I Want It That Way

"Ok, Jess, why don't you just turn around, face the storage room door, and take a good look for yourself?" Brian said. 

"Take a good look at what?  The storage room door?" I asked curiously. 

"No, Jess to take a good look at Howie!" Nick said nervously.  As I turned around, I saw Howie coming out through the back storage room's door.  He walked out slowly while holding up a big birthday cake in his arms with Fatima Robinson and Nigel Dick along by his side holding up helium birthday balloons especially for me. 

"Happy Birthday Jess!  Got ya!" Everyone yelled out in unison out to me. 

"Oh my gosh! Howie!" I said as he smiled and winked directly at me.  "Wow, Howie, so that's where you were all this time!  You didn't have to go through all this trouble by the way!" I exclaimed.  Tears of joy streamed down my face.

"That's ok, sweetie, I did it because it's your birthday." He replied. 

"You don't know how embarrassed I feel right now!" I said as I started to blush. "Geez, I feel so dumb for having overreacting so angrily!  I'm so sorry guys!" I apologized to everyone. 

"That's ok Jess!" Kelsie replied. 

"Heh heh heh, Happy Birthday Jess! And you thought I completely forgot but I knew about your birthday all along!" AJ said. 

"Oh I get it, so now I know why you and Paula were whispering to each other and why everyone was acting all so strange all of a sudden!" I stated. 

"Yeah that's right Jess.  We didn't mean any harm at all Jessie! It was just a small joke really!  So Happy Birthday, I didn't forget as well!" Paula said as she gave me a hug. 

"Yeah a practical joke indeed!" Nick exclaimed. 

"Yeah you're on candid camera!" Brian teased. "Wave hello to the camera, Jess!" Kevin said as he filmed me from upclose.  I waved to the camera and beamed. 

"Man Jess, I can't believe you actually went along with the surprise!" AJ exclaimed. 

"Yeah I really can't believe I actually fell for all your jokes!  That's ok though because it's the thought of actually remembering somebody's birthday that counts most of all!" I said with a hysterical laugh following afterwards. 

"Alright on the count of three, we'll all sing Happy Birthday, ready? One-Two-Three!" Nick said. Suddenly everyone started singing and wishing me a Happy Birthday.  There was a loud cheering, and whistling from everyone afterwards. 

"Ok Jess, make a wish sweetie!" Howie remarked followed by a cute smile and a quick wink.  I closed my eyes and made my wish.  I wished for Howie and I to be together as a couple.  "Ok Jess, did you make your wish yet?" Howie asked. 

"Yeah I sure did!" I said as I opened my eyes slowly and saw his gorgeous face beaming in front of me.  As I looked around the dance room, I noticed that everyone had formed a large circle and had continued cheering me on. 

"Start blowing those candles Jess!" Brian exclaimed. 

"Yeah blow'em out before I do!" Nick teased.

I suddenly looked at Howie and gave him a very sweet smile and so I started blowing out the candles.  Everyone yelled out "Yay!" and applauded afterwards.

  "So what did you wish for Jess?" Paula asked.  "It's a secret Paula, and if I tell you, it won't come true!" I stated giving her a sweet look. 

"That's so true Jess!" Paula replied. 

By the look in my eyes Kelsie knew exactly what I had wished for!  "I really hope that whatever you wished for comes true!" Kelsie said. 

"Same here!" Jenny-Lynn said. 

"Ditto!" Stephanie said. 

"Happy Birthday Jess!" Fatima said. 

"Thanks Fatima" I replied.  I didn't forget your birthday Jessie!" Fatima stated.  "I figured you didn't!" I said.  "Happy Birthday Jessica!" Nigel said. 

"Thanks Nigel! How's the video shoot going so far?" I asked.  I haven't shot anything so far because everyone's been busy practicing his or her dance moves.  So as soon as everyone has everything down pact then I'll start shooting!" Nigel said.

"When's the dress rehearsal?" I asked. 

"Hopefully on Sunday morning." Fatima said. 

"When will the video take place? I asked. 

"It will take place on the streets of New York City as well as in Jacob Javits Center.  That's where the dance in the video's story line will take place." Nigel said. 

"Wow!" I said gleefully.  "But wait, I noticed that Howie and Nick have no dancing partners on my way here!" I replied. 

"Yeah we were going to get to that Jess!  Ok, since I'm in charge of casting, I decided to cast you, as Howie's love interest in the video and Kelsie as Nick's!  How's that for another birthday surprise?" Fatima replied. 

"Wow, I'm going to be Howie's love interest? Thanks Fatima!" I said.  "No problem, Jess!" Fatima said.  Inside, I felt so excited.  I was jumping for joy deep inside because I was going play Howie's love interest in the video but on the outside I never really showed my true feelings.  Suddenly I remembered what Kelsie had told me before we entered the dance room. 

"Did you know that we were both casted as love interests for the video Kels?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I actually did, as a matter of fact but I kept it a secret from you because Fatima and Howie wanted it that way!" Kelsie said. 

"Oh wow! So this was Howie's idea too?" I asked. 

"Yeah it was Jess!" Kelsie replied.  "Wow!  This is the best birthday ever! Thanks Howie!" I said. 

"You're very welcome sweetie.  I'm glad you liked it!" Howie replied with a wink.  "Oh Howie, you're the greatest friend I know of!" I said. 

"Oh Jess, stop it!  I did all of this because I truly care about you." Howie said with a smile on his face. 

"You do?  Wow, no one's ever done this to me before, I feel so flattered Howie!"  I said. 

"I'm glad you're happy, Jess! Now how about a slice of birthday cake?" Howie stated.

"Oh, of course, but make it a tiny piece please." I replied.  "A tiny piece? Nah, you deserve a big piece!" Howie said as he cut off a big slice of cake and placed it on the plate.  He handed it to me along with a plastic spoon. 

"Oh, alrighty then! I guess it won't hurt if I cheat for one day now wouldn't it?" 

"Nah, it wouldn't hurt at all!" Howie replied.  As I took the spoon to take a piece of cake, I slowly savoured it inside my mouth.   "Mmmm, this chocolate cake is so delicious and sweet, but it's not as sweet as you!" I said. 

"Awww, Jess! Stop it will ya?" Howie said as he looked down by the embarrassment and his face turned beet red. 

"C'mon Howie, you know you're sweet, now don't you deny it!" I said.  "Yeah I am sweet, aren't I?  That's why everyone calls me Sweet D.!" Howie said as he looked at me and had a huge smile on his face. "By the way, I have another surprise for you Jess!" Howie replied. 

"Yeah, what's that?" I asked.  "Since your career's going great so far, Kelsie, myself and the rest of the fellas have decided for you to be our opening act and join us on our tour next year!" Howie replied. 

"Wow, Howie!!!  You guys want me to open up for you?  Wow!!!  I still can't believe it!!!  Thank you so much guys and D.!  You don't know how much this means to me!!!" 

"You're welcome Jess!" the rest of the guys yelled out in unison.  "You're welcome sweetie, we all feel that you deserve to open for us!" Howie continued on to say. 

"I went along with this too as your manager because I really want your career to soar!" Kelsie said.  "Wow thanks Kels!  I can't wait to go on tour next year with these guys!   This is going to be so awesome!" I cried.

"Where and when will we be touring?" I asked.  "Well, Jess, next year around February, you'll be touring all over the United States and Canada for two whole months!  This will give you the chance to get more noticed and have a more fan basis as well!" Kelsie beamed. 

"Wow, thanks Kels, Howie and guys! I can't wait for our big tour next year!" I cried. 

"I can't wait either!" Howie beamed and winked at me in delight.

After my small birthday party was over, it was back to work with the video's dance routine, so Kelsie and I went into the ladies room and quickly changed into our exercise gear.  We both got out of the ladies room afterwards to join the rest of the guys in the dance room.  Fatima started showing Kelsie and I our dance steps and we both started watching her carefully.  We then followed her and continued repeating the steps one by one.  Gilli and the rest of the girls helped us out as well as the rest of the guys with the exception of Nick and Howie.  After many hours had passed, we felt that it had turned out to be a breeze for us because they were easy to follow.  Then Nick and Howie joined us, so we both felt more at ease because we both had dancing partners by our sides.  They were both happy to see us as their dancing partners and acting along as their love interests.  For Nick and Kelsie, it wasn't a problem because they were a couple.  But for Howie and I, it had turned out a bit uncomfortable at first acting as love interests to one another, since we were just friends and nothing more than that. 

At first Howie and I kept playing around in a friendly way with each other but then as we got more in sync (no pun intended!) with the slow dancing sequence, we both felt an instant attraction coming over us.  As we looked into each other's eyes, we both felt a constant desire to kiss one another.  We both knew what each other felt and sensed each other's feelings.  We were both no longer afraid to play as love interests because we both felt even more closer to one another than ever before.  We both felt so comfortable being around other.  As Howie held me tightly around my waist, I felt no need to part away from him.  As we looked into each other's eyes, I felt a sense that we truly cared for one another.  It was like pure intuition had taken place.  I felt the music in the background very soothing.  I noticed that his deep and serious glance had totally hypnotized me.  As our heads were getting closer and closer for our one ultimate kiss, Fatima yelled out "Okay guys, that's a wrap!  Excellent work everyone!!!  We'll continue with this and the dress rehearsal tomorrow morning!  Please be here at around six AM sharp and no later than that!" 

We were instantly startled by Fatima's yell and Howie said to me "Hey Jess, I'm sorry!  It's just that the music in the background and the dancing sequence with you truly overwhelmed me and you look so beautiful in my eyes." 

"Really D.?  Awww, thank you! It's okay, I understand how you feel Howie because I felt the same exact way too!" I replied. 

"Oh sweetie, I want to tell you so many things but I can't right now!" Howie said. 

"I want to tell you so many things as well Howie, so how about we go out on Wednesday, just the two of us, after Jenn's volleyball tournament!" I suggested. 

"Sure, that will be great!" Howie replied. 

"That way we can talk about many things that's happening concerning us and our lives!" I said. 

"I would like that a whole lot sweetie!" Howie said.  Soon after that, we started packing our things together and then we noticed everyone whistling and hollering out "ooohh look at the love birds!"  Howie and I defended ourselves and said that we were just acting our parts for the video. 

"Yeah right D.!" AJ hollered. 

"Oh c'mon Bone, we were acting now weren't we, Jess?" Howie looked at me and winked.  I smiled nervously at him, turned to AJ and said

"Yeah AJ, we were simply acting and anyhow we're just friends!"

"Well not to me you didn't!  It seemed as if you two have longed to be with each other for the longest time!" AJ said. 

"Oh AJ, how can that possibly be? You know that Jess and I are just friends and will never go past our friendship!" Howie lied. 

"Yeah whatever D.!  Whatever you say!  I still don't believe you!  You guys weren't acting, it seemed all too real what you two were doing just now!  You guys are way too hot for each other!" AJ replied. 

"No we're not!" Howie said.  "C'mon Jess, admit it, you love Howie don't you?" AJ asked. 

"I love him only as a friend AJ, and that's about it!" I lied.

  "Oh Jess, quit lying will ya!  Why can't you just admit that you love him!"  AJ said. 

"Yeah Jess!" Brian agreed. 

"Well, Howie's just a friend and I love him as a brother, guys and that's as far as I'll go." I lied.

  "Ok, Jess, that's okay if you don't want to admit it now!" Brian said as he had a sheepish grin on his face and laughed a little to himself.

  "I just can't wait to find out the real scoop between you two later on!" AJ replied with a giggle followed by a silly grin. 

Howie and I just stared at each other and then looked away.  We both felt a bit guilty for having lied to AJ and Brian. 

"Well guys, I guess all of you have to wait and see!" Howie said to both AJ and Brian. 

"I guess so D.!" AJ said.  "Ok D. and Jessie, I'll be waiting!" Brian replied.  Suddenly I said good night to everyone.  "I'll talk to you all tomorrow!" I said followed by a yawn and excused myself with Howie by my side. 

"Boy, am I tired Howie!  We sure did work hard today on that dance routine!" I said. 

"Yeah I'm pretty beat too Jess!  Yeah we did, didn't we?" Howie replied.  "Do you want me to drive you to your house?"  Howie asked. 

"Sure, D. thanks!  I'd really appreciate it! But what happened to the limo Howie?  Wasn't your limo driver supposed to drive us tonight?"  I asked. 

"Yeah, the rest of the guys will be taking the limo with their girls, Jess.  I decided to drive you home since I haven't driven for a long time and sort of miss it.  I want to spend time with you a little bit more, I hope you don't mind sweetie!  I'm going to borrow Mark's rented silver bug tonight and take it out for a spin with you!"  Howie said as he took the keys away from his bodyguard's hands.

  "No, I don't mind at all Howie!" I said with a huge smile on my face.  "Be careful Howie!"  Mark warned Howie.  "Don't worry Mark!  I will!"  Howie replied.

We both headed to the car parked outside Madison Square Garden with Mark at our side.  There were fans everywhere screaming and wanting an autograph from Howie and I.  We quickly signed a few autographs and then entered into the car very quickly.  Howie drove quickly so that no one would follow us and headed directly to the Queensboro Bridge.  As he took the bridge to drive me off to my house, I noticed the Manhattan skyline from afar.  The night seemed so beautiful and breathtaking.  Howie opened the skyroof of the bug and I could feel the cool breeze entering inside.  He then placed his warm right hand on top of my left hand beside me.  He held it and caressed it very gently. 

"Oh Howie, you're so sweet!"  I said.  "So are you!" Howie replied. As I felt his touch, shivers kept running up and down my spine once again. Suddenly, I rested my head on his left shoulder and closed my eyes.  As he put his arm around me, I breathed heavily and sighed.  "Should I tell him now about the dream I had with him?" I wondered.  "Nah, maybe I should wait until Wednesday." I thought to myself.  I suddenly slid my head from his shoulder unto his lap and dozed off quickly.  As soon as Howie reached my house, I felt a soft tap on my arm and his fingers softly caressing my long, flowing dark brown hair.  "Hey sweetie, wake up!  You're home, safe and sound now!" Howie whispered into my right ear. 

"Huh?  I'm home already?  Boy, was that fast!"  I mumbled out as I opened my eyes and got up. 

"Yeah it was, Jessie!" Howie said as he quirked an eyebrow and grinned at me. 

"Thank you so much for the birthday surprises and the ride D.!" I complimented. 

"No problem sweetie, you deserved them!" he cried cheerfully.  "I had a blast at the dance rehearsal tonight with you!" I retorted.

  "Yeah so did I, Jessie!" he replied.  Well, I'll see you tomorrow Howie!" I answered back as I gave him a quick kiss on his left cheek.  "See you tomorrow then, sweetie!" Howie said as he quickly gave me a kiss on my right cheek.  His lips felt so soft and tender as it touched my cheek.  We looked at each other, smiled, blushed a little and looked away.

  "Sleep tight, sweetie and don't let the bed bugs bite!"  he exclaimed.  "I will!  Don't worry they won't D.!" I said smiling followed by a giggle.  "Bye Howie, see you later!" I continued. 

"Bye sweetie! Later!"  he replied.  I suddenly got off the car and made my way towards the front door of my house.  As I entered inside my house, I turned around to see if he was still there and he was.  I waved good-bye and smiled at him from afar.  He waved back and smiled back at me.  He then took off quickly to head back to his hotel.  Once inside, I locked the door, sighed heavily and had a huge smile on my face. 

"Wow Howie, does love me!" I thought to myself.  "Or does he love me only as a friend?"  I questioned.  "I can't wait to tell him how I really feel about him on Wednesday!  I also have to tell him about the dream I had with him!  But wait, I lied to him about it!  I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way!  I have to think of the right way of telling him!"  I kept reminding myself as I quickly headed to my bedroom, changed into my PJs and went directly to sleep afterwards.

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