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Designs by Linda
Linda Basile, webmaster
7212 Oakley Avenue, Hudson, FL 34667
If you've never had a website and have no clue where to begin, let me give you a brief outline:

  • Find a webmaster (hopefully me) who will locate a site host for you
    If your site is for display purposes only, you can use a free hosting service such as GeoCities, Angelfire, Crosswinds and other. If you plan to sell something on your website, you will need a business site hosting arrangement that generally involves a monthly fee. Your webmaster can guide you to the signup page.
  • Get a domain name (if commercial site)
    A domain name means you have a nice, short site address that is easy for people to remember, and you can choose the name yourself. EX: Your webmaster will give you a web address where you can register your domain name. The registration fee is usually around $70.00.
  • Make a list of all the things you want on your website
    You may want several sections: Your artwork photos, order forms, class information, show schedules, biography, resume, a favorite links page. Get out a pad and pen and write it all down. A seasonal page is good if there is a holiday coming.
  • Decide what type of forms you will need, and how many
    If you sell products, you will need an order form. Classes may need a registration form. Contests and challenges also need signup forms.
  • Get good photos of your work!
    I can't emphasize this enough. A dark, fuzzy, off-color photo is a sorry representation of your work, and certainly won't leave a good impression of your talents on people.
  • Compose a list of details you want published with each photo
    The name of the work; size, composition, price, anything relevant. It's nice to have a perky little blurb to accompany each photo. It adds life and interest.
  • Compose the text for your pages on a word processor
    This way you can email the text to the webmaster, who can then copy it and paste it on the web page without having to retype it. Save the text as a .txt file. This is the best format for a webmaster's purposes. If you don't have a word processor, then just type it all up in an email and send it.
  • Decide what kind of payment arrangements you want to use for your product
    Checks and money orders can be handled with a printable form offered as a web page on your site and mailed directly to you by the customer. Secure credit card services are available at a reasonable cost at several web hosting services. Discuss this option with your webmaster.
  • Make sure your webmaster backs up your website! Sometimes, Heaven forbid, a website vanishes into thin air for no reason at all, and if the pages were saved to disk they can be resurrected in an hour. If there was no backup, well....


  • Payment for services
    I ask for 50% of the total price in advance as an earnest deposit, to secure the contract. This is due after we work out such  details as how many pages, etc. I will build a pilot page for your inspection, and once you have approved it, you then send the deposit and I, in return,  will devote my utmost attention to your website. [ I never work on more than one website at once; I totally immerse myself in the one project at hand, as anyone I have built a site for will readily attest to.] When I have finished the pages, I will offer them to you for review. When you are satisfied with the results, you will then send the payment in full. When I receive the payment in full I will activate your website and do the search engine submit, if included in your package.
  • Site maintenance
    This seems to be a vague area with most webmasters, very difficult to lay out in set terms, and I am still working out the details for myself. What seems reasonable to me is this: I will, free of charge, perform  minor page alterations and updates, replace photos, and add any free stuff that came with your site package, if you didn't decide right away if you wanted that feature or not, such as a guestbook. There will be a charge for drastic page changes [such a replacing outdated workshops with newer ones] and adding extra photos to existing pages or basic site updating that must be done on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • Site promotion
    Listing your website with the major search engines is all-important. What good is this wonderful website of yours if no one can find it or even knows about it? I will submit your website to the top ten search engines one time only for the fee listed on the price list. To keep your site listed with these search engines, you need to resubmit your site once a month. To save yourself some money, you can try to submit your site yourself. However, I have found that these quick-submit services don't always get you listed. I use a search engine submission service that charges a small fee but guarantees a listing.

This covers the major points. If you have questions,  please email, phone or write to me.