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Demon-B-Gone Home Excorcism Kits

When you or someone you love has been posessed, you want to get them to a professional excorcist immediately. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible. Some of us do not have the time or money. If this is the case for you, you might consider purchasing one of our fine Home Excorcism Kits. It yeilds professional quality excorcisms at a fraction of the cost! And with the detailed, step-by-step instructions, human error is almost impossible!

Demon-B-Gone Home Excorcism Kits come with everything you'll need to start excorcising immediately. You will receive:

1. One bag of sand from the shores of Gumaga Creek, endowed with demon-fighting properties by the Malaxian herself!
2. Two scrolls inscribed with an ancient chant.
3. One bottle of sacred water from Gumaga Creek.
4. Step-by-step instructions explaining how to preform a professional quality excorcism!

Professioal excorcisms can cost hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars! Our Home Excorcism Kit normally sells for $25.00, but, for a limited time only, the Demon-B-Gone Home Excorcism Kit is only $9.95 + $5.95 S&H!! With savings like that you can't go wrong!!! Order one today!!
