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Pigs As Pets Association


The mission of Pigs As Pets Association, Inc. is to promote the
potbellied and other miniature pigs as a pet.
To assist different organizations, sanctuaries, groups and
individuals in the rescue and placement of abused, neglected,
abandoned or unwanted potbellied or minature pigs.
To educate the general public as to the true nature and charastics of
the potbellied and other miniture pigs.
To promote good health
and welfare for the pet pig, and to help bridge
the gap between the companion pet pig and the veterinarian.


Although Pigs As Pets Association, Inc. is not a club with dues, we do offer affiliate memberships. Individual affiliate memberships are $12.00 per year and organizations are $18.00. All proceeds go to cover the cost of educational materials that we give out free of charge.
For more information on the benefits of this type of membership,
please contact us at Pigs As Pets Association
Or fill out the form located at:

Member Information Form

Our sole purpose is to work together to help rescue operations and sanctuaries around the country. To be a part of this group you need only to love piggies of all sizes, shapes and color and have a desire to help their plight. The group meets at irregular times to work on crafts and different objects to further earn monies to help out those pigs in need. It is a joint effort with no big "I's" or little "u's".

Manytimes when pigs have bonded with their human parents and are then abandoned, they get stressed and go into a depression and die. We have personally known two who have died from stress related depression, as diagnosed by vets . Pokey lived about two weeks and refused all water and food until he died.

Pigs make wonderful pets for the right people, but not all people. So if you are thinking of buying or adopting a potbellied pig, please get all the information you can and realize that it is a commitment for 10 to 15 years. It is like having a two-year old child that never grows up in the house.

Facts on miniature pigs History of miniature pigs Information on mange

History of the miniature pig

Facts on potbellied pigs

Papa's latest award!

P.O. Box 50907
Fort Myers, FL 33905-2335
United States

All information on this page is Copyright © 1999, Pigs As Pets Association,
and may not be used without written permission.