"Music On The Green" Concert Listings
All concerts are conducted at the City Hall Gazebo and are free to the public

Band NameType of MusicEvent Date and Time
MonteraysRock n RollMay 14th
ChristophersVarietyJune 11th - 7PM to 9 PM
The BrewRock n RollJuly 9th - 6 PM to 8 PM
Wild HoneyReggaeAugust 13th - 7 PM to 9 PM
Community United
Methodist Church
Contemporary SelectionsSept 10th - 6 PM to 8 PM
To Be Announced****Oct 8th - Time will be announced later
Nedobeck Jazz GroupJazzNov 12th - To Be Announced
Christmas ConcertHoliday MusicDec 3rd

A special thanks to Bill Thomas our program organizer