16:20} And every island
fled away, and the mountains were not found.
{20:1} And I saw an angel
come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain
in his hand.
{20:2} And he laid hold on
the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a
thousand years,
{20:3} And cast him into the
bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should
deceive the nations no more, till
the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
{20:4} And I saw thrones,
and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls
of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God,
and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received
his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
{20:5} But the rest of the
dead lived not again until the thousand
years were finished. This is the first
{20:6} Blessed and holy is
he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no
power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him
a thousand years.
{20:7} And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
{20:8} And shall go out to
deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog,
to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the
[Comment written in 2006:
Because many young teens and young adults do not understand we
are entering the end of the Age, not
the end of the world, this is being
included here—a simple clear understanding that there will be over another
1,000 years yet before the end of
the World really will come.
I was at a Jewish Messianic Church recently and was
communicating with a young adult about the yet 1,000 year Millennium that is
almost here, the young adult ended up crying and was very upset with her mother
who was sitting next to her, because the young adult felt that the end of the
world was soon to be here and now I was telling her that there will be over
1,000 more years yet before the
world really does come to an end. This shocked me into realizing that the
youth do not understand when
people say “the end of the world” is coming, that is a wrong phrase
to use at this time to describe the end of this Age or called Season, we need
to let the young know that we are entering “the end of a very important Age or
Season” and that many very awful things are about to occur along with the
wonderful revival to prepare the young adults for the days ahead.
There will clearly be another thousand years yet to this earth—for the above verses clearly
show this from God’s Earth Plan timing in the Holy Scriptures. So
do not be afraid that the earth
will be fully destroyed in your lifetime, it will not,
there will be another over 1,000
years yet in God’s timeline for mankind and the earth, in fact not only the
thousand years but possibly a few hundred years after that before the Earth will be burned up, totally destroyed from man’s evil choices (with the devil
influencing the majority of mankind and the majority of mankind yielding to the
devil’s choices); and God’s allowing it all to occur to show what mankind’s choices were while they
lived on the earth, and that mankind was to have protected the earth that God
gave them authority over—the earth.
However, things will be occurring in the heaven above and
here on the earth below that will be horrible,
terrible, and just awful in
the very next few years (like within estimated the next 10, 20 to 25 years
it appears); and all these bad choices by mankind will cause
things to occur in the sky—heaven and here in
and on the earth in most
all areas; shakings on the earth—terrible
things will be done by mankind and the demons behind them causing it all to
occur; and God will allow or permit most all of it to occur: huge earthquakes, volcanoes, floodings, land
destructions, nuclear bombs dropped all over the earth, famines, no drinking
water, food can’t grow—droughts; dust bowels, diseases—illnesses—plagues, the
list goes on and on.
However, God will not permit all of mankind to be
killed or the earth to be totally destroyed at this time period, it is not in His overall Earth Plan, so it will not happen—the Holy Scriptures
reveal this clearly in the above verses; but massive evils will be so bad on this earth in the next few years
that it was never like it in the
past or ever shall be like it in the future, the Bible states, so prepare, make your homes a place of
safety—refuge from the world. My personal
guess is that the reason for all this super evil is because the evil double anointed fallen Lucifer Antichrist Beast is here and that is one, if not, the top reason for it being so
bad and evil like none other time. God
has revealed that the Antichrist is here now and God has revealed in the godly
prophetic that the Antichrist will soon be known
to those who can discern such
things in God—who this very evil person is who has received such evil power
from the fallen Lucifer—devil—satan—snake—serpent—dragon.
How do the Christians know this will be occurring within
the approximate next 10, 20 to 25 years,
and starting now at accelerating
record speed? It has been revealed the
some advanced Christians may know in the year 2007 who the Antichrist person is
here on the earth, we shall see!
Because first of all, the Holy Scriptures reveal
this, and second the appointed timing in the Holy Scriptures show—it is clearly the now time that these things will be
occurring soon. God has provided many
signs and wonders showing that this is the timing that these things will occur.
It is similar to when just before
Jesus was born about 2,000 years ago, there were signs given and those who were watching knew the Holy
Scriptures—they were somewhat ready for the event of the Messiah showing up
because it was the appointed time
for it to occur!
One of the most important things you the reader need to
know is this, it is now time for
these things by the Holy Scriptures to show up—when God wants to get a very
important point across He repeated
the point, there will be awful and
terrible things occurring, but there will be Revival and the saving of about
or more than a billion souls
involved as well for salvations into God’s Kingdom, many of these souls will die martyr’s deaths soon after they receive salvations—for there will be massive
wars and murdering of humans on this earth from this point on till the Lord Jesus comes back the second
time to live on this earth at the beginning or soon after the beginning of the
1,000—Millennium Messiah Reign here on the earth from Jerusalem (third
day)! The Holy Scriptures reveal this
information clearly, read your Bibles, get the Bible on audio or MP3 CD’s and
play the Bible all the time—while driving to and from work or at home or while
you are sleeping at a low volume so it is feed into your spirit (your spirit
never sleeps) so you are not
ignorant as to what is transpiring right now and soon.
But the point that needs to be made clearly to you the
reader is this, so read it carefully, there is now a “time count
down” and in a very short period of time between now and the time for Jesus to return to rule in Jerusalem for 1,000
years, many things have to occur
in the Book of Revelation
in the Holy Scriptures; New Testament, and referenced in the Old
Testament. All these things must
occur as written and prophesied
many millenniums ago. So you will see massive things occurring that are awful, prepare; for your lifestyle will be changing at record speed from
this day forth… all has to be accomplished in
the Book of Revelation that pertains to this timing that we are in now at the
end of one major season or age, and as we enter into another season or age.
In summary, all Hell is about to break loose, things will
not be getting better,
instead they will be accelerating to becoming worse,
and worse and even more worse; get used to it.
Yes, there will be a Revival, to prepare you if you are wise enough to get into the revival
and stay in it. This revival will not
be directed it appears from the godly prophetic to the older Christians,
but instead to the approximate age of 20 to 40 years old! You older
Christians will not like what you see among the newly saved younger
Christians, for they are a mess,
God does not care, He is
going to save them anyway and they may never
get totally cleaned up on the outside.
Revival and horrors of evil will be occurring, both will be occurring and overlapping
at times, there will be awesome things
in God happening and there will be terrible evil horrible things that the devil
will be allowed to do as well.
Light and gross darkness will be clashing from this day forwards; get used to
it, do not think you can change this—most all of it is going to be allowed to be played out—according to the Holy Scriptures (some things in your
life, family, or city or nation can still be changed
by prayer before God, but the overall
that was prophesied in the Holy Scriptures will not be changed one drop)!
You might ask, why can the devil do things, why does
wonderful God allow it? The answer is
because all has to come to full maturity, both the good/the wheat/the Christians and/or the
Bride; and the bad—evil/the tares/the evil ones… the witches, warlocks,
wizards, sorcerers… both come to
being either good fruit or bad fruit from the trees: The
Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (the devil mixes in some right things with all his evil
things—that is why many get deceived,
they cannot discern that there is
evil mixed in with some good things and their hearts want the evil—so they allow themselves to be deceived). Both are occurring, it goes back to the Trees in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the wrong
tree, they chose “the devil’s world colleges and knowledge” over God’s revelations and obedience to Him in the Holy Scriptures; this is going on
today as well in mankind’s choices.
The choices of mankind is how God has allowed the Earth Plan to play out. Mankind’s choices are played out to the point
that after the next 1,000 years the whole earth from mankind’s choices will be
destroyed—burned; it is not only now that things are going into a time of
judgment, but after the end of the next 1,000 years another judgment is
coming; so mankind was a failure except for those who became
Christians and even further, those who became the Bride of Jesus Christ.
The true Church that Jesus rules is not a denomination or the pagan
whore the Roman Catholic Church, but instead the true Church that Jesus rules consists
of worldwide: hypocrites, black-slidden
Christians, real true Christians who are not advanced in God nor fully
believing Him and do not have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and finally the
Bride of Jesus Christ who believes Him and was Baptized in Jesus name and has
the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The hypocrites and backslidden Christians (tares among
the wheat) do not belong any
longer to God, they are just hanging around the people of God to enjoy the benefits from them, but they are endanger of Hell fire, they do not any longer belong to God. They have been
spiritually aborted by their own choices. Even Christians who once had the Baptism of
the Holy Spirit can end up in Hell in a backslidden condition because they refused to obey God.
There will be a true “Catching Up” or called Rapture in
the very near future, those ministers of God or lay Christians who deny this
event are ignorant and mistaken
in the false information they are spreading, they were told by God to reveal what the Scriptures state
and there are many verses for the
“catching up” or called Rapture…
but many evil things will occur before
the Rapture occurs and many weak Christians are not prepared for these things, they assume they will be taken out before
these tuff and evil things occur; this was a false
assumption on their parts, this deception will be their loss that they
did not discern the Word of God correctly, and they did not listen to the details that God provided to them from
His godly true prophets today. God has
revealed that there will be a “catching up” in His many Scriptures and to His
prophets—so many deceived ministers of God and lay Christians are without excuse regarding this subject
of the soon coming Rapture, but it will occur
after much evil on this earth and destructions, however, it
will occur before the huge ‘wrath
of God’ time period occurs. It is not my purpose here to discuss
these subject in fullness, but my purpose is to give you the reader a summary
of what is known today in the Holy Scriptures and from God’s true revelations
given to His true prophets today.
In summary, the true Church that Jesus rules consists of
Christians and also Christians called the “Bride.” It is our understanding as of today from God that the Bride is the group of Christians that will be
taken in the soon coming after much evil, “catching up—rapture.” From the godly
prophetic that we know so far it appears that Rapture will be occurring after
approximately 11 years from now in 2006 (just after it appears either 2017 or 2019 or into 2020 or
2021)… this is based on a prophetic words that was given to an Apostle Seer
Prophet of God (and other prophetic words of G0d’s prophets
&ministers), and released to me in the summer of 2006 in St. Louis,
Missouri. Be forewarned, you do not want
to be here on this earth after
the Rapture occurs—it is a time of the worst
of all worst gross darkness, we are in darkness now God has revealed, but “gross darkness” is
still coming.
There will be few
people left on the earth when
some final events play out for this end of the season or age that is occurring at
this time and will be moving forward in fast speed from this year—2006 forward;
when the Millennium starts of the Messiah’s Reign here on earth in Jerusalem, there will be few humans left… which means massive
death will have occurred from the many ways that death can occur: from the
Antichrist, no food, no clean water, burning sun, massive wars & killings,
nations fighting each other and families fighting, and evil rulers, and the
list goes on and on…
Furthermore, today
from the Holy Scriptures it is known that the Antichrist is behind most all the
evil that is occurring and will occur at this time—He is alive and here on the
earth right now and God will be soon revealing who he is to God’s Church who can discern
such things, some Christians who can discern such things may know who he is in
the year 2007.
It is not
my point to go into all the great details in all these massive subjects in these few paragraphs above, but instead
to give you an overview of what
is about to occur and why they will occur, for those of you who do not
know these even basic elementary things in the Bible and the timing that
you are now living in.
In the past some felt that the timing for these things in
the Bible was during their time (1,000 years ago, etc.) for these events to
occur, but it was obviously not, they were premature in their thinking; however, do not permit
that to deceive you, it is now the timing for these things—the signs are now fulfilled and here, we are totally without excuse today; but the personal
choice is all of yours, so discern
well and may you be found faithful before God when you meet him face to face very soon.
We are now
in the season and at the end of this last age in God’s Earth Plan—so all
the things in the Holy Scriptures that were prophesied many millenniums ago, have to be fulfilled now and that is why you will see record speed from this year forward in
these things being completed… the
Holy Bible must be played out exactly as it is written, that means at this time massive evil things will be
occurring, so prepare accordingly
to be close to God, so you can stand
through it all.
Whether you agree or not, it does not matter, you did nothing to stop 09/11, 2001 or the Gulf
Coastline and New Orleans destructions and all the other destructions that have
recently occurred; all the rest will play out as well and not just in the USA, but worldwide—Christian nations get
judgment first and after,
the other nations will receive judgment stronger it appears.
Many want to know what to do, with such evils coming and
they are rightfully afraid. God expects those who became Christians to do a most
unusual thing, He requires them to learn
the Holy Scriptures if they have access to a Holy Bible, and to obey the Holy Scriptures, and to communicate with God daily in repentance of sins as well as
in close personal relationship with God; in short He wants you to talk to Him
as you would a very close friend. At
the end of this document you will find for those of you who do not understand
about God some interesting things revealed to help you begin your Christian
But there is one
area that is vital to learn as quickly as you can, and that is that God
requires that you have what is called “faith.” God is invisible
most of the time to Christians, some get to visit with Him as He takes them up
to Heaven, but aside from these kinds of Godly events, God is basically “invisible”
to Christians, we can’t see Him usually like we can see each other. God requires faith, that is we believe
Him while we can’t see Him,
and we do what He asks us to do
in the Holy Scriptures.
Now and in the days to come those who learn as quickly as they can to live in faith towards God, He will meet
them and take care of them, even
if it means that He will allow them to be martyred
and that He brings them home to Heaven to be with Him where there will be no more pain, crying, evil or hurts. In short, the
sooner you learn to start trusting
God daily, the wiser you will be
over all the peoples of the world
and even some Christians. Many
Christians say they trust God, but their actions show they do not fully trust Him that much.
Many Christians will be hurt, raped, become slaves or be
tortured in the days to come, and if
they deny God, and take the “Mark
of the Antichrist Beast” they will truly end up in Hell for eternity. However, if you
can learn to daily “trust” God,
put your life in His hands, in faith
and start to believe all that He
has written in the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, you will do better then all the rest of the Christians who do not fully trust their God.
Now many Christians do trust their God, but many do not.
Different Christians will have different things allowed to happen to
them. Some Christians still do not
understand what faith is… faith
is believing in what you can’t yet see, but you trust God that
He is going to make it happen nonetheless because you know what He has stated
in the Holy Scriptures. So here is a
simple test to see if you have faith;
what if your job was
gone, your home destroyed and your food removed? Now what kind of
person would you be? Would you still go
to God and ask Him to help you
and depend on Him every day for
all that you and your family needed to survive?
And yes, God can and often does require that you work for what you need, so this is not a free, no work ride that I am telling you about.
When many hard
things occur, many Christians
walk away from God and they are mad
or upset at Him, if you are wise you
will never do that, it will be to
your loss if you do! God created you
because He loved to do it, but
God is never dependent on you,
you are dependent on Him, never
forget that, and learn to be “thankful and grateful” as fast as you can, and
tell God so!
God is love,
and this Earth Plan is about freedom of choices—and that includes bad
people making sinful evil choices to hurt you at times, and bad things happen
to good people, this life down here
on the earth at times is very “unfair.” Heaven is
different, it is wonderful there, many Christians have been taken in the spirit
realm up to Heaven and seen the wonderful things God has awaiting those who
have faith in an unseen—invisible
God. Also there are Holy Scriptures
revealing what Heaven is like as well. Now, faith &
trusting God at first is a hard thing to live out, and that is why many fail to have faith, they have “lip
service.” If you can set yourself like flint to have
faith and trust God while obeying Him from what He asks you to do in the New
Testament of the Holy Scriptures, you will do better than all the others as a
Christian and in the difficult days to occur.
There will be no preparing enough food, money, shelter,
or whatever that will save you in the days to come, you could never do enough to prepare, but those
who have true faith and trust,
and obey God and are intimate
with Him in prayer, they will be the ones who will do better than all the other Christians and
non-christians; He will not
forsake them.
God is love
and He loves you, but many hard and difficult things will be occurring. This is not
the first time this has occurred, these hard things, the Holy Scriptures reveal
many times in the past awful things from mankind’s major sins have brought
destructions, and God has delivered many through it all, and many others were
tortured, raped, became slaves or were killed.
The truth can at times be a hard thing to accept, the wise will prepare their hearts for the truth.
Jerusalem was
destroyed in about 70 A.D., there was a dark ages in the past, and there
was World War 1 and World War 11, the Great Dust Bowls, the Great financial
Depression, plagues and illnesses, and all the other terrible things that have
occurred here on this earth, many of our forefathers had to live through them hard times and now we will have to live
through some very hard times
ahead as well. Prepare your heart and family for the “winds of change” to
soon occur! —Anonymous Christian]
“See, God only judges to restore.” —Chuck Pierce, Prophet
is both love and righteousness. God does
redemptive righteous judgment when the “cup of sin” is ready to overflow
or starts overflowing—and it is true that God intends to restore at some point when certain
processes of judgment are completed, confession and repentance of sins takes
place and people are ready to start obeying God again instead of being
stiff-necked, rebellious, prideful, arrogant, critical, self-righteous, greedy,
and list goes on and on, and including the stopping of abortions—the murdering
of seed—their offspring (which was done by both ancient Israelites, and even Christians and non-christians
today), or the stopping of all sexual sins, or all idolatry, or
stealing, or telling lies, and disrespect to God and parents, etc.
God also judges and there will be “no
restoring” for some areas or people, for different reason that God has. An example would be that there are many
prophets of God who God has used to judge some “mocking, disrespectful and
unbelieving” people and these people have died either instantly or soon
thereafter, and it appears they went to Hell—their reward for their evil heart
actions or called “works.”
reading all the godly prophetic available today below regarding these warning
areas mentioned above, lets learn a small amount about the Great Mississippi
River and realize that a number of things will be related to the godly
prophetic that God has now made known and available, and more godly prophetic
will be released from God through His prophets and lay Christians as “this
great destruction and “new birth” of the middle of the USA,” the Mississippi
River becomes closer to being a reality, very soon in America’s future.
1906, the Great Revival occurred in Los Angeles, California and so did a great earthquake in San Francisco,
California, with flooding, fires, and there were some plagues, etc., and soon
after two World Wars occurred along with the Great Dust Bowl—drought, and the
Great Depression.
has been said, rightly so, that Revival is to prepare
God’s people for hard times after
the Revival or even during it! This has not changed, this will occur during and
after this Great Revival that is here now and going to explode! Our loving
God, as wonderful as He is, has chosen to give Americans and the world Revival
before major destructions occur. This is
not the first time destruction, righteous
judgment from God has occurred; there are several times in past history
were God has at appointed times judged situations: the Flood during Noah’s
time, the many wars the Israelites were in; earthquakes, volcanoes, floods,
storms, famine, plagues, and war; along with Jesus the Head Prophet decreed that
Jerusalem would fall shortly later and it did in 70 A.D. and the judgments have
gone on ever since from man’s sins.
is the key thing to remember, it is mankind yielding to sins that mount up and the “cup of sin” either gets too full or overflows, now judgments
start to mount up and eventually war
comes, along with famine, loss of luxury items, droughts, plagues, and major
hardships, and loss of life to many; now this is all from the harvest of sin choices that mounted up.
Many Americans including many Christians, and those in the world in
general felt they could sin and not pay the price, well they were wrong—there is a price to pay for governments, cities, and
families sinning from all kinds of sins, especially the sins of murdering the
seed, the babies in birth control and abortions. Now today, the sins have mounted and the time
of destructions are upon Americans and the whole world. The reason that Israel, England and the
United States get righteous judgment first
is because they stood as Godly nations to the world, and rightly so, for they
were Godly nations, examples to the world.
After these three nations receive their righteous redemptive
judgments, the rest of the nations will receive theirs as well, woe to them when it comes; and it will
be coming!
another vital subject, your heart, you are to keep a watch over
it, so that you do not
allow the devil to get you to believe that God is at fault for all this mess of loss of food, electricity, loss of
gas, loss of benefits, loss of luxuries that are coming—it is not God’s fault, He is gracious and
wonderful and if you call upon Him, He will help you through this tuff time
coming, it is the choice of humans
and the devil who is at fault
for all the awful things coming, never
forget that. Tell your heart, soul and mind that you will not
tolerate any area in you that blames
God for the horrors coming upon the earth soon, tell all the areas in you, that
you know God is not at fault for
these destructions coming, but that it
is from the sins of mankind, and the devil’s evil work of deceiving mankind.
have to get through the horror coming without
blaming God for it, and yes, God is allowing
it to all play out, that you must accept
as awful as it gets. God is a righteous
God, even now He will help those who call out to Him; God is kind, good, and
wonderful, and He loves to help those who are caught in horrible situations;
God is the only one to help you or me out during the days ahead there is nothing
at all that you can do to save yourself from all that is about to be upon us—it is only God who will be able to help you and me walk
through the days of such evil and destruction coming to America and the
the released godly prophetic revelations we know that America will end up not totally destroyed, but being a third world power, no longer the Super
Power of a Nation that she once was, because of America’s sin choices.
you are honest with yourself, you and I were not faithful throughout our
lives to live for God and pray for America and her presidents, were we? No, we
were not; we did our own thing, we made our own choices, most of our
lives—instead of God’s choices which were better for us; we are as guilty as
the rest of the Americans. When you pray
for America, you must pray saying “We did these sins!” You
cannot be self-righteous and think only others did the sins, you were guilty as
well, and even if you were not in some areas, true intercessors know that you must carry
the nation in prayer as if you had done
the sins too! Very few were faithful to God during their
whole life here in America.
remember to keep your soul controlled,
that is your mind area, you are to rule from your spirit (not your
soul). Keep a watch on your heart and what it really thinks, for the heart
is the depth of you, the inner core of your being, and out of it
comes your real deep feelings about matters.
You can change your heat if it is thinking evil, ask God to help
forget if you are a spoiled person that God does not need you ever, you are the one who needs God for living
today, tomorrow, and for living in Heaven instead of Hell for eternity. God
is self sufficient, He enjoys what He created but He is not
in need of us, we are in need of Him, set your heart right and
come out of your stubborn and spoiled attitudes fast or it will be to your loss
to stay in arrogant attitudes of the heart that will end up taking you to Hell
where it is horrible, we know Hell is truly horrible for God has it in His Holy
Scriptures revealed it, but God has also taken some Christian prophets into the
spirit realm and taken them down into Hell and shown them what it is like; know
that it is filth and horror, and if you permit yourself to go there, you will
be very unhappy with yourself for being so stupid
to make such foolish of a choice, but you will never be able to get out ever.
this in you and set your heart and
soul that they are to obey you, watch over them so that they
stay in line, or they will cause you deep trouble. God never
sinned! God does not need us humans, He is self sufficient without us. God loved each of us as individuals and from
His thought area He lovingly created
each of us as spirits first
and later put our spirits from Heaven into bodies with a soul and mind. It is our job to overcome all the good or bad that has occurred in our life
that is unfair—or called our
“lot” in this life. Yes, some had it
real easy, and others had it super tuff, but that does not change a thing, we all have to overcome our “lot” in this
life to the end of our life. God is love
and righteousness, meaning He is all
the components of love; He is kind, generous, long-suffering, meek, patient,
etc. And God is righteous, meaning He is
fair, all that is done has to
play out for good or evil, freedom of choice even to the sinner to a
degree is allowed with God. God honors freedom
of choice, for both good or bad to a large degree. With all that in mind, understand that God never caused all the sin choices
starting from fallen Lucifer and the fallen angels to all sinful humans and
their choices. All good or bad comes to harvest, or fullness; that
includes all sin as well. Here at the end of this age or called season,
even sin is coming to its fullness—harvest.
God is allowing it. Accept that, it is all written about in the
Book of Revelation and other places in the Holy Scriptures. Accept
that, it will happen and is happening to a degree even now. And while all this is occurring, God is
bringing those who are His to the fullness of good choices, and God is even
going to use all the destruction to eventually restore the earth for the
Millennial reign, which is 1,000 years more here on this earth.
today in 2006 we know from God that the Great Revival will start in full force
in St. Louis, Missouri (Seer Prophet David E. Taylor); and that God is
concentrating instead of 100% in
California (Even thought there will be a huge earthquake in California soon,
either level of 9.0 or 10 it appears from the godly prophetic
available.) to the middle of the USA, and to the North and
South of the Mississippi River area,
and all that is in between. With St.
Louis being one of God’s larger concerns because of the Great Revival that is
about to explode in St. Louis,
Missouri and it will move up to the Chicagoland areas; to my understanding as
of today from the godly prophetic, this Great Revival will last seven years, but it could overlap may
destructions, so prepare yourself for that.
Revival has started in what appears to be very small levels now in the spring
and summer of 2006, but this Revival which is to prepare the Christian Americans (and for other reasons), for
the future hardships they will soon endure (such as earthquakes on the East,
West and South coasts and serious earthquakes in California; Cleveland, Ohio;
Chicago, Illinois; and the New Madrid/Mississippi River areas; and after some
of the earthquakes there will be possibly an accidental nuclear attack
and eventually a full invasion of
the USA to contend with, along with droughts, flooding, hurricanes, economy
losses and money issues, loss of food, loss of electricity, loss of jobs, and
spiritual evil & darkness in the nation, etc.); as well as prepare the Christians for the end of the
season—age “job assignments” from Jesus in bringing in the huge harvest, etc.
all this doom and gloom, it is time to remind the Christians to read the
Holy Scriptures and learn about the good
things that God will provide and do for them as they get serious with Him and
get out of the world’s systems (called Babylon), and get back to concentrating
on Him and His ways! Since this
collection is a warning
collection it will need to contain the
warnings that are now known about in the godly prophetic along with whatever else is available to help the Christians
know and understand what is about to occur so that they can prepare.
needed to understand that those in the Gulf Coastline and New Orleans destroyed
areas, needed to have known and understood what was about to happen to their
areas so they could have sent up to God prayers and intercession, confession of
the sins of the area and repentance for the area, because the “cup of sin” in
those areas was either too full or overflowed and the destruction was allowed
(great witchcraft was in the areas). If
the Christians in those areas had known, they could have prepared better and
prayed more.
there are other areas where the “cup of sin” is either to full or about to
overflow and some Christians care enough for the Body of Jesus in those areas
to take the time to collect the godly prophetic for those areas and warn
the Christians what will take heed
so they can prepare accordingly for what will be coming in their areas.
it is known that very few will act on what God reveals within these pages, and
God will one day use this collection as a witness that He did warn all those who would not listen and take heed, whether
Christian or nonchristian.
is the personal responsibility of all of those who read this collection to make
sure it is sent to as many as possible so they come to realize before the events in this collection
come to pass, that they can take heed and prepare as they go into prayer asking
God for direction for their life and their family. Many do not want to become hardened to what God is revealing here
below, as did many who were caught in the Gulf Coastline and New Orleans
destructions. However, God is very much
into allowing humans their freedom of choice, even to their loss, hurt
and pain. What will you chose, time will
tell that answer in your life.
the widest point of the
Mississippi River is about 4 miles across in an area… now soon after the judgments occur the Mississippi River
will be about 35 miles across after the
earthquakes and changes have occurred!
Be prepared to deal with this as you now adjust to all the changes that
are about to occur in the godly prophetic below, before they occur very
America will look like two
countries, instead of one, but she
will still be one country! Christians,
your whole life is about to change,
all that you were once used too, in many areas will be removed and you will be adjusting to new things, and
of course things will be more difficult. And
the wonderful blessings of many luxuries that were once enjoyed will be removed
to a large degree. Get prepared,
get ready and “Prepare for the Winds of Change!” For ready or not, here it all will come, just like New Orleans
and the Gulf Coastline destructions, whether
you approve or not, it is coming what is
revealed below; now you can wake up and prepare or you can get caught in it as
the Christians did by not taking
heed to God’s warnings that He so lovingly and graciously provided to the
which includes both Christians and non-christians, will be learning the godly
“Fear of the Lord God Almighty” very soon, and this is a good thing
even though much pain will accompany this new change of attitude by Christians
and some non-christians. Fear comes in
three basic levels: Godly fear (a very
good thing), earthly fear (can be good or bad, depends on the situation), or
satanic fear (not good at all, truly evil).
If you can discern at all in God you will learn that most runs in what
some call a “law of three,” meaning what
is of God, what is in the physical world that can be either good or bad, and
what is finally of the devil and is evil.
There is Holy Tongues, earthly languages and even satanic tongues. There is Holy Fire, earthly fire used for
both good or evil and even satanic fire.
Get my point? Learn to discern,
know God’s Holy Scriptures the Holy Bible!
you live in one of the areas of this soon upcoming destruction that is
going to occur, you will need to start praying
to God for direction if you are to stay or move away from where you now
live. A few Christians had the choice to endure what occurred in the
Gulf Coastline areas or the city of New Orleans, or they could move away, if they were blessed enough
to know of the prophetic warnings God released through Prophet John Mark
Pool and Prophet Kim Clement—that was released a few months or less before the destruction during 08/2005
occurred, these warnings were posted on the Internet, The Elijah List.
you are blessed to know the warnings from God that great destruction is going
to occur in a certain place, you can pray and prepare. Now you know from this warning prophetic
document here below that great
destruction will be occurring in Chicago, Illinois, and the Chicagoland areas,
Cleveland, Ohio; probably along the shorelines of the Missouri River, Ohio
River, Arkansas River and in a major amount destruction will occur along the
Mississippi River and New Madrid Fault Zone areas. Regarding Chicagoland area water from Lake
Michigan will be flowing at points westward and south from the City of Chicago,
and other locations mentioned in this collection, causing great destruction to the whole areas connected with the Mississippi River down
to the Gulf of Mexico. You could at this
time realize that 50 miles on both sides of the Mississippi River will probably
be in the path of what destruction will occur—because we know from Prophet
Bob Jones that the Mississippi River will enlarge to 35 miles wide, but we do not
know if that will be split to about 18 miles on the right and 18 miles on the
left of the Mississippi; or if it will be all 35 miles to the right or 35 miles
to the left of the Mississippi River; so to be safe you need to plan to be
aware that at least close to about 50 miles on each side of the
Mississippi River to the east and west are in some kind of danger, either light
danger or severe, or totally destroyed.
may choose to put your positive head in the sand and ignore this godly warning
collection, or you can decide to take heed,
the choice is yours, and you can endure the good or awful consequences
from your own choice/s.
is suggested to you to begin to start talking to God in prayer communication
and find out what you are supposed to do in your personal life and where you
are supposed to be living in the critical days ahead. God will reveal the answer to you personally
if you are faithful to seek and “inquire of Him.” It is not
wise to just move, for there will be many places in the USA that
will be unsafe places to live in the soon
days to come for many different reasons.
the invasion of the USA occurs, which there are now over 220 Christians who
have received godly prophetic for, well it has been revealed from God that a
number of coastal cities will be bombed, and many Christians in the prophetic
know that there are many areas in America that you would not want
to move to, exception being if
God directs you to move there for a work that He has planned for you to
Point to consider is, do not move anywhere till you “consult with God in prayer and
find out from Him where you are to be living for the days to soon come.” “Yes,” this is the end of the Gentile Church
Age period, and “Yes” if you read the Book of Revelation in the
Holy Bible you will find out that many hard things will be occurring very soon, however, the holy Great
Revival will be occurring as well to help prepare the wise Christians to endure the invasion war that is coming
to America after the Revival
starts, at some future appointed time.
It is more than possible that the Revival and invasion of the USA can overlap, it appears it will
depend on whether or not the Church will do intercession and repentance prayer
to God so that the terrible evil abortion law of Roe v. Wade is reversed
or not, by the end of year 2007.
Go to Prophet Dan Bohler’s section below and read what God
revealed to him during 01/2006, regarding the “Invasion of the USA” and when it
might occur—either before 2010 or after 2010.”
In researching
for information for the Mississippi River—several different comments are
made, they are included here:
At Lake Itasca,
Minnesota the Mississippi River begins its 2,500-mile journey to the Gulf of
The name, Mississippi, came from the
Chippewa Indians who lived in what is now the north central part of the United
States. Their name for the river was “maesi-sipu”. In the Chippewa language
this meant “river of many fishes”. The word was not easy for European
explorers to say. So they began calling it the Mississippi instead. Today, it
is often called “Old Man River”
Modern maps show
that Little Elk Lake in the north central state of Minnesota is the true
beginning of the Mississippi River. Little Elk Lake is only about
four kilometers long.
At its beginning, the Mississippi does
not look like much of a river. But it grows as it starts moving slowly north
before turning west and then south.
What is called the Upper Mississippi
River ends in southern Illinois, near a city with an Egyptian name—Cairo. However, in this
middle western state it is called Kay-ro. At Cairo, another large river, the Ohio River,
joins the expanding Mississippi River.
It is easy to see
how the Upper Mississippi has flowed through the land. It has cut its way
through mountains of rock, pushing and pushing its waters slowly south.
Lower Mississippi River begins south of Cairo. It is often higher than the land along it. The
land is protected by man-made levees, which are walls of earth. These
levees prevent the river from flooding. Some of these levees are higher
and longer than the Great Wall of China. If you stand behind some of the levees you look up at the river and boats sailing on it.
…Old Man River does not like to be controlled.
Every few years the Mississippi River changes its path or floods many thousands
of hectares.
In the state of Minnesota, the two cities
of Minneapolis and Saint Paul face each other across the river.
…About two-thousand kilometers south
along the river is the city
of Saint Louis, Missouri. The city is just a few kilometers south of where the
huge Missouri River joins the Mississippi River. A French trader first established a
business there in Seventeen-Sixty-Four. A few years later settlers named their
new town after the Thirteenth Century French King, Louis the Ninth, who had
been made a Christian saint.
While the levees control the river, the land is safe. But
when heavy rains fall on the hundreds of big and little rivers that flow into
the Mississippi River, the land is threatened. If the levees break, the river can spread its fingers across the land,
flooding towns and villages
and destroying crops growing in fields.
River, derived from the old Ojibwe word misi-ziibi meaning 'great river'
(gichi-ziibi 'big river' at its headwaters), is the second-longest river in the
United States; the longest is the Missouri River, which flows into the
Mississippi. River[1]. Taken together, they form the largest river system in
North America. If measured from the head of the Missouri, the
length of the Missouri-Mississippi combination is approximately 6,270 km
(3,900 miles), making it longer than the Yangtze. The largest of many
large tributaries on the river is the Ohio River.
The Mississippi
River is a common tool for purpose of designating the United States into
eastern and western sections, with places being described often as east or west
"of the Mississippi."
The most famous
city on the Mississippi is at the river’s southern end. It is the port city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
In the early Nineteenth Century, the
steam engine was invented. Soon steamboats were moving goods and people on the
Mississippi River. For about sixty years, steamboats were extremely important
for trade in the Mississippi Valley and throughout most of the middle west.
During this time, a boy living in a town
next to the Mississippi River fell in love with steamboats and the river. He
grew up to become a captain on one of those boats. Then he began writing
stories and books, using the name Mark Twain. Mark Twain’s most famous book is
“Huckleberry Finn”. It tells the story of a boy who runs away with a slave and
their adventures as they drift on a raft down the Mississippi River.
The American
Civil War was fought between Eighteen-Sixty-One and Eighteen-Sixty-Five. During
this time, nothing much was heard along the river but the sounds of war. After
the war, trade along the river began again.
The Mississippi River has always had an
important part in American history. Today, the river is still an important part
of the American economy. Goods are carried up and down the river to get to
other parts of the country and the world.
Human activities
on and along the Mississippi River have changed through history. But the great
river just keeps flowing through the center of America. As the song “Old Man
River” says: “It must know something. It don’t say nothing. It just keeps
rolling along.”
Speed: At the headwaters of the
Mississippi, the average surface speed of the water is near 1.2 miles per
hour—roughly one-third as fast as people walk.
Length: River length is
a difficult measurement to pin down because the river channel is constantly
changing. For example, staff at Itasca State Park, the Mississippi's
headwaters, say the Mississippi is 2,552 miles long. The US Geologic Survey has
published a number of 2,300 miles (3,705 kilometers), the EPA says it is 2,320
miles long, and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area maintains
its length at 2,350 miles.
Width: At Lake Itasca, the
river is between 20-30 feet wide. The Mississippi is widest just
downstream from its confluence with the Missouri River (near Alton, Il.) where it is nearly 1 mile
Depth: At its
headwaters, the Mississippi River is less than 3 feet deep. The river's deepest section
is between Governor Nicholls Wharf and Algiers Point in New Orleans where it is 200
feet deep.
Elevation: The elevation of the Mississippi
River at Lake Itasca is 1,475
feet above sea level. It drops to 0 feet
above sea level at the Gulf of Mexico. More than half of that drop in elevation occurs within the state of
River traffic: To move goods up
and down the Mississippi River, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains a
9-foot shipping channel from Baton Rouge, La. to Minneapolis, MN. From Baton
Rouge past New Orleans to Head of Passes, a 45-foot channel is maintained to
allow ocean-going vessels access to ports as far upstream as Baton Rouge.
About the Great
River Road: Franklin
Roosevelt was president when the Mississippi River Parkway Planning Commission
(MRPC) was legislatively appointed in 1938. Its mission was to develop plans
for what was to become today’s Great River Road.
The Great River Road, 10-river states, which follows the
Mississippi on both sides from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, is one of the
oldest and longest scenic byways in the United States.
The 10 Mississippi River States are: Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas,
Mississippi, and Louisiana.
A traveler can
follow the Great River Road over 3,000 miles through the ten river states and the
two Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba.
There are 87
federal parks and refuge areas; 1,100 significant National Historic Register
sites; and more than 150 visitor centers and museums along the Great River Road
that tell the story of the Mississippi River.
The Ojibwe
Indians are credited for naming the Mississippi River. They called it Missi
Sipi or "Great River."
There are eight Lock & Dams along
Wisconsin's Great River Road between Prescott and Dubuque. Lock & Dam #3 is
the smallest on the Mississippi River, Lock & Dam #9 is the largest. The
Lock and Dams are like stepping stones descending down the Mississippi River.
Wisconsin ranks
#1 in the United States for distribution of milk, butter and cheese. Iowa leads the nation in the production of
The widest point of the Mississippi River stretches nearly four miles across near Clinton, Iowa.
The Gateway Arch
in St. Louis, Missouri is the tallest monument in America. At 630-feet-tall, it
is over twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty.
New Madrid,
Missouri, was shaken by one of history's most violent earthquakes in
The Arkansas
River is the third longest in the nation and the 36th longest
stream in the world. It begins in the mountains of Colorado and flows across
Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas before joining the Mississippi River.
Crowley's Ridge,
a 200-mile long series of rolling hills in the midst of Arkansas's great
eastern delta, has been proclaimed one of the great natural oddities of the
world. Tree covered and marked by several recreational parks and towns, the
ridge was created … by wind and water erosion. A newly designed national scenic
parkway follows Crowley's Ridge from Piggott to Helena.
Both France and
Spain held claims to Arkansas prior to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
In 1832, Hot
Springs became the first federally protected land in the nation, set aside for
public use and recreation. Thus Hot Springs National Park is unofficially the
first national park in the United States.
Pea Ridge,
national Military Park is the site of the largest Civil War battle fought west
of the Mississippi River.
The only diamond
"mine" in North America and the only diamond-bearing site in the
world open to the public is the Crater of Diamonds State Park near
Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Farmer John M. Huddleston discovered diamonds on his
property in 1906. It became a state park in 1972 and is the only diamond field
open to the public where "finders are keepers". The largest diamond
was found in 1924 and had an uncut weight of 40.24 carats and weighed 12.42
carats after it was cut. The "Uncle Sam" diamond sold for $150,000 in
The Buffalo
National Scenic River, designated in 1972, is the first federally protected
stream in the nation. The park covers 95,700 acres and 135 miles of
free-flowing water, deep in the Arkansas Ozarks.
Theodore Roosevelt approved the establishment of a 1.7 million-acre Arkansas
Forest in 1907. The name was later changed to the Ouachita National Forest. It
is the oldest federally protected forest in the South.
South Arkansas
oil wells pumped 77 million barrels of crude in 1925 during the "oil
Blanchard Springs
Caverns, in the Ozark National Forest, near Mountain View, is ranked among the
ten most beautiful caves in North America.
Arkansas has six
Civilian Conservation Corps developed parks that still serve the public. They
include: Devil's Den, Petit Jean, Mount Nebo, Lake Catherine, Crowley's Ridge
State Parks. Buffalo Point became a national scenic stream in 1972 and is now
operated by the National Park Service.
The Mississippi
Delta stretches from Memphis to Vicksburg.
What change of
terrain begins at Baton Rouge, Louisiana and continues to the Gulf of Mexico?
The Delta: Exquisitely kept antebellum, plantation homes
dot the landscape throughout the Delta. From Baton Rouge to New Orleans, they
are known as the Great River Road plantations—the largest of all is
The longest over
water bridge in the world is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway
bridge in New Orleans. It crosses 24 miles of open water.
Measured from the
headwaters in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River is the 3rd
longest river in the world. The Amazon and the Nile rank #1 and #2,
Cities along the Mississippi River are prone to floods:
Map of the
Mississippi River
Origin: Lake
Itasca or Little Elk Lake, Minnesota
Mouth: Mississippi ends at the
port city of New Orleans, Louisiana—Gulf of Mexico
Basin: countries
United States (98.5%) & Canada (1.5%)
Length: 6,270
km (3,900 mi)
Widest Point: The widest point of the Mississippi
River stretches nearly four miles across near Clinton, Iowa.
Source: elevation
450 m (1,476 ft)
Avg. discharge: Minneapolis
1 : 210 m³/s (7,460 ft³/s)
Saint Louis: 1 :
5,150 m³/s (182,000 ft³/s )
Vicksburg: 2 :
17,050 m³/s (602,000 ft³/s)
Baton Rouge; 3
: 12,740 m³/s (450,000 ft³/s)
Basin area: 2,980,000
km² (1,151,000 mi²)
Major cities
along the river:
n Minneapolis,
n St. Paul,
n Davenport, Iowa
n St. Louis,
Missouri (city in
n Memphis,
Tennessee (city in danger?)
n Vicksburg,
Mississippi (city
in danger?)
n Baton Rouge,
Louisiana (city in
n New Orleans,
Louisiana (city in
Cities on the Mississippi River. (From Wikipedia
encyclopedia) These cities are located
along the Mississippi River. Alpha order
below: (This list may or may not include smaller cities):
Alma, Wisconsin
Alton, Illinois
Anoka, Minnesota
Baton Rouge,
Bellevue, Iowa
Bettendorf, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
Cairo, Illinois
Cape Girardeau,
Chester, Illinois
Davenport, Iowa
Dubuque, Iowa
Elk River,
Fountain City, Wisconsin
Grand Rapids,
Guttenberg, Iowa
Helena, Arkansas
Keokuk, Iowa
La Crosse,
Lansing, Iowa
Little Falls,
Marquette, Iowa
McGregor, Iowa
Moline, Illinois
Muscatine, Iowa
Nauvoo, Illinois
New Madrid,
New Orleans,
North Buena
Vista, Iowa
Port Allen,
Prairie du Chien,
Quad Cities
Quincy, Illinois
Red Wing,
Rock Island,
Sabula, Iowa
St. Louis,
Saint Paul,
Ste. Genevieve,
Sauk Rapids,
St. Cloud,
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Winona, Minnesota
It appears these cities below are in danger when the Chicago
Earthquake occurs, as Lake Michigan flood waters go westward from the City of
Chicago, to the Mississippi River, enlarging the Mississippi River from about 1
to 4 miles wide to 35 miles wide down to the Gulf of Mexico. And it is possible that even some cities in
Wisconsin will be put in danger, from the prophetic below it appears that
Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be endanger from Lake Michigan direct flooding—other
cities along the Lake Michigan shoreline can and will be endanger.
Cities that
appear to be endangered are listed here below, but take into consideration that the
Mississippi River is now about 4 miles wide in the widest spot, the flooding
will now cover 35 miles and it is not yet known from God if the 35 miles will
go to the east or west, or split on both sides of the Mississippi River. So to be safe, all living in any area within 35 to 50 miles of the
Mississippi River either to the east or west, will need to plan to move to a
safer place to live (You need to go to prayer and inquire from God as to
what you should do and when.). This
would include all living on or near the shoreline of Lake Michigan and possibly Lake
Erie, and all the other lakes as well for in reading the godly revelations
below it shows that there
is also a eastward event with the Great Lakes out to the Atlantic Ocean,
so what cities will get flooded in that event of destruction (?). It is the understanding so far, from the godly prophetic released, and
collected that this major earthquake that affects Lake Michigan, Lake Erie,
Cleveland, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois, will occur before the full invasion
of the USA; it appears it will be one of the major events that will help to
cripple the USA. At least that is
how the enemy nations who come against the USA will see it. Here are some
cities possibly endanger regarding this soon coming earthquake(s):
n In this
collection, Lake Michigan and Chicago are the major focus, and down the
Mississippi River; however, some Christian(s) needs to take this beginning work
and start “another work” of warning for all the Great Lakes area and Cleveland,
Ohio, and probably the Ohio River flooding as well(?). Furthermore, some Christian(s) need to set up
a website requesting godly prophetic from Christians for all these areas and encourage
the Christians to not be hesitant about releasing what God has shown
them regarding these events to occur, and other events. Since it is now known that as the Gulf
Coastline happened so will the rest of this godly prophetic, since this appears
to be the case, it is time for men and women of God to start taking personal
responsibility and doing all the work needed and necessary to warn, to wake
up the Church in America. God is looking
for some special men, women and even children who give up the TV and their
personal hobbies, and they will become America’s true heroes, as they take
personal responsibility to pray and warn as much as they can before this “cup of sin” overflowing causes
these terrible events of destruction that God has released will be occurring
here in America.
n All shoreline
cities along Lake Michigan and Lake Erie and possibly the other lakes; consider
that the danger may not just be these cities but even in outlying areas from
the cities as well, depending on how much water and how fast it travels from
the lake or lakes as the flooding starts?
n All cities along
Canada’s shoreline to these lakes as well are endanger, and even out lying
cities could be endanger.
n All cites along
the Great Lakes eastward to the Atlantic Ocean, there will be some events of
destruction occurring along this path as well it appears from the godly
prophetic below, be forewarned.
n All cities along
the Mississippi River, and in the distance of 35 to 50 miles to the east or west
of the Mississippi River, (including past the 35 mile water
marker could be endanger) starting from the Mississippi River in the state of
Illinois, but possibly including north into Wisconsin as well depending on how
the water moves and which direction when the flood occurs from Lake Michigan;
prophetic word states it will be moving westward, but that could overload the Mississippi
and also send it north as well as south, eventually it will all head south to the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River will become an inland
type of sea area about 35 miles across from the east and west side of the USA,
separating the country.
n Missouri River,
Ohio River, and the Arkansas River, including all other rivers will probably be
in great danger because of the huge enlargement being 35 miles to the
Mississippi River, this inland type of sea, will affect these other rivers and
all shoreline cites and homes, maybe even outlying areas as well.
n Major cities like
Chicago, Illinois and Cleveland, Ohio maybe totally destroyed, this needs to be
taken into consideration and prepared for.
n From the godly
prophetic, it appears the safer area to live would be to the west of the
Mississippi River, from Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s map provided
below, you may want to move to a safer place also considering the invasion of
the USA that will be coming shortly after this huge middle of the USA
earthquake (and smaller quakes that also come after it).
n This is all your
personal responsibility to decide what you need to do, it will be your better
or worst choice, but it will be yours, you cannot blame anyone for not doing anything or doing whatever you
decide to do. As of yet, in the godly
prophetic it is not fully known
exactly when this major earthquake that will change the middle of the USA will
occur, from the godly prophetic provided below and others, it is estimated that it will occur
anytime from 2007 to well into 2010 and up to 2012, however, it all
depends if Roe v. Wade Abortion Law is reversed by the end of 2007 in the USA,
see Prophet Dan Bohler’s prophetic word below. It is in the understanding of the godly
prophetic that this huge quake in the middle of the USA will occur before the invasion of the USA.
As more godly prophetic is released and located this document will be
updated and sent out to the Internet.
Alton, Illinois
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Bellevue, Iowa
Bettendorf, Iowa
Burlington, Iowa
Cairo, Illinois
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Chester, Illinois
Davenport, Iowa
Dubuque, Iowa
Greenville, Mississippi
Guttenberg, Iowa
Hannibal, Missouri
Helena-West Helena, Arkansas
Herculaneum, Missouri
Keokuk, Iowa
Kimmswick, Missouri
Lansing, Iowa
Louisiana, Missouri
Marquette, Iowa
McGregor, Iowa
Memphis, Tennessee
Moline, Illinois
Muscatine, Iowa
Natchez, Mississippi
Nauvoo, Illinois
New Madrid, Missouri
New Orleans, Louisiana
North Buena Vista, Iowa
Port Allen, Louisiana
Prescott, Wisconsin
Quincy, Illinois
Rock Island, Illinois
Sabula, Iowa
St. Louis, Missouri
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Lake Michigan is
one of the five Great Lakes of North America, and the only one in the group
located entirely within the United States. It is bounded, in a clockwise
direction from the south, by the U.S. states of Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin,
and Michigan. The word "Michigan" was originally used to refer to the
lake itself, and is believed to come from the Ojibwa Indian word mishigami,
meaning "great water."
Lake Michigan (43°30'N,
87°30'W) is the only one of the Great Lakes wholly within the borders of
the United States; the others are shared with Canada. It has a surface area of 22,300 square miles
(57,750 square km), making it the largest freshwater lake in the US, the
largest lake entirely within one country, and the 5th largest lake
in the world. It is 307 miles (494 km) long by 118 miles (190
km) wide with a shoreline
1,640 mi (2,633 km) long.
The lake's average depth is 279 ft (85 m), while its greatest depth
is 925 ft (282 m). It
contains a volume of 1,180 cubic mi (4,918 cubic km) of water. Its surface
averages 577 ft (176 m) above sea level, the same as Lake
Huron, to which it is connected through the Straits of Mackinac.
Chicago's present natural geography is a
result of the large glaciers of the Ice Age, namely the Wisconsin Glacier that
carved out the modern basin of Lake Michigan (which formed from the glacier's
meltwater). The terminal moraines formed by the glacier today are low lines of
hills in suburban Chicagoland. The
flat plain that Chicago proper mostly lies on is the bed of glacial Lake Chicago, which was a larger
precursor of Lake Michigan.
When the city we know today was initially founded in the 1830s, the
land was swampy and most of the
early building began around the Chicago River mouth. Chicago has approximately 3 million people,
and the Chicagoland area has about 10 million.
Chicago is the 3rd most populated city in the USA, and is
located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan.
According to the United States Census
Bureau, Chicago has a total area of 606.1 km² (234.0 mi²). 588.3 km² (227.1
mi²) of it is land and 17.8 km² (6.9 mi²) of it is water. The total area is
2.94% water. The city has been
built on relatively flat land, the average height of land is 579 feet (176
metres) above sea level. Chicago, along with New York City and Los Angeles,
California, make up the three most massive cities of the U.S., yet Chicago is
only half the other two cities' individual land areas.
cities: Some 12 million people live along Lake Michigan's shores.
Many small cities in Northern Michigan are centered around a tourist base that
takes advantage of the beauty and recreational opportunities offered by Lake
Michigan. These cities have large seasonal populations that arrive from Chicago
and inland cities in Southern Michigan. The southern tip of the lake is heavily
industrialized. Cities on the shores of Lake Michigan with populations larger than 30,000 include:
Highland Park
North Chicago
East Chicago
Michigan City
Green Bay
Beaver Island
North Manitou Island
South Manitou Island
Washington Island
Rock Island
Due to its size and historical significance, the Mississippi River
has many nicknames. Among these are:
n Big River
n Body of a Nation
n El Grande (de
n Old Man River
n The Big Muddy
(more commonly associated with the Missouri River)
n The Father of
n The Great River
n The Gathering of
n The Mighty
n The Muddy
Other cities in the Chicagoland area and their elevation, (Not
all cities provide elevation, we are looking for the higher elevation areas in
the Chicagoland area or even the lower ones as well, knowing that they will
probably be flooded.):
n Lake Bluff,
Illinois: elevation 670 feet, land area 4.1 square miles, 32.6 miles
(North)from Chicago
not by Youngbrandt: Other
possible cities that will need to be taken into consideration for possible
major destruction in this Mid-west U.S.A. disaster coming are the following
cities here below, and also in a further section below are some thoughts about many
other small and large cities that might be involved in destruction from
the giant Chicago/Cleveland/New Madrid earthquakes and the major flooding
after—that will occur.
Prophet Youngbrandt reveals below “all or some” cities
that apparently God has revealed to him that will be totally or
partially destroyed, and/or possibly some cities that Prophet
Youngbrandt assumes could be destroyed (that may or may not be
destroyed), but you the Christian reader must keep in mind the difference
between “What did God say?” and “What might be being assumed from
human thinking?” and “Will any prayer be changing the outcome of any of these
cities from total destruction, to partial destruction, to a delay on
destruction, to a lighten destruction?” Here is Youngbrandt’s quote:
“The cities that will be flattened
by this earthquake will be:
n Chicago,
n St. Paul,
n Milwaukee,
n St. Louis,
n Louisville,
n Indianapolis,
n Detroit,
n Toledo, Ohio;
n Cleveland, Ohio;
n Columbus, Ohio;
n Cincinnati, Ohio;
n Kansas City,
n Southern Ontario
and part of southwestern Quebec, Canada, will be obliterated by the waters of
the Great Lakes as they "backwash" and just before they return as a
wall over Chicago and other areas.
The Lord, by the Holy Spirit, revealed that the sound of
the cracking of the ground or fault will be so fierce that windows will be
shattered in Des Moines, Iowa, some 316 miles from Chicago.”
“The Lord showed me that Calumet City, Illinois; Hammond,
Indiana; East Chicago, Indiana and other
places on the southern tip of Lake Michigan will be under as much as 60 feet of water.”
Youngbrandt, Seer Prophet
.1 08/20, 1804,Major Fort
Dearborn—Chicago, Illinois Earthquake—Previous
Earthquakes in the Mississippi Valley:
“The earthquake known as the New Madrid earthquake was not the
first felt in the region is shown by written records, by Indian traditions, and
by geologic evidence. Recorded
earthquakes/shocks — of the shocks felt by the early settlers the best summary
is supplied by Drake, he names 5 earthquakes and the fifth being:
‘The fifth and
only additional shock of which I have been furnished with any certain accounts,
occurred in the southern
neighborhood of Lake Michigan, at 10 minutes past 2 o’clock p.m. on the 08/20th,
1804. At Fort Dearborn [Chicago] on the bank
of the lake, it was severe. From the
report of Capt. William Whistler, it must have been a stronger throe than any
experienced at this place. It was
succeeded by a short hurricane from the
lake. At Fort Wayne [Indiana], lying
considerably to the east-southeast, it was less violent. John Johnston, Esq. My informant, remarks
that the day at the place was clear and warm without any unusual
appearance. The general course of the
earthquake was undoubtedly that of a line passing through those two forts. Geologic evidence — Evidence of shocks long
antedating that of 1811 is very conclusive.”
{24:7} For nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places.
{13:8} For nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places,
and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
{21:11} And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
1937, Series Of Dream—Visions, Earthquakes In Different Places “Fresno & Los Angeles, California” Destroyed — Written in 1937 and lets face it this has not occurred yet so it is for the future! Below is a series of dreams—visions that have not yet occurred—but will be occurring in the very near future, keep this in mind as you carefully read the below, and check out the many clues (men wearing earrings) that Joe Brandt gives as he reveals what God allowed him to see regarding these different earthquakes that shake up the world and America. Furthermore, even new land is formed in the Atlantic.
1937, Series Of
Dream—Visions, Earthquakes In Different Places — I believe the
Lord led me to this story to share with you at this time.
This account of
a series of dreams (visions) was
written by Joe Brandt, age 17, while recovering from a brain concussion in a
Fresno, California hospital in 1937. It was previously published in "California
Superquake 1975-1977?" written by Paul James. Keep in mind this was
written in 1937... not recently. Look at when he saw the vision unfold (early spring), how the boys and girls were dressed,
the sound the quake made as it
pushed through the city streets and more.
This should
cause each one of us to get down on our knees and make sure we are right with
God Bless, Bro.
Martin Jones
The man who
wrote this was a personal friend of the publisher at the time. The article is
given as he wrote it in 1937, in boyish handwriting. He had fallen from a horse at
age 17 and for days he had a concussion. During this period of time a continuing dream came night after night. It was as though he were viewing a tremendous earthquake and inundation in
California and other parts of the world.
Joe Brandt had also written in a drowsy state through his days while
recuperating in the hospital about positions
of various faults, strata of rock, earth movements, —so much material that a geologist of many years would
scarcely attempt such a work. The boy knew nothing of geology or the possibility of a
coming earthquake. There are five-points to note which lift this dream/vision
out of the realm of ordinary night-time dreaming, and the huge sheaf of geology
data out of ordinary day-time writings, as follows:
1. The dream/vision
took place in perfect continuity, night after night, for many nights, always
picking up exactly where it left
off. This is super-normal.
2. The viewer was
projected at least and if not more than 30 years ahead in time,
seeing modes of dress for youth not faintly imagined in 1937 by anyone. This is
super- normal.
3. Half-sized cars
were seen-many of them, and in 1937 such cars were not familiar to the United States. He remarked about the odd
shape, which could have been the Volkswagen, now so common in the United
States. There are about three times as many VW's in California as elsewhere in
our country.
4. Super-highways
are noted, which he had not seen
in his trips to Los Angeles from his home in Fresno, California. (By the way, he saw Fresno wiped
out in the catastrophe.) This is super-normal knowledge.
He wrote about
geology he had never learned, nor at 17 had there been time to learn that much.
He was given a vast knowledge of
"faults" of which he was totally unaware. This is super-normal knowledge. When checked later with
a graduate geologist, it was found to be
factual. Note: absence of birds. Birds and animals flee
an area just before earthquakes.
1937, Series Of
Dream—Visions, The Coming California Earthquake To Faults: Garlock Fault &
San Andreas Fault & Sierra Nevada; Affected Cities: San Francisco, Hollywood, Fresno & Los
Angeles—At 4:29 P.M, Early Spring Day, Birds Gone & Smell Of Sulfur &
Pacific Ocean Water Comes In And Floods California, by Joe Brandt —
Flash Picture
Visions: The Day Of The Earthquake—I woke up in
the hospital room with a terrific headache—as if the whole world was revolving
inside my brain. I remember, vaguely, the fall from my horse—Blackie. As I lay
there, pictures began to form in my mind—pictures that moved with the speed of lightning—pictures
that revolved—pictures that stood still. I seemed to be in another world.
Whether it was the future, or whether it was some ancient land, I could not
Then slowly,
like the silver screen of the "talkies," but with colour and smell and sound, I seemed to
find myself in Los Angeles. It was Los
Angeles—it was bigger, much bigger, and busses and odd shaped cars crowded the city
streets. I thought about Hollywood Blvd., and I found myself, there, on
Hollywood Blvd. Whether this is true, I don't know, but there were a lot of guys about my age with beards and wearing, some of them, earrings. All the girls
wore real short skirts...
and they slouched along, moving like a dance. I wondered if I could talk to
them, and I said "hello", but they didn't hear or see me. I decided
that I would look as funny to them as they looked to me. I tried, for awhile,
that crazy kind of walk. I guess it is something you have to learn. I couldn't
to it. I noticed there was a quietness about the air, a kind of stillness. Something else
was missing, something that should be there.
At first, I
couldn't figure it out, I didn't know what it was—then I did. There were no
birds. I listened. I walked two
blocks north or the Blvd... all houses... no
birds. I wondered what had happened to them. Had they gone away? Where? Again, I could hear the stillness.
I had never experienced anything like it. I listened... just the stillness.
Then, I knew something was going to happen. I
wondered what year it was. It certainly was not 1937. I saw a newspaper on the
corner with a picture of the
president. It surely wasn't Mr. Roosevelt. He
was bigger, heavier, big ears. If it wasn't 1937, I wondered
what year it was. It looked like
1969... but I wasn't sure. My eyes weren't working just right.
Someone was
coming...someone in 1937... it was that fat nurse ready to take my temperature.
I woke up. Crazy dream (There are pages here about a similar dream occurring—finding
himself in Los Angeles—although it was the next day (in 1937) it was the same
day in Los Angeles, and the
dream would continue where the last dream left off.) My headache is
worse. It is a wonder I didn't get killed on that horse.
I've had another
crazy dream, back in Hollywood. Those people. Why do they dress like that I
wonder? I found myself back on the Blvd. I was waiting for something to happen.
Something big was going to happen
and I was going to be there. I looked up at the clock down by that big theatre.
It was 10 minutes to 4.
Something big was going to
happen. I walked down the street. In the concrete in front of a theatre they had names of stars. I
recognized a few of them. The other names I had never heard. I was
getting bored. I wanted to get back to the hospital in Fresno, and I wanted to
stay there on the blvd., even if nobody could see me. Those crazy kids. Why are
they dressed like that? Maybe it is some big Halloween doings, but it don't
seem like Halloween. More like early
There was that
sound again, that lack of sound. Stillness, Stillness, Stillness. Don't these people know
that the birds have gone somewhere? The quite is getting bigger and bigger. I know it is going to happen. Something is going to happen. Something is happening now!
It sure did. She
woke me up, grinning and smiling, that fat nurse again. "It's time for
your milk, kiddo," she says. Old woman of 30 acting like the cat's
pajamas. Next time maybe she'll bring hot chocolate.
The Moment Of The
Happening — Where have I been. Where haven't I been! I've been to the ends
of the earth and back. I've been to the end of the world. There isn't anything
left. Not even Fresno,
even though I'm lying here right this minute. If only my eyes would get a
little clearer so I can write all this down. Nobody will believe me, anyway.
I'm going back
to that last moment on the Blvd. Some sweet kid went past, dragging a little
boy (twins, I guess) by each hand. Her skirt was up—well, pretty high—and she had a tired look. I
thought for a minute I could ask her about the birds, what had happened to
them, and then, I remembered she didn’t see me. Her hair was all frowzy, way out all over her head.
A lot of them looked like that, but she looked so tired and like she was sorry
about something. I guess she was sorry before
it happened, because it surely did happen.
There was a funny smell. I don't like it. A smell like
sulphur, sulphuric acid, a smell like death. For a minute, I thought I was
back in chem. (chemistry). When I looked around for the girl, she was gone. I
wanted to find her for some reason. It was if I knew something was going to
happen and I could stay with her, help her. She was gone, and I walked half a
block, then saw the clock again. My eyes seemed glued on that clock. I couldn’t
move. I just waited. It
was five minutes to four o’clock on a sunny afternoon.
I thought I would stand there looking at that clock forever waiting for
the something to come.
Then, when it came, it was nothing. It was just nothing.
It wasn't nearly as hard as the earthquake we had two years ago. The ground
shook, just an instant. People looked at each other, surprised. Then they
laughed, I laughed too. So this was what I had been waiting for. This funny
little shake. It meant nothing. I was relieved and I was disappointed. What had
I been waiting for? I started back up the Blvd., moving my legs like those
kids. How do they do it?
I never found
out. I felt as if the
ground wasn't solid under me. I knew I was dreaming and yet I wasn't
dreaming. There was that
smell again—coming like from the ocean. I was getting to the 5 & 10
(Newberry's?) and I saw the look on the kids' faces. Two of them were right in
front of me, coming my way. Both with beards. One with earrings. One said:
"let's get out of this place. Let's go back East." He seemed scared.
It was as if the sidewalks were trembling—but you couldn't seem to see them.
Not with your eyes you couldn't. An old lady had a dog, a little white dog, and
she stopped and looked scared, and grabbed him in her arms and said, “Let’s go
home, Frou, Frou. Mamma is going to take you home.” That poor old lady, hanging
on to her dog. I got scared. Real scared.
I remembered the
girl. She was way down the block, probably. I started to run. I ran and ran, and the ground kept trembling.
But I couldn't see it. I couldn't feel it. But I knew it was trembling.
Everybody looked scared. They looked terrible. One young lady just sit down on
the sidewalk all doubled up. She kept saying "earthquake, it's the earthquake." over and
over. But I couldn’t see that anything was different.
Then, when it came. How
it came. Like nothing in God's world.
Like nothing. It was the scream of a siren, long and low, or the scream
of a woman I heard having a baby when I was a kid. It was awful. It was as if something—some monster—was
pushing up the sidewalks. You felt it long before you saw it, as if
the sidewalks wouldn't hold anymore. I looked out at the cars. They were
honking but not scared. They just kept moving. They didn't seem to know yet
that anything was happening. Then, that white car, that baby half-sized one,
came sprawling from the inside lane right against the curb. The girl who was
driving just sat there. She sat there with her eyes staring, as if she couldn't
move, but I could hear her. She whimpered. Like a little girl. She made funny
noises. I watched her, thinking of the other girl.
I said that it
was a dream and I would wake up. But I didn't wake up. But I didn't wake up. The shaking had started again,
but this time different. It was a nice shaking, like a cradle being rocked for
a minute, and then I saw the middle of the Blvd. seemed to be breaking in two.
The concrete looked as if it were being pushed straight up by some giant
shovel. It was breaking in two. That is why the girl's car went out of
control and then a loud sound
again, like I’ve never heard before… then hundreds of sounds… all kinds of
sounds… children, and women and those crazy guys with earrings. They were all
moving, it seemed, some of them above the sidewalk. I can't describe it. They were lifted
up, and the waters kept oozing... oozing. The cries. It
was awful. I woke up. I never want to have that dream again.
The Earthquake — It came
again. Like the first time which was a preview and all I could remember was
that it was the end of the world. I was right back there—all that crying. Right
in the middle of it. My eardrums felt as if they were going to burst. Noise everywhere. People falling down,
some of them bad hurt. Pieces of buildings, chips, flying in the air. One hit
me hard on the side of the face, but I didn't seem to feel it.
I wanted only to
wake up, to get away from this place. It had been fun in the beginning, the
first dream, when I kind of knew I was going to dream the end of the world or something.
This was terrible. There were
older people in the cars. Most of the kids were in the street. But those old
guys were yelling bloody murder, as if anybody could help them… Nobody could
help them. Nobody could help them.
It was then that I felt myself lifted up. Maybe I had died. I don't know. But I was over the city. It was tilting toward the ocean—like tilting a picnic table. The buildings
were holding, better than you could believe. They were holding. They were
holding. The people saw they were holding and they tried to cling to them or
get inside. It was fantastic. Like a building had a will of its own. Everything
else breaking around them, and they were holding, holding. I was up over them—looking down.
I started to root for them. Hold that line, I said. Hold that line. Hold that
line. I wanted to cheer, to shout, to scream. If the buildings held, those
buildings on the Blvd., maybe the girl—the girl with the two kids—maybe she
could get inside.
It looked that
way for a long time, maybe three minutes, and three minutes was like forever.
Everybody was trying to get inside. They were going to hold. You knew they were
going to hold, even if the
waters kept coming up. Only
they didn't. I've never imagined what it would be like for a building to die.
A building dies just like a person. It gives way, some of the bigger ones did
just that. They began to crumble, like an old man with palsy, who couldn't take
it anymore. They crumble
right down to nothing. And the little ones screamed like mad—over and above
the roar of the people. They were mad about dying. But buildings die. I
couldn't look anymore at the people. I kept wanting to get higher. I kept
willing myself to go higher.
Then I seemed to
be out of it all, but I could see. I seemed to be up on Big
Bear near San Bernardino, but the funny thing is that I could see everywhere. I knew
what was happening. The
earth seemed to start to tremble again. I could feel it even though I was up
high. This time it lasted maybe twelve seconds, and it was gentle. You
couldn't believe anything so gentle could cause so much damage. But then I saw the streets of Los Angeles—and
everything between the San Bernardino
Mountains and L.A. It was all tilting
toward the ocean, houses everything
that was left. I could see the big lanes—dozens of big lanes still loaded with
cars—five lanes in one place, and all the cars sliding the same way.
Now the ocean
was coming in, moving like a huge snake
across the land. I wondered how long it was, and I could see the clock, even though I wasn't there
on the Blvd. It was 4:29.
It had been half an hour. I was glad I couldn't hear the crying any more. But I
could see everything. I could see everything.
The Other Cities — Then, like looking at a huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on the land and with
people. San Francisco was feeling it, but she was not in any way like Hollywood
or Los Angeles. I seemed to see it was the Garlock
Fault, not just the San Andreas
that was rocking San Francisco. It was moving just like that earthquake movie with Jeanette McDonald and Gable. I could see all those mountains coming together—the Sierra Nevada, and the San Andreas and Garlock.
I knew what was going to happen to San Francisco—it was
going to turn over, because of Garlock. It would turn upside down. It went
quickly, because of the twisting, I guess. It seemed much faster than
Hollywood, but then I wasn't exactly there. I was a long, long way off.
I shut my eyes
for a long time—I guess ten minutes—and when I opened them I saw Grand Canyon,
that great big gap was closing in, and Boulder Dam was being pushed from underneath. And then, Nevada, and on up to Reno. Way down south, way down Baja, California, Mexico
too. It looked like some volcano down there was erupting, along with everything else.
I saw the map of
South America, especially Colombia. Another
volcano—eruption—shaking violently. Venezuela
seemed to be having some king of volcanic
activity. Away off in the distance, I could see Japan, on a Fault, too. It was so far off—not easy to
see, because I was still on Big Bear Mountain, but Japan started to go into the sea. I couldn't tell
time, then, and the people looked like dolls, far away. I couldn't hear the
screaming, but I could see the surprised
look on their faces. They looked so surprised. They were all like dolls. It was
so far away I could hardly see it. In a minute or two it seemed over. Everybody was gone. There was nobody
I didn't know
time now. I couldn't see a clock. I
tried to see the island of Hawaii. I could just see huge tidal waves...beating
against it. The people on the streets were getting wet, and they were
scared. But I didn't see anybody going into the sea. I seemed way around the
globe. More flooding.
Is the world going to be drenched? Constantinople.
Black Sea rising. Suez Canal,
for some reason seemed to be drying
up. Sicily... she doesn't hold. I could see map.
Mt Etna is shacking. A lot of this area seemed to go, but it seemed to be
earlier or later.
I wasn't sure of
time, now. England.…. huge floods—but no tidal waves. Water, water everywhere, but no one going into the sea.
People were frightened and crying. Some places they fell in the streets on
their knees and started to pray
for the world. I didn't know the English were emotional. Ireland, Scotland—all kinds of churches were crowded—it
seemed night and day. People
were carrying candles and everybody was crying for California,
Nevada, parts of Colorado—maybe all of it, even Utah.
Everybody was
crying—most of them didn't even know anybody in California, Nevada, Utah, but
they were crying as if they were blood kin. Like one family. Like it happened
to them. New
York was coming into view—she
was still there, nothing had happened, yet water level was way up. Here, things were different. People
were running in the streets yelling—"end of world". Kids ran into restaurants and ate
everything in sight. I saw a shoe store with all the shoes gone in about five
minutes. Fifth Avenue—everybody running. Some radio blasting from a loud speaker that in a few
minutes, power might be shut off. They must control themselves. Five
girls were running like mad toward the Y.W.C.A., that place on Lexington or
somewhere. They ran like they were scared to death. But nothing was happening in New York. I saw an old lady with garbage cans, filling
them with water. Everybody seemed scared to death. Some people looked dazed.
The streets seemed filled with loud
speakers. It wasn't daylight. It was
night. I saw, like the next day,
and everything was topsy turvy. Loud
speakers again about fuel tanks broken in areas-shortage of oil. People seemed
to be looting markets.
Washington, The Dakotas, Missouri, Minnesota, Canada — I saw a lot
of places that seemed safe, and people were not
scared. Especially the
rural areas. Here everything was almost as if nothing had happened. People seemed headed to these
places some on foot, some in cars (that still had fuel). I heard—or somehow I knew—that somewhere in the Atlantic
land had come up. A lot of land. I was getting awful tired. I wanted to
wake up I wanted to go back to the girl—to know where she was—she and those two
kids. I found myself back in Hollywood—and it was still 4:29. I wasn't up on Big Bear then—I was perched over Hollywood. I was just
there. It seemed perfectly natural in my dream.
T.V., Radio, Ham
Operators—I could hear now. I could hear, someplace, a radio station
blasting out—telling people not
to panic. They were dying in the streets. There were picture stations with movies—some right in Hollywood—these were carrying on, with all
the shaking. One fellow (in the picture (TV) station) was a little short guy
who should have been scared to death. But he wasn't. He kept shouting and
reading instructions. Something about helicopters or planes would go over—some
kind of planes—but I knew they couldn't.
Things were happening in the atmosphere. The waves were rushing up now. Waves. Such waves.
Nightmare waves. Then, I saw again, Boulder Dam, going down...pushing together, pushing together breaking apart—No, Grand Canyon
was pushing together, and Boulder Dam was breaking apart. It was still daylight. All these radio stations went off at the same time—Boulder Dam had broken.
I wondered how
everybody would know about it—people back East. That was when I saw the "ham radio operators". I saw them in
the oddest places, as if I were right there with them. Like the little guy with
glasses. They kept sounding the alarm. One kept saying: "This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California. We are going
into the sea. Get to the high
places. Get to the mountains. All
states west—this is California. We are going to the— We are going to the" —
I thought he was going to say "sea". But I could see him. He was inland, but the waters had come in. His hand was
still clinging to the table, he was trying to get up, so that once again he
could say: "This is California we are going into the sea. This is
California we are going into the sea." I seemed to hear this, over and
over, for what seemed hours—just those words.
They kept it up
until the last minute—all of them—calling out "Get to the Mountains—This
is California. —We are going into the sea." I woke up. It didn't seem as if I had been
dreaming. I have never been so tired. For a minute or two, I thought it
had happened. I wondered about two things. I hadn't seen all what happened to Fresno (his home) and
I hadn't found out what happened to that girl. I've been thinking about it all
morning. I'm going home tomorrow. It was just a dream. It was nothing more.
Nobody in the
future on Hollywood Blvd. is going to be wearing earrings—and those beards. Nothing like
that is ever going to happen. That girl was so
real to me—that girl with those two kids. It won't ever happen—but if it
did, how could I tell her
(maybe she isn't even born yet) to move
away from California when she has her twins—and she can't be on
the Blvd. that day. She was so
The other thing—those
ham operators—hanging on like
that—over and over—saying the same thing: "This is California. We are going into the sea. This
is California. We are going into the sea. Get to the mountains. Get to the
hilltops. California, Nevada
Colorado, Arizona, Utah. This is California.
We are going into the sea." I guess I'll hear that for days.
[Comment not by Brandt: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
was President in 1937. By his pictures
he did not look super thin in his shoulders; unless the pictures
were not a true image of him. So this
future male president who was to show up either in 1969 or later possibly
in 2009 or 2019 was bigger,
heavier and will have big ears.
This sounds funny but lets watch to see who becomes the
next president and has big ears... If a he is not president in the next election
(2008/2009), will he be president in 2019?
When Joe saw this flash part of the vision, he saw the
number 9 at the end of the date, but the rest was a bit blurry, or whatever he mentioned above, it could have been “09
or 19,” these are very close to 69—could the date have been 20 0 9 or 20 1 9? He may have only received a quick
speedy vision glance of the date and as he stated it was blurry, but he did catch the "9" at the end... as he looked at the newspaper and possibly assumed
it stated 1969, when it could have stated 20 0 9 or 20 1 9. The reason for suggesting this, is that, in
doing a quick search on the Internet for any earthquake or a very destructive
earthquake in California in 1969, all that comes up basically, unless I missed
finding others, but all that comes up is:
Santa Rosa, California 10/01/1969 5.7m, and San Fernando, California 02/09/1971
6.6m. But that does not matter, because
none of the other things occurred in his vision so we now know that this
was not for 1969 but for either it appears: 2009 or 2019!
Do you see my point, it appears, that the series
of quakes that this young man received from God is for sure “yet to occur!” And notice he seemed to pick up the “9” at
the end… that is why one ponders if it is 20 0 9 or 20 19 coming up which is about three years
away from now—2006 or 2019; and these dates would fit into the timing of major
earthquakes for California that are due. We shall see!
Lyndon B. Johnson wasn’t noticeably heavy by some of his
pictures and didn’t seem to have exceptionally big ears—his ears seemed to have
been appropriate with his face size or the pictures seen did not show enlarged
ears, and he was the thirty-sixth President of the USA 1963-1969. Born: 08/27,
1908 near Stonewall, Texas. Died: 01/22, 1973 in Johnson City, Texas.
Richard Nixon wasn’t noticeably heavy and didn’t seem to
have exceptionally big ears—his ears seemed to have been appropriate with his
face size (there is mention that he was big eared when he was young, but it
seemed to balance out somewhat as he got older), he was the thirty-seventh
President of the USA, served 1969-1973, 1973-1974 (resigned). Richard Milhous Nixon was born in Yorba
Linda, California, 01/09, 1913, died 04/22, 1994.
Unless it was missed, there seemed to be no major
earthquake or quakes in the area that this young man was referring to in the
year 1969, much less the whole world, Japan is still here... It is now known that the above is not talking about 1969, but it appears
strongly either 2009 or 2019! Until God reveals more, this is what we
know so far.
Notice this quote here below, these large screen
outside TV’s were not known like they are today, back in 1969, this
is one of the main reasons we know this is future
and soon to occur, and probably will occur in 2009 or 2019 on a early
spring day at 4:29 PM:
“There were picture stations with MOVIES—some
right in Hollywood—these were carrying on, with all the shaking. One fellow (in
the picture (TV) station) was a little short guy who should have been scared to
death. But he wasn't. He kept shouting and reading instructions.”
The above prophetic that this 17 year
old young adult received in a series of visions never happened in 1969.
Because of the “9” at the end of the date that he saw in the vision on the newspaper of a future
day, it appears these series of visions are for either the year
2009 or 2019.
Both years end in a “9” and could
qualify for earthquakes on the West Coast, for there has been much godly
prophetic supporting these soon coming earthquakes.
It appears strongly in the godly
prophetic that the West Coast series of quakes along with the Chicago
and New Madrid series of quakes will occur prior to the invasion of the USA on America’s homeland soil,
that is also due to occur in the near future.
This invasion has been delayed for a long time now, by the graciousness
and mercy of God, however, there are enough godly prophetic revelations now to support the invasion occurring before 2010. God has also revealed that if the American
Christians will do intercession, confessing and repenting of America’s sins, in
His graciousness and mercy He will extend the invasion to a later date even now, to past 2010; and if
Roe vs. Wade is reversed by the end of 2007, the invasion will be delayed to after 2010.
It is important to note that the below
prophetic under Joe Brandt, does not
have anything about the Chicago or New Madrid series of quakes in its
revelations, however, the reason for including it here in this collection is
that it appears from piecing together the godly prophetic—that on some
warm early spring day in probably the year of 2009 or 2019, the
California series of quakes and other disasters will occur (This
revelation has come from Joe Brandt’s series of visions below showing a
“9” at the end of the year that the quakes would occur in.), and it appears,
shortly after which could be either months or within a couple of years, the
Chicago and New Madrid series of quakes will occur at some point that
will probably start in Chicago, Illinois on a 07/17 date. (This
revelation comes from Seer Prophet Chuck Youngbrandt’s series of
visions that he received: date of
07/17 (07/17 was either the Chicago Earthquake or Invasion date, I think it
was the earthquake date); summer day at about noontime the Chicago
earthquake will occur it appears.). And it appears strongly that
after the Chicago and possibly New Madrid series of quakes that
within about a year the invasion of the USA on her homeland soil will
occur—Russia, China, Cuba, Mexico and 4 other nations will unite and attack the USA.
Furthermore, it is possible that an accidental nuclear bombing could occur in between these
different West Coast and Middle of USA series of quakes, in fact if
that occurrs to Chicago, that might be what would trigger the stress on the Sandwich
Fault line to cause the Chicago earthquake, because there is godly prophetic
that Chicago gets nuked; and “why
bomb Chicago after a severe city destroying earthquake occurs?” So, it appears the bombing to Chicago
will occur before the city of
Chicago receives the major earthquake destruction that will destroy the
Notice with Joe Brandt that he does not mention at any time when he was taken up in the spirit to view the USA, as well as the world—but
he does not mention any problems
or earthquakes with Chicago or the New Madrid—center of the USA, he does
however mention New York, catch that! It
appears that the series of earthquakes for the center of the USA
have not occurred before the California series of
quakes occur; otherwise he would have seen the destruction in the Middle of
the USA and mentioned it in his series of visions. Also notice that he never mentions seeing any invading Chinese military in
uniforms in California, it appears this is because the USA was not yet invaded, it appears the
California series of quakes occur before
the Chicago and New Madrid series of earthquakes and before the invasion of the USA!
The date 2019 appears to be a stronger
date for all these events to occur, but without a doubt they could occur around
2009, for there is godly prophetic for the invasion of the USA to be before 2010. So it appears this is revealing to us that
God wants these earthquakes and
invasion delayed and it will be up to the Christians to do that!
Now if the 2019 date is used, that will
work it appears with what is known at this time with the 2017 date. (Jesus visited Apostle Seer Prophet
Neville Johnson and discussed with him that the last Jubilee was 1967 and that
very, very soon after the next one 2017—the “catching up or called rapture”
will occur.
This works with the revelation from
another. (Apostle Seer Prophet
Nita Johnson has mentioned that the “Church would be here after the invasion of the USA
occurred.” In short, she saw the Church
still here after the invasion of the USA occurred.) It appears the Bride of the Church
will be here a short time after
the invasion of the USA (The whole Church will not be taken up in the Rapture, only the Bride of the Church—“The five wise virgins,” read the New Testament
Holy Scriptures King James Version of the Bible for complete understanding.
Many Christians try to put the puzzle
of future events together by trying to figure things out in their minds, a good
example of failure in that area was Y2K—very soulish thinking. However, other Christians are now inquiring of God to find out how the details of things “will play out.” This collection is a new way of thinking and processing how things “can play out”
it is based on the Bible and on the current godly prophetic from God to His
Church. In short, what has God revealed
in revelations from Him “about events to soon occur?” Some serious future events here in the USA
may possibly play out close to this way here below—this is just a
beginning type of very “ruff draft,” because of the revelations that have been
collected and pieced together:
1933 It is known that Seer Prophet Hanneh
of Jordan, under an Assembly Of God Pastor received a series of
visions from God, one clear vision
was the day the Anti-christ was born,
she saw the mother and baby on the bed and God clearly told her that the Anti-christ was born today, and
when this occurred the date was 11/23, 1933.
The Anti-christ person is about age 73 in 2006, and he would be
about 87 in 2020; this may seem strange that he will be so old, but he probably
will have had some plastic surgery done to look younger.
In the godly prophetic, it is a God given fact that the Anti-christ was born 11/23, 1933, so that is a closed subject, not open for debate. What all this means is that things are
going to play out very fast now…
to get all that has to be done completed in such a short time frame… Read
the Book of Revelations in the Holy Bible—Holy Scriptures, it is the last book
of the Bible.
the Anti-christ to be in his seventies now and later in his eighties, it means
the devil used this person called the Anti-christ a lot to complete what the
devil felt was much needed work to be done to deceive as many humans as
possible for a destiny in Hell, instead of Heaven.
If you would like an example of an
older person looking very younger, which is what the Anti-christ has probably
done as well—for he is also very wealthy, that revelation was given to Seer
Prophet Hanneh by God—then check out this man:
The past Prime Minister of Italy,
Silvio Berlusconi, he said he was born in 1936 but it has been revealed he is older and has
lied, he
has had plastic
surgery; go
to these webpages (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3041288.stm
or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Berlusconi)
and take a strong look at him, he looks like a man with two fronts, but at times can look very nice for plastic surgery
at either age 70 or 73 in 2006, also take a moment to read what is stated, for
some ponder if he is the Anti-christ since he is so evil, rich, and very
powerful. He is the 25th
richest man in the world. He is trying
to get all crosses removed out of Italy, and he has very crafty jokes that leave a strong evil
tone when
finished reading them. He has
stated: “I am the Jesus Christ of politics, I am a patient
victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone.” As of now there are about three things that
need to be understood more clearly about this man 1.) What does his name mean? 2.) He
was married twice, and has five children, how does that work with the Bible
verse that
he would have no desire
for women? Can he be married as a front. 3.)
His birth date, if he is the Anti-christ it must be 11/23, 1933, now he
is a liar and it is known that he
is older—he says he was born
09/29, 1936 in Milan, Italy, he was a firstborn child. If he truly is the Anti-christ about to soon
be revealed he may have been fathered by the fallen Lucifer, so he may
have taken another man’s name and identity?
His first wife was Carla Dall’Oglio (1965, divorced in 1985) and
his second wife, Veronica Lario (1990 married). It appears this man is involved in the
occult or something, he gives off strongly a powerful something from the
check him out at the websites!
And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and
magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the
God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that
that is determined shall be done.
{11:37} Neither shall he regard the God
of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
2017 Jubilee year that Jesus visited Apostle
Seer Prophet Neville Johnson and revealed to him that the “catching up or
called Rapture” would occur very, very soon after 2017, would occur.
2019 Warm spring day about 4:29 P.M. may start the West Coast series of
quakes, and serious flooding from the Pacific Ocean going inland, and other
events in the prophetic below that Joe Brandt revealed.
2019 Either same year or later year/s, a possible
accidental nuclear bombing to a few USA cities could occur, including Chicago,
Illinois? What we do know is that there
can be a possible accidental nuclear bombing, and in the prophetic we know that
Chicago at some point gets bombed.
2019 Either same year or later, during a hot summer
day (maybe on 07/17) about noontime could start the Chicago series of quakes, and serious flooding
from Lake Michigan, and the New Madrid series of quakes, and flooding
follows either closely or over some time revealed in the godly prophetic in
this collection and by Seer Prophet Chuck Youngbrandt’s series of
visions below.
2020 Might be the year that the invasion
of the USA occurs on America’s homeland soil—by eight united countries headed
by Russia and China; with Chinese coming in on the West Coast, Russians coming
in on the East Coast and Mexican’s coming up from the south, Mexico. The Bride of Jesus Christ—the Church is still
here by Apostle Seer Prophet Nita Johnson’s revelation that she saw the
Church still here.
2022 Could be an estimated give or take
year, for the Rapture, it would have been very, very soon after 2017 Jubilee—about 4 or 5 years
(???), this is the guess, we shall see how it plays out or when more prophetic
details are revealed. The Bible refers
to the “restrainer” having to be taken out before certain things continue to
occur—like the period called the time of “Wrath or the Great Tribulation,” it
is believed that the “Restrainer” is the Holy Spirit in the Baptized by the
Holy Spirit filled Christians who are the Bride of the Church (Yes, the Holy
Spirit will work in a different way on the earth after the Bride has been taken to Heaven—the Rapture. The Holy Spirit was sent here by God,
and the Holy Spirit will return
to Heaven before certain changes
occur. At this point the Restrainer has
been removed: both the Holy Spirit and
the Bride of the Church will be gone from the earth, except for a few
Christians that were asked to stay by God to help during the Great Tribulation
time, etc.)
2023 Around or after 2023 the Great Tribulation
will occur, the Mark of the Beast maybe instituted before this time or after
this time. What is in the Book of
Revelation will be played out at this time.
It will be a horrible time to be on the earth, the worst time
that has or will ever exist. Many
Christians will still be here, they did not
quality for the Rapture because of their lack of obedience to God and
the motive of their hearts were not pure.
2027 Either 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031,
whatever date that Jesus was resurrected and the New Testament Church legally
started, if you count 2,000 years… it will be the 3rd day, and Jesus
will be reigning from Jerusalem, Israel in probably David’s Tabernacle, the
Tribulation Temple will probably be destroyed for the Anti-christ used it!
As you can see a lot of things in the
Book of Revelation has to be completed before the 1,000 year Millennium starts…
it appears. So when Apostle Seer Prophet
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj stated in 08/2006 at a Prayer Link meeting in St. Louis,
that from now on do not expect
things to be getting better, that was a true
You may disagree with things above, but
there were over 140 Christians
who received the Twin Tower’s New York City destruction before 09/11, 2001 occurred!
And there were several Christians, who received the Gulf Coastline &
New Orleans destructions before
08/2005—in both cases the godly prophetic was on the Internet before the events
occurred—God had released it to His prophets and even lay Christians! It does not matter if you agree or not, it is
not about you; God has now released the earthquake revelations for America and
He has released over 220 who have received the godly revelations for the
invasion of the USA on her homeland soil.
Interesting that the last major Fort
Dearborn (Chicago) quake occurred 08/20, 1804 and about seven years later, the New Madrid huge series of quakes
occurred during 1811—1812 in the middle of the USA—and for months after, the earth quaked, and even more severe quakes occurred; Seer Prophet Snodgrass
mentioned that there were about 5 very
high quakes... —Anonymous
From: Joe Brandt, www.williambranham.com website.
197o’s, Vision, Chicago Earthquake: “I was
walking down the streets of Chicago with my brother and was looking at the skyline. All of a sudden I saw the skyscrapers ahead of me began to SHAKE. It’s like they were QUIVERING and then they
began to just crumble right in front of me.
I turned to look at my brother and I realized he wasn’t
seeing that. I turned back and the buildings were just CRUMBLING to
nothingness. I heard in my spirit, “Everything that you
see before you will crumble, and only that which is built upon Me [the Lord]
will last.” —Diane W.
.1 1970’s, Visions, Chicago Earthquake? &
Invasion Of The U.S.A. — Right after I became saved I was walking down the streets of Chicago
with my brother and was looking at the skyline. All of a sudden I saw the skyscrapers ahead of me began to shake.
It’s like they were quivering
and then they began to just crumble right in front of me.
I turned to look at my brother and I realized he
wasn’t seeing that. I turned back and
the buildings were just crumbling
to nothingness. I heard in my spirit, “Everything that you see
before you will crumble, and only that which is built upon Me [the Lord] will
last.” The next moment everything was normal
again. I realized that what had happened
was supernatural.
Another time when I was at my office in Toledo, Ohio
in the 1970’s, I had a vision. It was Valentine’s Day and I had made a
special sweet bread for my coworkers. I
was cutting up the bread to share with them and all of a sudden I was in a
different place.
I knew it was the “end times.” It was a time of famine and there were a lot of people coming for food. I was realizing that all I had was a little
bit of bread and all I knew to do was just start giving them bread. As I broke off and gave it to them, the bread kept
reappearing. I was breaking it, but the
incredible thing was that I couldn’t dwell on the fact that it was a miracle in
action, I had to just keep doing it.
The miraculous became commonplace because of the times we were in. We were walking in the miraculous because of
what was required.
I also had a vision
years ago about being arrested for my faith.
At that time it seemed that the arrestors were Communist. It seemed like they were Russian Communists. They stripped me, but I had absolutely no
fear. I didn’t know what was going to
come but I remember thinking I have perfect peace. Fear has been a stronghold in my life at
times. I had the peace because of God’s
love. I could have been facing torture,
rape, death, but there was no fear.
There was a mirror in the room and I remember looking at my face and
just seeing this absolute composure.
That was from the Lord.
Many of the friends that were in the group that I
fellowshipped with at that time were getting dreams and visions. Some of them were Orientals.
One was told of Christians being lined up and were
literally being beheaded for
their faith. But again, there was no
That all happened in the 1970’s and then no
one talked of having visions any more.
That is, until recently,
when the Lord started bringing these back in my remembrance, as if I’m coming into a time
when they will be fulfilled.
—Diane W.
Julie Turner, “The Corner Gathering” Newsletter, P.O. Box 334,
Alpena, AR 72611, cornergathering@yahoo.com,
197o’s, Dream—Vision, Chicago Earthquake: “I was
walking on the sidewalk of Lake Michigan in the city of Chicago, Illinois. All of a sudden God gave me a dream, I saw
the water rise up real high like 100 + feet into the air… real high… I saw the
water was going to flood Chicago.”
—Mercedes Biernaciak
.1 197o’s, Dream—Vision, Chicago Earthquake — I was walking on the sidewalk of Lake
Michigan in the city of Chicago, Illinois.
All of a sudden God gave me a dream, I saw the water rise up real high like
100 + feet into the air… real high… and I started running for my
life, because the water was dark… this occurred in the evening. The water was rising so high I started
running for help, I saw the water was going to flood Chicago. The vision
was about five minutes long.
Mercedes Biernaciak in person, 3005 North Gresham Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60618, 773.772.3764.
1971, Vision, Chicago Earthquake & Major Flooding Of
Chicago: “A letter from Pat of southern Illinois: … ‘In 1971 the Director (Gwen Shaw) of the End—Time
Handmaidens Ministry was in Chicago and looking over the lake (Lake
Michigan), as she turned around — saw Chicago being destroyed by earthquakes and the lakes coming out of their
basins, flooding the city…’” —Gwen Shaw,
One of God’s Five Star General Ministers
.1 1971, Vision, Chicago Earthquake & Invasion
In America—War — A letter from Pat of
southern Illinois: … ‘In 1971 the
Director of the End—Time Handmaidens was in Chicago [Gwen Shaw] and looking over
the lake, as she turned around — saw Chicago being destroyed by earthquakes and the
lakes coming out of their basins, flooding the city. This was before she heard the tapes, ‘A Call
to Arms.’
The Wednesday after the New
Feast [09/06/78],
a man from Germany called her and said he has seen a vision
of a terrible war on the United States. We were in a
blood bath and were fighting for our lives. Knowing Gwen, he called her to ask what she
had seen. He had not heard the tapes…
Gwen told him then about the tapes.’
From: Chuck
Youngbrandt’s book, The Staff and Sword Ministry, 917 West Jackson Avenue,
Spokane, Washington 99205-3338.
End—Time Handmaidens and Servants Ministry, Gwen Shaw, Engeltal Press,
P.O. Box 447, Jasper, Ark. 72641, 870.446.2252, fax# 870.446.2259 or ethinc@eritter.net.
1976, Vision, Mississippi & A Changed North America: “As
the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up,
so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it was made known to me that I was looking at a
vastly changed portion of North America, which was completely divided by a
large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and
western shorelines…
Great Destruction: In this scenario icebergs and polar icecaps were melting. Earthquakes had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms—the whole country had been ravaged by these things…
Two Separate Countries: The area of water in
the middle of . . . the United States was massive, and was widest or most extensive in the north. There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had
come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the
ocean. The inland sea also extended southward, filling most of the Mississippi
and Missouri River valleys and widening by many, many miles the Mississippi
River where it flows into what we know as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so vast
that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United States
had become as two separate countries.
—Elane Durham
.1 10/07, 1972 & 09/1973,Visions,
Roxanne Brant, Visions of Coming Calamities—God has given me two visions in the past eight years
that have changed my life and ministry. In these two visions, He has shown me events to come
that will affect the lives of every man, woman and child in this nation, …as
well as throughout the world.
Jesus said to me, “..My people need to be informed and prepared for the
difficult times ahead, …I want My people to not only be informed, but to seriously and
diligently devote themselves to the building up their faith and to seeking My
guidance in every detail of their lives, …Some of the things which I have shown
you have already come to pass, and it has taken some time for even these things
to occur. In the same
manner, the rest of the vision will come to pass, but it will take time for it
to occur. I will bring all of the things which I have shown you to pass
in this generation. … By My Spirit,
I have shown you things to come that My people might be prepared. I want My people to be one step
ahead of everything that will occur. …Tell My people that I will provide
protection in danger, food in famine and faith in persecution. I
will be true to My words and My Covenant with them. I will keep them in the
coming difficult times and My hand shall be upon them in special ways, but they
must do their part to seek Me and to cooperate with My Spirit by diligently
nourishing themselves with My Word, building up their faith and seeking My
guidance in every detail of their lives.”
10/07, 1972,
Vision, 14 Months & 4 Judgments—Completed: The first vision came in 10/1972,
giving 14 months for 4 judgments. This has been fulfilled.
09/1973, Vision: The second vision came in 09/1973,
regarding which Roxanne says in My Vision:
“…About two weeks prior to the vision, God, moving in a very miraculous
and powerful way, had commanded me to buy several
acres of land in northern Florida. I went ahead and bought the land, but
because I was so amazed at the strength and power behind His command, I asked
Him, ‘Lord, why is that land so important to You? Why would You make us move
from beautiful Naples up to the northern part of Florida?” He answered me more
fully and powerfully than I could have anticipated—in a vision form.
Late one afternoon in early
September I was relaxing after a hard day’s work, thinking about business
details, when the Holy
Spirit came upon me and opened my eyes to see what was to come in these next
few years.
First, I saw a very clear picture of Florida. The southern two-thirds
of the state was baked dry in the sun and in a state of severe drought. But I
saw clouds filled with rain move down and gently drop their moisture over the northeast corner of Florida, exactly in the location where
I had bought the land.
Then, I sensed that something awesome was about to happen to the
southern half of Florida, and as I shifted my gaze southward, the most eerie
and incredible thing I have ever witnessed then occurred. The ocean, like a
giant monster rose silently and calmly and began to move across the land. It
moved miles inland, flooding everything in its path. Later when it moved back,
the drought continued and the sun baked the ocean salt into the land.
I knew the area where I
bought land in northern Florida would be protected and watered by God, and
certain areas where God led other Christians to buy land and farm would also be
protected. But most of the country and world would be under the supernatural
siege of God with ever increasing and worsening droughts, flooding,
earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, pestilence, etc. I knew that
because of these natural judgments of God that many crops would fail and
millions of people in different places of the United States and the world would
be starving. It is not a
pretty picture and is therefore very difficult for me to talk about, but I saw millions of people starving and trying to find
edible roots and grasses to eat. I saw presidents of corporations
reduced to nothing except their homes and the food in their cupboards. One man
was trying to warm watery soup for his family on a fire in his backyard.
It seemed to me that many houses were very dark and cold
which would signify that somehow there was a shortage of electricity and heat. Money was not much more valuable than paper. The
only things worth having were land, food, seed, wood for fuel, a home that was
not mortgaged, farming tools and machinery, and certain everyday products which
were no longer available.
Many people simply left
their jobs and tried to grow enough food to live on. Many of our largest and
most trusted corporations went bankrupt. Many valuable machines were setting
idle because they lacked the one necessary part to fix them. Many people who were living
beyond their means and who had mortgages on their homes were turned out into
the streets. Insolvable problems presented themselves in every area, in
politics, as well as economics and weather. There were so many quick changes, that by the time we had
heard of one change, another change had already occurred. The church became
heavily taxed and many of its activities were curbed by the government.
Much persecution broke out against Christians who preached the gospel and witnessed.
But in the midst of all these calamities, the (true) church of Jesus Christ
waxed valiant and became stronger than ever…millions were swept into the
So, in short, it would be
good to begin to set our houses in order and prepare ourselves inwardly for His
coming, and outwardly for the events that are coming. None of these will come
upon us suddenly, but we can see the beginnings of everything I have mentioned
already. These problems will just increase and cause some people to begin to seek
God, for they will realize there is no other answer…
Whatever you do, don’t run ahead of God! Just use this
as an incentive to spend more time with Him, praying and reading your Bible,
and waiting upon Him so that He can
speak to you…
.2 Summer of 1973 & Summer
of 2000, Visions, Norm & Kathleen Rasmussen, Vision Of Five Tragic
Calamities Coming Upon The Earth —I have had but two visions in my lifetime. The first
came to me in 1958, when a vision of God took me from a
little town in Pennsylvania to New York City to work with teen gangs and
drug addicts. That was not a false vision. [The beginning of Teen Challenge,
insertion mine]. Now, years later, its reality is shown by the youth centers
spread all around the world. Gangs and addicts have not only been converted,
but many are even preaching the gospel as ministers and missionaries.
Summer of 1973,
Vision: A second vision came to me this summer
(1973). It
is a vision of five tragic calamities coming upon the earth. I saw no blinding lights, I heard no audible
voices, nor did I hear from an angel. While I was in prayer late one night,
these visions of world
calamities came over me with such impact that I could do nothing but
kneel, transfixed, and take it all in.
At first I did not want to
believe what I saw and heard. The message of the vision was too frightening,
too apocalyptic, too discomforting to my materialist mind. But the vision came back to me,
night after night. I couldn’t shake it off. Deep in my heart I am
convinced that this vision is from God, that it is true, and that it will come
to pass.
Who wants to listen to a
message of economic
confusion in a time of great affluence? Who wants to be told judgment is coming when
so many can’t even cope with life as it is? Who will ever believe that the religious freedom we now enjoy
will soon be threatened and that a Jesus revolution will turn into a
Jesus revulsion movement?
Parts of this vision will
come to pass in the very near future. Some of the events are more distant. But I believe all the events
mentioned will happen in this generation!
Chapter 1 then begins addressing the first of
the “five calamities.” For sake of space, I’m only going to share
certain key sentences to give you a “taste” of this book. The first sentence of
Chapter 1, starts out with:
There is worldwide economic confusion
just ahead. In my vision, this is the clearest thing I have seen. Not only is the American dollar headed for deep trouble, but so
are all other world currencies. It is not really a depression I see coming—but
a recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every
wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control
huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also.
Arab countries will especially be hurt. The world’s greatest economists will be
at a loss to explain the confusion, and an international crisis of fear will
I believe we are going to
witness the bankruptcies
of some of this nation’s major and most popular corporations. I see
tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay
off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near-chaos.
Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies. Three, and
possibly four of the major religious denominations will be forced to operate
with a skeleton organization due to a lack of funds. More than a few churches are going to go bankrupt
and a number of independent missionary societies and church organizations are
going to have to pull back. All but a few of the radio and television
ministries will have to be abandoned. Tight money will trigger a wave of
uncertainty and fear. Those who have money will hold it in reserve.
The United States government
is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments. I see a flurry
of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies—but these
hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire. Almost every economic
indicator will be gloomy. It will be spotty at first, but will eventually
affect nearly all industry.
It is not a time to go into
debt. It is a time to prepare, a
time to get clear and out from under heavy financial burdens.
Gold prices are soaring, but those who are investing in this commodity,
hoping to find security, are in for a tragic surprise. The price of gold is going
to rise astronomically, but it will not be sustained over a long period of
time. Silver will also become a very precious metal, and its price will go
wild. But neither silver
nor gold will offer real security. The fluctuation and uncertain value
of gold and silver will be a part of the total picture of economic confusion
that grips the world.
Believe it or not—even gold will not hold its value. Gold hoarders are going to
get hurt—badly. This is
one of the most significant predictions in this book.
There will develop a call
for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system. And even though the dollar
will appear to be gaining strength just before the coming major recession, a new crisis will develop
that will shake the entire financial world. . . .
Some kind of a world credit
system will develop and nations will be able to utilize blocks of credit.
Although a universal money system may be far off in the future, a world credit
system between nations will soon develop, setting the framework for the future
world monetary and trade system.
Be prepared to hear of world trade agreements “policed” by an
international governing committee. Strict guidelines for international trade will
develop and a “world market” will be closely monitored by big power interests.
To put it plainly—we will
soon witness the development of a world trade policy, supervised by a super
secretary invested with unprecedented powers by all nations involved in
international trade.
I seem to see a picture of a
partial and almost complete recovery from the coming recession—but the world
economy will continue in confusion until the time of the Antichrist. From this day on, there
will hang over the entire world a sense of fear and uncertainty about future
economic conditions. Never again in the history of the world will there be a
time of complete confidence and trust in world economies.
.3 1976, Vision, Elane
Durham's Death-and-Back Vision of Coming Calamities and Triumph—The following
account is taken from Elane's book, "I Stand All Amazed: Love and
Healing from Higher Realms;" (Quoting pages 53-56) forward by
George G. Ritchie Jr., M.D., author of “Return from Tomorrow.”
In 1976, Elane Durham died, was administered last rites
and as her body lay there her spirit journeyed to a higher realm changing her
life forever. Elane was clinically dead for an hour and
was being prepped for the morgue when she came back from the dead. Meanwhile she was given a
tour of heaven as well as a vision of what could happen on this planet given
our current course.
A Changed North America: As
the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up,
so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it
was made known to me that I was looking at a vastly changed portion of North
America, which was completely divided by a large body of water, and which had
lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines. As I saw this I was given a total
understanding of the natural and man-made disasters that would need to
occur to make these changes, and I was informed that these might or might not come to pass according to our
choices as a people—according to my choices as an individual.
Destruction: In this scenario icebergs and polar
icecaps were melting. Earthquakes
had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms—the whole country
had been ravaged by these things. I could also see massive fires burning
here and there—not so much the flames as the smoke that was ascending toward
me—as huge
areas of the country seemed to be burning or burned. There were also explosions
in some areas, sort of like sheet lightning in a dark sky, that were
doing great damage.
Where Washington and Oregon had been there were mostly islands, the water coming inland over most of California and Arizona and parts of Utah and
Nevada. Yet there were also islands there, massive ones, so it wasn't like it
was all ocean....
On the East Coast I saw that much of the eastern seaboard
was gone, though the water did not come so far inland as it did on the West
Coast. I was also aware that the southern half of Florida was under water.
I don't remember seeing
anything like Central America or South America, for water surrounded what I was
seeing, and I didn't really focus on what was beyond that water. Yet at the
same time, I had the understanding that the waters had risen around the entire
earth, and that everything had changed to one degree or another.
Two Separate
Countries: The area of water in the middle of . . . the United
States was massive, and was widest or most extensive in the north. There were
no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had come together into this huge sea
that extended northeastward into the ocean. The inland
sea also extended southward, filling
most of the Mississippi an Missouri River valleys and widening by many, many
miles the Mississippi River where it
flows into what we know as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was
so vast that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United
States had become as two separate countries.
A New Seat of
Power: I was also aware that the seat of power, or
patriotism, had moved away from Washington, D.C. There was so
much turmoil and warfare on the eastern side of this body of water that no
authority really existed there. I understood then that in the scenario I
was being shown our country had come to the very edge of destruction—to the
brink of losing everything, because myself and hosts of others like me had
chosen to seek worldly things rather than loving or serving others.
Additionally, we had refused
to care for our precious natural resources. Because of our greed and selfishness
our national government had lost most of its power, and could no longer
completely govern or control. National laws were ignored, and there was
no true nationwide governmental infrastructure left. What government
there was seemed to be territorial, sort of like large tribes or groups of
people who had banded together.
And I saw that because of
the ramifications of these day-to-day choices the people, especially on the
eastern side of this new body of water, lived in great danger and
fear. There was tremendous anarchy and crime—sort of like the Los Angeles riots spread
nationwide. And the normal
citizens kept themselves hidden away from all this, barricading themselves into
their homes or wherever they had gathered together for security. Many
children didn't go to school; commerce as we know it had pretty much ceased; many people were
starving to death; there was terrible violence from people who
seemed like roving gangs—it was just an awful scene of confusion and turmoil.
Yet in this scenario there was less of
that turmoil on the western portion of our country. There was even a certain
amount of prosperity, and it was there that I could see the new seat of power, if that is what it
could be called. This
area, or city or whatever, while on the eastern
edge or shore line of the western portion of land, was located in almost the exact center of the combination
of both halves of the country. Later
when I looked at a map of the United States, I realized that it would
have been very near present-day Kansas City.
From this location I could
see power radiating
outward, almost like light flowing out to strengthen and stabilize other
areas. This power was what I called patriotism or strong moral character or
spirituality—a true spiritual force that was the only real governing power over
the whole land. This is why I called that area the seat of power.
But I must state this power was totally spiritual—a
true power of spirit such
as the angel beside me was exhibiting, or that I had felt emanating from
Christ while I had been in His presence.
The Native
Americans: I also sensed that some of the Indians—the Native Americans—were
partially responsible for the peacefulness that was on the western side of this
water. Some of these Native American peoples had a knowledge of how to live from the land, or
how to be in harmony with it so it would bring forth in abundance according to
their needs. They were teaching this spiritual knowledge to the people
around them, and all the people were starting to learn to live in harmony with each other. At the
same time they were beginning again to prosper by becoming harmonious with
nature, or the natural elements upon which they depended.
[Comment not by Elane Durham: Elane at one point was in the Mormon Church
which is not a true Christian Church of the Lord Jesus, or she has since exited
it, either way the dream from God is real but if she is still in the Mormon
Church, you need to beware of this. On
the Internet when searching for Elane Durham’s book, this is the quote that was
located: “In 1976, Elane Durham died, was administered last rites and as her
body lay there her spirit journeyed to a higher realm changing her life
forever. What did she learn before returning
from the otherside that led to her conversion to the LDS Church?”
(Names used: Mormon Church, or Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints, or LDS for short is used.
(This is a false
church, the Mormon Church, headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah with the wealth of their
deceived manmade demonic empire being at close to over 8 billion dollars; stay
away from this false religion if you are wise—a great deal of deception and
demonic are involved in the Mormon Church even though the actual Mormons
themselves are some of the nicest people you will meet, they are deceived nonetheless and need to drop
the Joseph Smith deceptions and become true Christians going through the
correct door of Jesus Christ who is God’s Son and who is God, Himself—God is
One with three offices or titles that He manifests, but Jesus who is God can
manifest in several manifestations, such as He will manifest as a Lamb, or a
Lion, or on His Cross, or looking as He did when He walked the earth as a Jew
or in any number of appearances, as He did when He was walking with the
disciples to the city in the New Testament and they could not recognize Him.
With Mormonism (also called Latter-day Saints) one must
go back to the small town of Palmyra, New York, in the year 1820. Joseph Smith Jr. is revered by millions of
Mormons as a seer and prophet. The
contemporaries who knew him and his parents were less gracious. Neighbors viewed the Smith family as
“illiterate, whiskey-drinking, shiftless, and irreligious.” Joe (as he was known) was said to be
indolent, with a penchant for exaggeration and untruthfulness. His mother, Lucy Mack, practiced magic and
had visions. His
father, Joe, Sr., was known as a persistent treasure-seeker, always trying to
dig up the fabled booty of Captain Kidd.
The founder of Mormonism often accompanied his father on these
expeditions and was himself fond of the occult, especially divining and
fortune-telling by “peep stones.”
Then one day in 1820, while praying in the woods, Joseph Smith (said he) received his fabled vision of God and Jesus. In 1823 another personage, and angel named Moroni, appeared at his beside. The visitor claimed to be the son of Mormon, the departed leader of an American race known as Nephites. Moroni told him about a book of golden plates that contained “the fullness of the everlasting Gospel.” Four years later, in the hill named Cumorah (near Plamyra, New York), Smith (supposedly) unearthed the plates. Buried with them was a pair of large, supernatural spectacles known as the “Urim and Thummin. (Supposedly)” They were to be used in translating the hieroglyphics on the (so-called) plates, a language called “reformed Egyptian.” (Archaeologists and Egyptologists deny there is any historical evidence to v