The Substitute by Jaide Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue. Part One Day 1 - Monday The teens pushed open the basement door and walked down the cement steps. Topic of the day: Potato Chips. "Lays are much better than Ruffles. Thet taste better," Willow said, leading the way. "How are you supposed to scoop up the garlic dip?" Xander asked. Buffy scrunched up her face. "I prefer ranch." "Sure, side with vampires," Oz joked. "I dunno, I agree with Willow. Lays are in," Cordelia added. The group finished the long descent into the darkness and headed past a few make-shift classrooms to History. "Well, I kind of like ruffles," Oz said. "I'm sticking with the girls," Buffy put in her word. She straightened her white tank top over her simple black jeans. Just then, Scott Hope came by. "Hi Buffy," he greeted, cheerily. Buffy smiled slightly. "Hi, how are you?" "Fine," she could tell he was flirting. She would never go out with him, not while she was with Angel, but he was a nice guy. Besides, no one would tell Angel she was talking with him at school, now would they? "It's great that you're fine," Xander cut in sarcastically, always the jealous one. Cordy hit him slightly in the arm. "Ow!" They reached their room and stepped in, taking their respected seats. Oz, who was a senior and took US Histroy a few doors down, kissed Willow goodbye and slipped away. Willow sat in the front row, Cordy right beside her. Xander was 2 rows behind, between Harmony and Larry. Buffy sat in the back next to Scott and the teacher's desk. Buffy glanced at the board. Usually it read the day's needed materials, but it was blank. *Must have a sub.* Willow sat patiently, waiting for the bell to ring, as Cordy slipped her a note. Aphrodesia told me we have a sub who's a real hottie! Willow smiled and wrote her back. I suppose you won't care, though, considering you haven't checked other guys out other guys since BX. Cordelia read it, looked at Willow, and raised an eyebrow. I can dream, can't I? In the back of the room, someone else was passing notes. Buffy was startled when a white piece of paper landed on her desk. She looked over at the direction it had come from. Scott. You never told me how you were doing. Buffy smiled and wrote back: I'm fine, thanx for asking. She threw the paper back at him. Just then, Principal Snyder walked into the room. All was silent. "Class, you will be having a sub for the next three weeks. Try to be civilized, I know fo some of you, this is a hard task," he glared at Buffy who shrank back in her seat. In the back of the room, Angel saw the principal's gaze rest on his girlfriend and felt anger brush through him. How dare that little rat! He pushed his thoughts down. Principal Snyder finished his little speach. "Welcome Mr. Giles." Willow looked at the back of the room, expecting to see the librarian, but instead found a more disturning sight. "Oh!" she said quietly. Cordelia looked at her curiously, then turned her attention toward the back of the room. "Ohmigod!" she whispered under her breath. Xander had seen both girls go pale, and also turned to look. As soon as he saw Angel, he leaned back so hard in shock, he fell to the floor, bringing his desk with him. Buffy snapped her head up as she heard the crash from the center of the room, and giggles from the surrounding students. There was Xander in all of his foolishness, tangeled underneath wood and metal. Buffy sighed for her friend, and quickly rose to go help him up. Xander was still shocked, but didn't say a word as Buffy helped him out from under his desk. The class was in uproar. After her friend was properly seated, the slayer made her way back to her desk. Angel was holding back his own laughter at Xander, but realized Buffy didn't think it was funny at all. He noticed her glare to everyone else. Willow, Cordy, and Xander were staring at him, pale in the face. All the other girls were staring at him, giddily, but Buffy hadn't even noticed yet. What he did notice, however, was the way the boy seated next to her was looking at her. He watched as he handed her a note. Buffy took the note Scott passed and read it. What's up with your friend? Is he always this clumsy? Buffy was inclined to say yes, but wrote something else. I'm not sure. But, who knows? Xander is Xander & that's all that counts. Scott smiled at her when he read it. Buffy finally turned to face their teacher. She froze as she saw who it was. Angel was looking right at her and smiled faintly. Buffy felt as though she would pass it. Slowly, she turned back around. Angel walked to the front of the class, amused at the expression Buffy had worn. "Students, I am Mr. Giles. Your librarian who is also Mr. Giles is my uncle, and I will be subbing for three weeks. First, I'd like to know your names, so when it's your turn, stand, tell me your name, age, and favorite subject." Willow was first. "Umm, I'm Willow Rosenberg, I'm 17, and my favorite subject is Computer Science." The line continued. "Cordelia Chase, 17, and art." "Sean Woodsgrove, 17 and Spanish." The first row was finished after a few more students. "Harmony Wright, I'm 17, and my favorite class is this one," she flashed him a smile which he pointedly ignored. All the girls, it seemed, were liking this class. "Xander Harris, 17, and lunch." Angel spoke up, "Really, after your stunning little performance, I would think you preferred gymnastics." Xander turned bright red and sat down. "Larry, 18, and football." Soon, it was Scott's turn. "Scott Hope, 17, and gym." Angel payed close attention to this, he was interested in why Scott was passing notes to his girlfriend, especially about what they said. "Buffy Summers, I'm 17, and I like gym, also." Buffy was the youngest in the class, she had a late birthday. "Well, my name's Mr. Giles, I'm 24, and I think I prefer gym as much as Buffy and Scott," he watched stonily as Scott passed Buffy another note. Buffy opened the new sheet of paper. I didn't know you like gym. What's your favorite sport? Buffy replied: I liked that class we took on self defense. I got to throw Larry over my shoulder. He deserved it, he grabbed my ass. Scott nearly laughed out loud at this. Larry's a jerk, but I heard a rumor that he's not straight. Buffy smiled and turned her attention back to Angel, realizing he was staring at her, she smiled sweetly and leaned back as if to say "Yeah, I know I'm bad, what are you gonna do about it?" Angel raised an eyebrow. He knew what he could do. "Today's topic is the Black Plague...." The rest of the day was uneventful, a few notes were passed, a few glares rendered, but Buffy liked having Angel as her teacher. He was more interesting than kind, old Mr. Jenkins. When the bell rang, everyone gathered their bags. "I'd like Miss Summers, Mr. Hope, and Mr. Harris to stay behind, please." The three walked to his desk at the back of the room, shouldering their bags. "Mr. Harris," he started. "Due to your rude accident and even more so facial expressions, I expect you to have a 200 word essay typed up on the word 'manners.'" "What?" Xander yelled. "You can't do that!" Angel glared at him. "It's that, or a 300 word essay during detention." Xander glared again but stalked out. "Mr. Hope, passing notes duringmy class is not something I accept. You are to write a 300 word essay due tomorrow on the word 'disobedient' unless you are willing to give me the note you were passing. If you do, make it 100 words due by friday." Scott handed over the note and left the room without complaining. Angel walked to the door and closed it behind him, then returned to his desk. "Angel! How could you do that?" "They were disobedient, I had to nforce some rules," he said innocently. "And we're on school property, Buffy, so call me Mr. Giles." "Look, Mr. Giles, you are being way too harsh. Not even Snyder is that bad." Angel shrugged. "Think that's bad? I haven't even given you your assignment." Buffy glared. "And what's that?" "You are to be my aide every free period and lunch you have for the remainder of the time I'm here." Normally, Buffy would have been happy, but now she was pissed. "Fine, just remember, this is school property, your a teacher, I'm a student. That's as far as it goes." She stormed out of the classroom, leaving Angel frowning. *Maybe I should rethink this whole thing.* Half an hour later, when the school bells signaled for the end of the day, Angel had added another student to his 'hate list.' He'd read the note. Larry had grabbed his girlfriend in a not so nice place! He suddenly felt glad Scott had been passing notes. 9:07 PM -- Graveyard Buffy was fuming! She couldn't believe the nerve Angel had, making them write dumb essays, getting her friends into trouble. If he came around tonight, she had half a mind to 'accidentaly' stake him. She knew she would never kill him, because she loved him, but if he ever tried that again, she would most definitely harm him. "Hey," Angel called to her, stepping out of the shadows. Buffy whirled around and glared. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the school, giving detention to bad kids?" Angel smiled. "So, you're still upset." "Upset? 'Upset' is putting it mildly. Majorly pissed is a little closer." Angel stepped closer. "Look, I might have gone too far, but we're not in school now. And I promise, no more essays." He draped his arms around the back of her shoulders and nuzzled her neck slightly. "Promise?" she asked. "I guarantee it. Now, about that letter..." Buffy's eyes went wide. She'd totally forgotten what she'd put in about Larry in there. "Ohh, ummm, what letter?" Angel's eyes narrowed. "The one that mentions Larry." "Ohhh, well, that was awhile ago." Buffy stepped out from his grasp and turned to face him. "So, uh, what's tomorrow's lesson plan?" Angel raised an eyebrow. "You really need to work on changing the subject, Buff." She smiled sweetly. "I can practice."