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Kewal's Dragonball Z Page

Update-10-3-00-I have deleted all the old updates. I put a new fake pic of Super Saiyan Level 5 in the Fake Pics section and now you can send me your Fake Pics and I will put them in here.

Update-10-4-00-I have made a new sction to the site. The FAKE GIFS section. Here you will find Fake Gifs of DBZ people doing something that never happened. For example right now I only have one that I made in thier and that is Gohan Turning Super Saiyan Level 3. If you have any then email me.

Update-10-6-00-I have made the Video Clips section better by putting up a "Windows Media Player Video Clips". Now you can download video clips that work on Window Media Player.

Update-10-10-00-The Video Clips section is down because I can get it to work.

Update-10-12-00-I made a mistake on the last update and the whole Video Clips section is not down only the Windows Media Player Video Clips section is down. And some good news I got a new section in the Pictures section,the Krillin Pics section.

Update-10-23-00-I put 4 more Fake Pics. They are SSJ3 Gohan,SSJ3 Trunks,SSJ3 Vegeta,and SSJ Krillin.

Update-11-15-00-I have made a new page. Click here to go to it. It is more easier to Navigate and still has all the stuff that is one here.

If there is a box with and X on it anywhere on my site just right click and press SHOW PICTURE and the picture will show up.

Edited Pictures
Fake Pictures
Fake Gifs
Fan Art
Screen Shots
Video Clips
Music and Sound Clips
Animated Gifs
Animated Shorts
Power Levels
Super Saiyan Level Information
Fan Fics
Top Sites List that I joined
Join my top sites list

Click here to download a program than tells you a lot of stuff about DBZ. The person's email who made this program is
The E-mail address of the person who made this program is

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Email me at this adress for suggestions or comments or stuff like that or you can send me your fan art or fanfic

I did not make Dragonball Z. AkireToriyama
is the one who made Dragonball,Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT the manga. Bird Studios and Toei Animation are the ones who made Dragonball,Dragonball Z,Dragonball GT the cartoon.Funimation
is the ones who translated Dragonball Z to english. This is strictley a fan site.