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This is a photo of our City hall.I posted it up because it reminds me of Capeside High.And a photo of my house, it reminds me of the houses in Capeside.

Name:Arelis Ramos

Birth date:June 20,1983

Birth place:Manhatton, New York

Hair: color:Brown

Eye color:Brown

Where I live:Coral Springs,Florida

Nick names:Lois,Joey,and Shorty

Garde:10th, I go to CHS (Coral Springs High)

Actors:Tom Hanks and Robin Williams.

Actresse:Katie Holmes

Movie:"The Sound of Music and E.T."

Tv shows:Dawson's Creek (duh)and Passions.

Hobbies:Watching movies, can't never get sick of that.


Food:Pizza and subs, subs, subs and more subs.

This is the cast of my favorite soap Passions.The girl with red on reminds me of Katie Holmes.