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robert vs. morrissey

i love them both (i love robert more), but they hate eachother... it is a shame, they are both such brilliant musicians and they can't get along. i wonder how the whole thing got started. here are a few things they have said about eachother.


In "Headful of Heroes" (NME, Sept. 16, 1989), Morrissey listed the following: In an entry for "Absolutely Vile": "The Cure, a new dimension to the word 'crap'"... #12 in the list of "Election Promises": "McDonald's bombed and Robert Smith popped (both actions require a similar voltage of explosives)."

and robert

Taken from a Robert Smith Q&A in Rolling Stone (Nov. 1997): Who has more rabid fans, the Cure or Morrissey? "I’d much rather have our fans than his — our fans are generally quiet, well-spoken and friendly and not the nature of the Cure. Despite what the mainstream media would have you believe, we’re a very natural group. The people who have been in the group over the years have been there because they have been friendly pretentious in the slightest. Hopefully, that reflects with each other. There has been no sense of purpose other than making music together. I think if Morrissey’s fans reflect what Morrissey is like as an individual or the way he projects himself as an individual then ... uh ... I’ll stop there."