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Serial Killers

Well, i think just about anyone who knows me, knows that i have an interest in serial killers and murderers, mass suicides, genocide, and executions.
This does not mean that i agree with or condone such behavior, i merely study it. i am strongly opposed to the death penalty. i believe it is redundant and oxymoron-ish to kill someone for killing another. It seems like a brutal circle of unfairness. Who gives the government the right to kill? The executioners aren't exectued because they take lives... But maybe they should be. They say "all men are created equal" but obviously we are not, since the government is above us "common folk".
i recently learned that in 1990, my current city, Gainesville, FL, was in possesion of a killer named Danny Rollings. In a way it makes it all seem more real. i always find myself wondering what drove him to decide to kill. Was it based on an abusive childhood? Seeking attention? Boredom? Drugs? All of the above? His webpage (yes he has a page) gives many reasons, but are they just an excuse, or are they real?
Society looks at killers as monsters, and yet, they are fellow humans who have gone wrong. Nobody looks at executioners, police officers, or soldiers returning from war as monsters, and yet some of them have butchered more souls than serial killers. So what is the difference? How is one a hero, and the other a menace to society? If a man kills a police officer, he is sent to jail for life or he is brutally murdered, yet if a police officer kills a man, he is given an award for bravery and is a hero. Why does this not add up?
i may have no right to say this. In fact, i could be very wrong, but really what is the difference? How do we know that police officers don't get trigger happy too? They have problems just like the next man or woman. Who is to say that cops don't just make up some bullshit about the human they just murdered? Again, maybe i am wrong, but some (not all)cops can get very power hungry. For example, in 1989 or 90 there was a South Florida State Trooper named Tim Harris who, due to an explosive tempter, raped and killed at least one woman. The governemt tries to hide it. If you look on the internet for Tim Harris, you will come up dry. i did anyway. If you are interested in Tim Harris, check out Anne Rule's Book You Belong to Me i have actually met some cops who were wonderful people, but the majority that i have come across were less than civil.
And why is it that the majority of serial murderers are men, and there are only a few known female killers? Is this because females can control themselves better? Or do they just cover their tracks better? Do females not kill but instead destroy mentally? Are men the ones who generally take out their agressions physically, while the females find other ways? i've seen it happen, women can be much more brutal than men, without even lifting a finger.
i am not trying to justify what these people do. They merely interest me greatly.

Anyway, on to the next angry subject... Things that enrage me