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Howie's Breakfast Burrito Land

Boring Disclaimer: We are not the Backstreet Boys, nor do we have any type of direct connection to the Backstreet Boys (unless 6 degrees of seperation works for you). Sure, we make fun of them/their girlfriends/wives/their songs/NSYNC/Britney Spears/The stupidhead St. Louis Rams/and some other people but that doesn't automatically mean we hate any of them (except Mandy Willaford, 3/5 of NSYNC, Britney Spears, and the Rams). We are fans of the hotness that is Backstreet, but come on, you have to admit...the Backstreet Boys have their moron moments just like the rest of us. Some members more then others *cough, cough* NICK. So, here's a list of reasons NOT to click on the picture and go into our world.

1) The Backstreet Boys may hate you forever, since ya know, they monitor everything their fans do.
2) You may actually *gasp* laugh at your beloved Boys of the Backstreet.
3) You may develop a strong liking towards Brian (cause, well frankly, it takes a while to think of things about him that we don't like) and a strong disliking for one Ms. Mandy Willaford (Nick's ex girlfriend.)
4) You may realize that the Backstreet Boys are actually really really stupid.
5) You may also realize that Nick has less then half a brain and that he has been clinically diagnosed as a moron. Ok, ok, he's not THAT dumb...just kinda...slow.
6) You may begin to violently scream at your computer screen when you learn that Howie has never seen "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" (Personally, I was disgusted when I heard that. Can you imagine? An American who has not viewed at least 5 seconds of "Millionaire"? Just who does he think he is? Mr. High and Mighty Howie D. Whatever. Just...don't ever talk to me again.)
7) And last, but definitely not least, you may end up having to praise the owners of this awesome site because of how much ass we kick.

Still daring enough to continue? Cool. Go up and click on the picture of them looking oh-so-very-cool.