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Dragon Ball Z!

    Hi and welcome to my Dragon Ball Z info page.  In this section, I will try to explain stuff about Dragon Ball Z.  I will do my best to include everything important to the series, but if I miss something or I have incorrect information please email me!  And remember that this doesn't have bios, and the entire site is under HEAVY construction so please bear with us!  Enjoy!  ^_^

The Freiza Saga

       Dragon Balls - There are seven dragon balls on Earth, and seven on the planet Namek.  When you gather all seven dragon balls and summon the Eternal Dragon, you will be granted one wish.  The Eternal Dragon can grant any wish as long as the wish doesn't exceed the creator of the dragon balls power.  The gaurdion of the earth, Kame-Soen, created the earths dragon balls.  The Eldest Namek, Guoru, created the dragon balls on Namek.  If you were to summon the Namekian dragon balls, you would be granted 3 wishes rather then just one.  After a wish has been made, the dragon balls will scatter and look like ordinary stones for one year.

        Saiyans - A race of merciless fighters.  They are rank among the strongest races, but there planet was destroyed along with the majority of there race.  Only four saiyans survived, the surviving saiyans were Vegeta, the prince of saiyans, Nappa, one of the most elite Saiyan fighters.  Radditz, Goku's brother, and Goku, the main character.  If they are very powerul, and are angered enough, they were transform into a Super Saiyan Jin.  There power level greatly increases when they do this and there hair turns gold and there eyes turn green.  They have a unique knack for fighting, making them formidable opponents.  If you were to manage to defeat a saiyan, once he was healed his power level would dramatically increase and he'd surely come back to even the score.

        Nameks - Green men from outer space.  I am actually wrong when I say men, because Nameks have no gender.  They reproduce with eggs...  but anyways.  They are the creators of he Dragon Balls, and were nealy wiped out when horrible weather visited there planet Namek.  All of the Namekian were wiped out, except for one.  He grew up to be the Eldest Namek and repopulated the world of Namek.  And interesting fact about nameks is that they don't eat, they only drink water, also if they lose a limb in battle, they can regenerate it, how handy!  Piccolo is my favorite character, and also the Namek you see the most in Dragon Ball Z.

        Humans - I don't think I can say anything you don't already know about this peculiar species.  Very very weak.  The strongest human is Krillan, and he gets beaten up just about all the time!  Master Roshi should really throw in the towel for him.

        Planet Vegeta - The home of the saiyans.  Destroyed by Freiza.  Has a gravity of about 10x earths.  And the Saiyans train with weighted clothes!  No wonder there so strong!

        Planet Namek - A large beautiful planet.  The nameks live here and are trying to plant a type of tree that was nearly wiped out during the storms.

        The Next Dimension - In Dragon Ball Z, people don't die, they go to another dimension.  You can be wished back to this physical plain if you weren't killed by natural causes, otherwise you'll be a permanent resident.  King Yemman works at the check-in station, and King Kai lives on a tiny planet at the end of Snake Way.  There is also a HFIL, Home For Infinate Losers.  This is kind of like hell heck.

        Snake Way - A long road shaped like a snake.  It is about 10,000 miles long.  If you fall off then you will be stuck in HFIL.  the edges are Razor Sharp but if you make it to the end, then you'll be rewarded!  Snake Way is in the Next Dimension

        King Kai's Planet - A small planet with an enormous gravity.  Like planet Vegeta, it has a gravity of about 10x earths, so it is great for training.  King Kai, the ultimate martial arts master, lives here along with Gregory the Cricket and Bubbles the monkey.  Goku, Tein, Chioazu, Yamucha, and Piccolo train here with King Kai.  King Kai's Planet is located at the end of Snake Way and in the Next Dimension.

        Kame's Lookout - Where the Gaurdion of the Earth lives.  It's way up in the sky on a little pole.  Goku, Krillan, Tein, Chiaozu, Yamucha and Yadjerobi all train here.

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